
19.I remember believing in Santa when I was a very young girl.However,as I grew older,I learned many (41)Bthat"proved"his nonexistence.Always  (42)Cby nature,I was determined to use  (43)Dto decide whether Santa Claus was(44)A .
The first test  (45)Bwhen I was 5.I decided that if I (46)Call night on Christmas Eve,I could see if Santa really came down the chimney.(47)D,that was a useless (48)A.I fell asleep that year,and when I woke up,I saw a (49)Cwrapped present under the  (50)B.
At the age of 7,I came up with another test to see if Santa was real.That year,I didn't send out my Christmas letter to Santa because I wanted (51)Bfor Christmas,but this turned into a plot.By then,I (52)Cknew Santa wasn't real,but I wanted enough(53)Ato support this.That year was(54)C,because on Christmas Eve,my mother dragged me to our local Wal-Mart and led me around the toy section.I (55)Dto say a word,but did let my eyes  (56)Aon a ballet set.I (57)Dthat"Santa"wouldn't know what I wanted because he shouldn't be able to read my(58)C.However,my mother would know everything that caught my eyes in the store.If I got the ballet set the next morning,I would have my evidence.On Christmas morning,there was the ballet set,sitting under the tree again.(59)AI didn't use it much,my mother ended up returning it a few days later.She(60)DSanta was generous enough to leave a receipt.That was the end to my task to discover the existence of Santa.

46.A.called upB.kept upC.stayed upD.made up
59.A.AsB.IfC.AlthoughD.As soon as

分析 本文是一篇记叙文.主要是介绍了作者小时候很相信圣诞老人的存在,但随着年龄的增长,了解了更多的事实,知道了其实圣诞老人是不存在的.为了验证圣诞老人是不存在的,作者做了一些测试.5岁年圣诞前夕,准备熬夜见证圣诞老人,结果睡着了.7岁那年,明知圣诞老人是不存在的,但还是要找到依据,便拒绝告知自己究竟想要什么礼物,最终妈妈从我的眼神中看出了我的心思.从此我便结束了这种测试.

解答 41-45 BCDAB 46-50 CDACB 51-55 BCACD 56-60 ADCAD
41.B   考查名词辨析.根据语境可知,随着我的长大,我了解到更多的事实,证明圣诞老人是不存在的.故选B.
42. C  考查形容词辨析.根据语境可知,本质上的好奇,使我决定做些测试,来看看圣诞老人是否是真的.故选C.
43. D  考查名词辨析.由下文The first year of tests   45   when Iwas 5一句中有提示,可知tests符合语境,故选D.
44. A  考查形容词辨析.real真实的;wise明智的;merciful可怜的;generous慷慨的.根据语境可知,我决定做些测试,来看看圣诞老人是否是真的.故选A.
45.B   考查动词辨析.根据语境可知,第一年的测试发生在我5岁的时候.故选B.
46.C   考查动词短语辨析.根据语境可知,我决定熬夜,就能看到是否圣诞老人会从烟囱里出来.call up打电话;keep up保持;stay up熬夜;make up构成.故选C.
47.D   考查连词辨析.根据语境可知,然而这是一个无用的尝试.Instead取而代之;Otherwise要不然;Therefore因此;However然而.答案选D.
48. A  考查名词辨析.本题中的attempt与上文中的test相照应,故选A.attempt尝试;suggestion 建议;effect影响;struggle奋斗.
49.C  考查副词辨析.根据语境可知,醒来的时候,我包装精美的礼物.roughly粗糙地;clearly清晰地;beautifully美丽地;tidily整洁地.故选C.
50.B  考查名词辨析.由语境可知,礼物应该是放在了圣诞树下,后文"sitting under the tree again"有提示.故选B.
51.B  考查代词辨析.根据语境可知,那年我没有为圣诞老人写信,因为我什麽都不想要.故选B.
52.C  考查副词辨析.根据语境可知,当时我已经知道圣诞老人不是真的了.答案选C.
53. A  考查名词辨析.根据语境可知,但是我想要足够多的证据来支撑我的看法.evidence证据; intention意图; idea  主意experience经验.故选A.
54. C  考查形容词辨析.根据语境可知,那年的圣诞节很有趣.amazing令人惊奇的; strange奇怪的;interesting有趣的;annoying令人恼火的.故选C.
55.D  考查动词辨析.根据语境可知,我拒绝说话,眼睛却盯着芭蕾舞装,refuse to do拒绝做某事.故选D.
56.A  考查动词短语辨析.focus on聚焦于;try on试穿; put on穿上; call on号召.根据语境可知,眼睛却盯着芭蕾舞装.故选A.
57. D  考查动词辨析.根据语境可知,我料想圣诞老人不会知道我要什么,因为他都不懂我的心思.figure料想.故选D.
58.C  考查动词辨析.Read one's mind读懂某人的心思.根据语境可知,故选C.
59. A  考查连词辨析.根据语境可知,因为我不大用,所以母亲几天后把衣服退回去了.故选A.
60.D  考查动词辨析.根据语境可知,他宣称圣诞老人很慷慨,留下来收据.admit承认;promise许诺;think认为;claim宣布.故选D.

点评 做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

3.Small talk is a popular way of getting to know someone,getting into a school or job,or just passing the time.But do you think you're good at it?And do you even know how to do it?If not,then it's never too late to learn.The art of small talk is the art of talking about unimportant things like the weather.So why should you find it iportant?
It's completely free.It doesn't matter if you fail,and you never know where it will go."It can lead to many results,from a pleasant exchange to the signing of a million dollar business deal",according to Brett Nelson in Forbes Magazine.The good things to small talk don't stop there.It can also make us smarter,as a study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that friendly,social communication could help us solve problems.
You may be wondering how best to break this ice.Weather is probabl the number one thing that people who do not know each other will discuss.Sports news in also a very common topic,especially if a local team or player is doing extremely well or badly.And if you and the other speaker have something in common,that may also he acceptable to talk about.For example,if the bus you are on is full,you might talk about the reasons why.
Complimenting (恭维)someone on their clothing or hair is acceptable; however,you should probably not say anything-good or bad一about a person's body.Basically,any subject that makes the otherperson give a deep-thought answer in not welcome.If you bring up something like death,religion,politics,for serious opinions,you will turn people off.

24.The 2nd paragraph is mainly aboutD.
A.the topics of small talk
B.the development of small talk
C.the art of small talk
D.the advantage f small talk
25.Which is the first choice for strangers to break the ice?A
26.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means people willC.
A.feel interested in your talk
B.quarrel with you for your talk
C.get tired of your talk
D.be grateful for your talk
27.Which part of a magazine might this text belong to?B
A.Science & Technology.
B.Social Communications.
C.Modern Fashion.
D.Travel Around the World.
10.The‘Phone  Stack(堆)'Game
Whenever Michael Carl,the fashion market director at Vanity Fair,goes out to dinner with friends,he plays something,called the"phone stack"game:Everyone places their phones in the middle of the table; whoever looks at their device before the check arrives picks up the bill.As smartphones continue to burrow(钻入) their way into our lives,and wearable devices like Google Glass threaten to eat into our person space even further,overburdened users are carving out their own device-free zones with special tricks and life hacks.
"Disconnecting is a luxury that we all need,"Lesley M.M.Blume,a New York writer keeps her phone away from the dinner table at home."The expectation that we must always be available to employers,colleague,family:It creates a real obstacle in trying to set aside private time.But that private time is more important than ever."Much of the digital detoxing (戒毒)is centered on the home,where urgent e-mails from co-workers,texts from friends,Instagram photos from acquaintances and updates on Facebook get together to disturb domestic quietness.
A popular method is to appoint a kind of cellphone lockbox,like the milk tin that Brandon Holley,the former editor of lucky magazine,uses."If my phones is buzzing or lighting up,it's still a distraction,so it goes in the box.",said Ms.Holley,who lives in a row house in Red Hook,Brooklyn,with her son,Smith,and husband,John."It's not something I want my kid to see."Sleep is a big factor,which is why some people draw the cellphone-free line at the bedroom."I don't want to sleep next to something that is a charged ball of information with photos an e-mails,"said Peter Som,the fashion designer,who keeps his phone plugged in the living room overnight.""It definitely is a head clearer and describes daytime and sleep time clearly."
Households with young children are especially mindful about being overconnected,with parents sensitive to how children may imitate bad habits.But it's not just inside the home where users are separating themselves from the habit.Cellphone overusers are making efforts to disconnect in social settings,whether at the request of the host or in the form of friendly competition.The phone-stack game is a lighthearted way for friends to police against rude behavior when eating out.The game gained popularity after Brian Perez,a dancer in Los Angeles,posted the idea online.

63.What might be the reason for Michael Carl to play the"phone stack"game?C
A.His friends aren't willing to pay for the meal voluntarily.
B.He wants to do some funny things with those phones
C.He has been fed up with digital devices being present everywhere
D.The wearable devices have brought threats to his privacy.
64.Why is it difficulty for people to break away from their digital device at home?B
A.Because they have to do some work at home
B.Because they are expected to be always available to the outside
C.Because people have been addicted to digital devices.
D.Because digital devices can enrich people's family life.
65.What does Peter Som do to ensure his sleeping quality at night?A
A.He  puts his phone in the living room.
B.He ignores any information in the phone
C.He deletes all information in his phone
D.He puts his phones in a lockbox
66.Why does the phone-stack game become popular as soon as it is posted online?D
A.The game helps create a harmonious relationship among friends.
B.The game makes the host get along well with the guest
C.The game can prevent children from imitating their parents'behavior
D.The game meets people's demand for keeping away from phones easily.
4.We arrived at the hospital to find Dad was very weak,but his smile was as sure as ever.It was another attack of pneumonia(肺炎).My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend but had to return to our jobs on Monday.Local relatives would help Dad get home from the hospital and look after him.But I longed to be able to let him know that we cared too,even when we weren't with him.
Then I remember a family tradition when our children were small.When leaving their grandparents'home after a visit,each child would write a note to their grandparents.They hid notes in the cereal(麦片),under a hairbrush,next to the phone or even in the microwave oven.For days,their parents would smile as they discovered these signs of our love.
So as I tidied Dad's kitchen and made up a bed for him downstairs in the living room,I wrote some notes.Some were practical,"Dad,I put the food in the fridge so it wouldn't spoil."Some expressed my love,"Dad I hope you will sleep well in your new bed."Most notes were downstairs where he would stay for several weeks until he recovered strength,but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow,"Dad,if you have found this one,you must be feeling better.We are so glad."
Just like his medicine strengthened him physically,these"emotional vitamins"would improve his spiritual health.Several weeks later,in one of our regular phone calls,I asked Dad how he was doing.He said,"Pretty good.I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!"

24.We can infer from the text that the author's fatherA.
A.had suffered from the same illness before
B.got home from hospital alone
C.asked her to return to work
D.lived with his relatives
25.The children hid notes in their grandparents'home in order toB.
A.follow a family tradition
B.give their grandparents a pleasant surprise
C.show their gifts to their grandparents
D.play tricks on their grandparents
26.Following the family tradition,the authorB.
A.often called her father
B.wrote some notes to her father
C.longed to visit her father
D.worried about her father
27.Having heard what her father said,the author would feelC.
A.surprised       B.lucky       C.pleased     D.sad.
Online Degree Programs Face Barriers to SuccessThe United States Department of Education has noted the growing popularity of online degree programs,known as‘distance education'.It reported that 14 percent of all students at American colleges and universities studied through such programs in 2014.
Leanne is one of those students.Her goal was to earn a master's degree in nursing from George Washington University in Washington,D.C.She signed up for the university's online program in 2014.
Leanne chose to study online for many of the same reasons that other students do.She was working full-time,and did not want to move away from her job and family to continue her education.Leanne liked that she was able to study whenever and however much she wanted.
But while the program met her needs at first,Leanne feels there are things she did not get from studying online.She earned her undergraduate degree from a traditional,face-to-face study program at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.
Leanne says physically being in a classroom helps build a strong connection between students and their professors.She says in some ways she liked taking control and leading her own studies.But many times,she also felt lost without that special connection.
"In the end,there's really no substitute for the exchanges that actually happen in a classroom.So if I were to do it again,I don't know whether I would have made the same decision."
In addition,it may not be just a student's learning that suffers in a distance learning program.There is some concern about what future employers think about an online degree.
Public Agenda is a nonprofit research organization in the United States.In 2013,the group reported on a study of over 600 employment specialists working for American companies.
Fifty-six percent said they were more likely to offer jobs to people with a more traditional college experience,where students and teachers meet face-to-face.Forty-two percent said they thought students in online programs learned less than those in traditional programs.And 39 percent of those questioned said they thought online programs were easier to complete.
It is hard for people to change their ideas about higher education from a professor teaching students in a classroom.Also,some employers may have limited understanding of what is possible through an online program.Many people think studying online just means watching videos of teachers talking.Yet technology is always changing.Computer programs may someday educate and test students in ways human teachers cannot.
However,until there are widely accepted standards for online programs,critical opinions about what online programs can do will likely remain.There is still a long way to go before online and traditional programs operate on the same level.
1.Students may choose online study programs because of the following reasons EXCEPT thatB.
A.they can't stop working to continue their education
B.they don't like to take control of their own studies
C.they can decide time and place for their studies
D.they don't want to be away from their family
2.The underlined word"substitute"in Paragraph 6 probably meansA
3.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.students in online programs can't find jobs after graduation
B.Leanne thought online programs suited her better than traditional ones
C.widely accepted standards will win more supporters for online programs 
D.computer programs have more advantages in educating and testing students  
4.What's the author's attitude towards online programs?D
8.One of the executives gathered at the Aspen Institute for a day-long leadership workshop using the works of Shakespeare was discussing the role of Brutus in the death of Julius Caesar."Brutus was not an honorable man,"he said."He was a traitor(叛徒).And he murdered someone in cold blood."The agreement was that Brutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him.He made a bad decision,they said-at least as it was presented by Shakespeare-to take the lead in murdering Julius Caesar.And though one of the executives acknowledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind,Caesar was nevertheless his superior."You have to endeavor,"the executives said,"our policy is to obey the chain of command."
During the last few years,business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare's wisdom for profitable ends.None more so than husband and wife team Kenneth and Carol Adelman,well-known advisers to the White House,who started up a training company called"Movers and Shakespeares".They are amateur Shakespeare scholars and Shakespeare lovers,and they have combined their passion and their high level contacts into a management training business.They conduct between 30and 40workshops annually,focusing on half a dozen different plays,mostly for corporations,but also for government agencies.
The workshops all take the same form,focusing on a single play as a kind of case study,and using individual scenes as specific lessons.In Julius Caesar,sly provocation(狡诈的挑唆) of Brutus to take up arms against the what was a basis for a discussion of methods of team building and grass roots organism.
Although neither of the Adelmans is academically trained in literature,the programmes,contain plenty of Shakespeare tradition and background.Their workshop on Henry V,for example,includes a helpful explanation of Henry's winning strategy at the Battle of Agincourt.But they do come to the text with a few biases (偏向):their reading of Henry V minimizes his misuse of power.Instead,they emphasize the story of the youth who seizes opportunity and becomes a masterful leader.And at the workshop on Caesar,Mr.Adelmans had little good to say about Brutus,saying"the noblest Roman of them all"couldn't make his mind up about things.
Many of the participants pointed to very specific elements in the play that they felt related Caesar's pride,which led to his murder,and Brutus's mistakes in leading the  after the murder,they said,raise vital questions for anyone serving as a business when and ho w do you resist the boss?

36.According to paragraph 1,what did all the executives think of Brutus?A
37.According to the passage,the Adelmans set up"Movers and Shakespeares"toB.
A.help executives to understand Shakespeare's plays better
B.give advice on leadership by analyzing Shakespeare's plays
C.provide case studies of Shakespeare's plays in literature workshops
D.guide government agencies to follow the characters in Shakespeare's plays.
38.Why do the Adelmans conduct a workshop on Henry V?A
A.To highlight the importance of catching opportunities.
B.To encourage masterful leaders to plan strategies to win.
C.To illustrate the harm of prejudices in management.
D.To warn executives against power misuse.
39.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.the Adelmans'programme proves biased as the roles of characters are maximized.
B.executives feel bored with too many specific elements of Shakespeare's plays.
C.the Adelmans will make more profits if they are professional scholars.
D.Shakespeare has played an important role in the management field.
40.The best title for the passage isD.
A.Shakespeare's plays:Executives reconsider corporate culture
B.Shakespeare's plays:An essential key to business success
C.Shakespeare's plays:a lesson for business motivation
D.Shakespeare's plays:Dramatic training brings dramatic results.
9.In 2006,Sal Khan launched"Khan Academy"to provide YouTube teaching for his 12-year-old cousin who needed help with maths.The online school now provides more than 580 million online lessons in over 36languages.Last fall,Khan created a physical school in California.
The Khan Lab School runs differently from traditional schools.There's no homework or grades,and students-ranging from ages five to 12-share the same classroom."It's only 150 years that we separated children by age in classrooms,"said Khan."The idea is that you can learn a lot from the students who are a little older than you and if you're 12 years old you could exercise a lot of leadership being a teacher assistant for the younger students."
The school also breaks up the students based on their"independence level,"rather than their age."Whatever independence level you're on-whether in math,reading or writing-you're on your own track,"he explained.
Another unique feature of the school is that it runs all day,all-year long.Khan said the problem with the current school schedule is that they do not have enough learning time."The gap between the U.S.and Shanghai test scores can be explained by time in the classroom,"Khan said."You have the summer learning loss,which is not only time that you're not learning when you could be,but also you're forgetting the things that you learned at the end of last year."
Now Khan Lab School enters its second year.Khan said he hopes to use the reach of the Khan Academy,which has more than 30 million users now,to send students and teachers in other schools information on how to create similar learning experiences in their classrooms.

8.Last fall,Sal KhanB.
A.launched an online course
B.set up The Khan Lab School
C.helped his cousin with maths
D.started Khan Academy on the Internet
9.Which is one of the features of the Khan Lab School?C
A.Kids are separated by ages.
B.Kids are trained to be teachers.
C.Younger kids learn from older ones.
D.Older kids learn less than younger ones.
10.What can be inferred from Paragraph Four?C
A.Students in America spend little time at school.
B.American schools run all day,all-year long.
C.Learning time is very important for test scores.
D.Summer is the best time for learning.
11.According to the last paragraph,Khan is going toA.
A.share the school's experience            
B.attract more students
C.create more similar schools              
D.hire more teachers.

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