They day before the speech contest£¨±ÈÈü£© English teacher 1.____________
¡¡¡¡talked to me . She said that she and my schoolmate all 2.____________
¡¡¡¡wished me success , but it didn't matter that I would 3.____________
¡¡¡¡win or not . When I was on the stage the next day , I felt so 4.___________
¡¡¡¡nervous as I shook like a leaf . There were so many people 5.___________
¡¡¡¡present! Suddenly , I caught a sight of my English teacher in 6.___________
¡¡¡¡the crowd . She was smiling but nodding at me. I remembered 7.__________
¡¡¡¡her words and calm down . I did a good job and won the first 8.__________
¡¡¡¡prize . Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library. 9.___________
¡¡¡¡Whenever I see them I will seldom think of my English teacher. 10.__________
1.^. My
3. that ¨Cwhether
5.as ¨Cthat
6. ^at
8.calm ¨Ccalmed
9. is ¨Care
10.seldom --often