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Tom is no longer the boy he used to be. Only a year before, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tiring easily and did not like sports. It was not until he got serious ill that he realized that he should make a change. He started to exercise and begin to eat a healthier diet of more vegetables or less meat. These changes helped her lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy at very good shape, and that he is always so active.

We can learn from Tom that we should careful about what we eat and make sure that we take enough exercises.

¡¾´ð°¸¡¿Tom is no longer the boy he used to be . Only a year before, he was overweight and la little lazy. He got


tiring easily and did not like sports. It was not until he got serious ill that he realized that he should

tired seriously

make a change. He started to exercise and begin to eat a healthier diet of more vegetables or less meat.

began and

These changes helped her lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy at very good shape, and that

him in

he is always so active.

We can learn from Tom that we should^ careful about what we eat and make sure that we take enough exercises. be»òcareful¸Äcare


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Students from Florida International University in Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment. To do it£¬they wore aquatic (Ë®ÉϵÄ)shoes they designed and created.

Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175£­foot lake on campus in record time¡ªjust over a minute. Quinones£¬who wore oversized boat£­like shoes£¬also won last year and will receive $ 500.

Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an ¡°A¡± on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves'Materials and Methods Construction Class.¡°It's traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race. I thought our students were a little bit more special than that£¬¡± Canaves said.¡°We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level.¡±

A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 41 teams. Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake. Others who fell got back up and made it to the end. The race is open to all students and anyone in the community. The youngest person to ever participate was a 9£­year£­old girl who competed in place of her mother£¬while the oldest was a 67£­year£­old female.

A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers. He shouted encouraging words£¬but also laughed as some unsteadily made their way to the end.

¡°A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better£¬¡± he said. It is also a lesson in life for the students.

¡°Anything£¬including walking on water£¬is possible£¬if you do the research£¬test it and go through the design process seriously.

¡¾1¡¿Which statement about Alex Quinones is true ?

A. He finished the race in less than a minute.

B. He won the race with the help of 2 boats.

C. He failed the race last year.

D. He set a new record this year.

¡¾2¡¿For what purpose did the students take part in the race?

A. To go across the lake to school.

B. To test their balance on the water.

C. To pass Professor Canaves' class.

D. To win the prize money of $ 500.

¡¾3¡¿Which of the following is true about the race?

A. The students who fell into the water had to quit.

B. More than 20 teams failed to cross the lake.

C. The students kept silent when the other racers competed.

D. The youngest competitor competed instead of her mother.

¡¾4¡¿According to Canaves£¬this race can help the students .

A. understand designing better

B. achieve almost everything

C. work together and unite as one

D. walk on the surface of water

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿The year of 2014 saw smart people always busy inventing useful things£¬which have helped to

make the world better£¬smarter and a little more fun. Now£¬let's take a look at some of the inventions.

Super banana

Australian biogeneticist£¨ÉúÎïÒÅ´«Ñ§¼Ò£©James Dale

visited Uganda£¬a poor African country£¬in the early 2000s£¬

where he found that 15£¥-30% of children under 5 were at

the risk of going blind because they didn't get enough vitamin

A. Dale also learned that people there love bananas. They

eat 3 to 11 bananas a day. So hecame up with an idea to

plant bananas containing added nutrition in order to improve

Ugandans' health £®With the help of Bill Gates' foundation£¬Dale developed the¡°super banana£¬¡¯¡¤He added a gene to the fruit£¬making it rich in vitamin A.

¡¾1¡¿Which of the following statements would James Dale agree with?

A. Children in Uganda should eat fewer bananas.

B. Vitamin A is largely found in fruits like bananas.

C £®Super bananas are definitely a safe biological product.

D. People's eating habits can be used to develop new food.

¡¾2¡¿What is the biggest advantage of the 94Fifty Basketball?

A. The sensors hidden inside can help players run faster in a game.

B. It can help players to improve their shooting and ball-handling skills.

C. It allows players to connect to their smartphones while playing basketball.

D. The Bluetooth chip inside allows its users to listen to music while playing basketball.

¡¾3¡¿What can we learn about the hovercraft from the text?

A. It enables its users to float off the ground freely.

B. It can work on many different kinds of surfaces.

C. It still needs to improve its power and efficiency.

D. It is an affordable means of transport for a family.

¡¾4¡¿What do the hovercraft and wireless electricity have in common according to the text?

A. They create magnetic fields to produce power.

B. They apply technologies to many things in life.

C. They are technologies which can produce electricity.

D. They use wireless technology to improve their products.

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"Please put your phone down Daddy, we haven't finished the story!" Hearing these heartfelt words from my four year old daughter was an uncomfortable wake up call. How had I let the shiny electronic box in my hand take so much of my attention that it could even interrupt a short bedtime story with my precious children?

It's no exaggeration to suggest that our mobile devices are in danger of taking over our entire lives. Time magazine found that 68% of users take their devices to bed with them, 20% check their phones every ten minutes and one third report feeling anxious when briefly separated from their beloved gadget. According to Osterman research, 79% of respondents take their work-related device on vacation and 33% admit to hiding from family and friends in order to check Facebook and Twitter. It's hard to deny that these are worrying trends.

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Exploring Caves ¡ª Suit up with a helmet and light, and take Cave Crawl£¨ÅÀÐУ©. Bring your own knee pads. Learn about equipment used by cavers and rules for safe cave exploration. Spend the morning viewing stalactites£¨ÖÓÈéʯ£©¡ª rock formations that hang from the ceiling ¡ª and their opposites, stalagmites£¨Ê¯Ëñ£©.

Cave Alive ¡ª Take a look and learn about bats, salamanders, and other interesting creatures that grow up in caves. See crickets, crayfish, and even beetles. Learn why bears like to live in caves.

Fossils£¨»¯Ê¯£©¡ª Learn how remains of ancient plant and animal life became set in rocks, and discover how they provide clues about Earth¡¯s history. Examine fossils in the cave.

Caves ¡ª Learn how changes in underground rock formation cause openings and caverns to develop. Find out how acidic water dissolves£¨Èܽ⣩limestone to create caves.

Manners ¡ª Learn how to preserve and protect beautiful, interesting, and educational caves. Learn why bats should not be disturbed when they are hibernating. Never go caving alone. Take nothing but pictures; leave nothing but footprints.


¡ñA membership card.

¡ñA membership certificate.

¡ñACaves and Cavernsactivity book.

¡ñA newsletter with games, activities, and special offers.


¡ñFree unlimited admission to Echo Cove Cave.

¡ñOne-week Echo Cove Youth Camp enrollment£¨×¢²á£©at half price.

¡ñ Ten tickets for you and your friends to a private ¡°offthebeatentrack¡± tour of the cave.

¡ñ Two free admission tickets to Echo Cove Cave for friends or family members.

¡ñ Admission to ¡°Caves Around the World¡± lectures given by world famous cavers every month.

¡¾1¡¿If you are interested in rock formations, which activities are the best choices?

A. Caves and Fossils. B. Fossils and Manners.

C. Caves and Exploring Caves. D. Exploring Caves and Manners.

¡¾2¡¿If you are members¡¯ friends, what benefits can you receive?

A. Two free lectures every month. B. A membership card and certificate.

C. Favorable price for Youth Camp. D. Two free tickets to Echo Cove Cave.

¡¾3¡¿The purpose of this poster is to invite more people to ________.

A. join the Cave Club B. enjoy the underground world

C. work as volunteers D. protect the educational caves

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
