
Last week,my mother and I went to shoe shop to buy a pair of new shoes for me.When we got here,I noticed a foreign lady talk to a salesgirl.But the salesgirl didn't understand that the foreigner was saying.They looked very worrying.So I decided to help them.I went up to the foreign lady and talked to her by English.I learned that the lady came from Australia and wanted to buy a pair of running shoe.I told this to the salesgirl.The lady was very much glad when she took her shoes.All of them expressed their thanks to me.And I fell happy that I could help others.

分析 文章大意:本文主要讲述了作者帮助一位外国人买鞋的经历.上周,作者和妈妈去一家鞋店买鞋,当时注意到一位外国女士和销售的女孩说话,但是那个女孩不懂外国说什么.作者决定帮助她们.最后那位外国女士买到了鞋,能帮助他人作者感到非常高兴.

解答 Last week,my mother and I went to/\shoe shop to buy a pair of new shoes for me.When we got here,
                                                    a                                                                                       there
I noticed a foreign lady  talk to a salesgirl.But the salesgirl didn't understand that the foreigner was saying.
                                   talking                                                                         what
They looked very worrying.So I decided to help them.I went up to the foreign lady and talked to her by English.
                            worried                                                                                                                 in
I learned that the lady came from Australia and wanted to buy a pair of running shoe.I told this to the salesgirl.
The lady was very much glad when she took her shoes.All of them expressed their thanks to me.And I fell happy that I could help others.
                           去掉                                                Both                                                                 felt
1.shoe shop  前面加a,考查冠词,shop是可数名词单数,文章中第一次出现的时候用不定冠词.
2.here--there.考查副词. 本文主要是陈述过去的事情,所以应该是"当我们到达那里".
3.talk--talking,考查非谓语动词,notice sb doing sth表示注意到某人做某事.
4.that--what,考查名词性从句. 本句中含有宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,所以用what.
5.worrying--worried.考查形容词. 本句中主语是人,所以应该用-ed形式的形容词,-ing形式的形容词修饰物.
6.by--in,考查介词搭配. 用英语说话,应该用介词in.
8.去掉much,考查副词. 非常高兴直接用very修饰,very much通常修饰动词.
10,fell--felt.考查动词过去式. 文中表示"我感到高兴",而fell是fall的过去式,feel的过去式应该是felt.

点评 本篇短文改错考查冠词,动词形式,名词单复数,时态等,平时注重多积累,答题时结合句意和语法进行分析,答完后通读,是否通顺,符合逻辑.

13.When I set out to drop my dad of fat the airport,it was dark and dreary(沉闷的).It started to rain on the way.When I left the airport,the visibility wasn't clear because of the drops of rain.It was before 6am.
Even though the road conditions were poor,I drove at my normal speed.I was angry with the more cautious drivers ahead of me that were delaying my drive.The exit ramp(坡道)to the highway was a tight spiral(急盘旋).It is a dangerous spot in good weather and totally scary when the weather is miserable or it is dark.But I didn't want to slow down and arrive home any later than necessary.I drove down the ramp too fast.The road was wet and my car slid,landing face down on the passenger side.
I didn't like to drive by myself at the time and had debated taking my husband and son with me on the trip.Thankfully,I was alone in the car.My accident was slight.In fact,I was lucky enough not to have a single scratch.I shuddered to think the injuries my son would have suffered had he been in the backseat of that car with no seatbelt when it rolled.After the ear rolled three times,I found my mobile phone was lost in a pile of small things that were all lying in the bottom of the car.A lady was kind enough to let me borrow her mobile phone,but with-out the numbers preprogrammed who could I call?I was lucky enough to remember my father's mobile phone number,and fortunate that he hadn't yet got on his plane.
You never know when an accident will happen.As a driver,I will keep safety in mind by obeying all traffic laws and have safe-driving habits,especially in bad weather.Insist your children always wear their seatbehs.Life is a journey and everyone should value it and enjoy the ride.

24.Why was the author angry with those drivers?A
A.She thought they drove too slowly.
B.They made much noise on the ramp.
C.They didn't pay attention to the safety.
D.They tried to stop her car on the ramp.
25.What does the underlined word"shuddered"in Paragraph 3probably mean?C
A.Ensured the safety.    
B.Remembered clearly.
C.Trembled because of fear.
D.Took control of the bad situation.
26.What is the main reason that resulted in the accident?B
A.The visibility was not clear.    
B.The author drove rather fast.
C.It started to rain heavily then.
D.It was an unsafe spot for driving.
27.We can learn from this passage that the authorB.
A.had just a single scratch
B.called her father for help
C.felt sorry because her son was injured
D.found her mobile phone with the help of a lady.
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Each of us has different triggers(触发物)for self-motivation.Within these 50ideas to motivate yourself,you will learn to set goals,welcome problems as opportunities,and focus on what is important in your life.
Mac has authored or co-authored 10books that have sold more than 2million copies.But he says,"This one is very special.For 5years,Charging the Human Battery has been one of the topics for my keynote speeches.People,I've found,are like sticks of dynamite (棒状炸药); the power is inside,but nothing happens until the fuse (导火线) gets lit.Therefore,it is my hope that as you read this little book,there will be many‘a-ha moments'to light your fuse,and keep it lit,through good times and bad."
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Encouragement for Life is a collection of powerful,warm,comforting,humorous and always uplifting thoughts from the pen of NY Times best selling author,Charles Swindoll-one of the most beloved priest and productive storytellers of our day.In a world buffeted(打击)by storms,conflict,and heartache,Encouragement for Life reminds us of our true source of comfort and hope.It is a great gift to someone who needs hope and encouragement.It is a great gift to give you as a spiritual pick-me-up to start each day!

50.According to the passage,the books mentioned in the passage are worth reading because they areC.
A.newly published.
B.from famous authors.
C.full of inspiration.
D.very attractive.
51.Which statement about the second book in the passage is true?C
A.It delivers a fresh message of God's care.
B.It is a great gift to one who lacks courage.
C.It can help arouse your inside power.
D.It can help you to charge the battery.
52.If 20college students buy the book Encouragement for Life,how much money should they
pay in total?D
53.The book Courage Does Not Always Roar is different from the other books in thatA.
A.it is especially intended for women.
B.it offers free DVD.
C.it helps you to build up self-confidence.
D.it can help you get timely inspiration.
17.Summer Rain
 The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones.We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long,hot days.All of winter,with its cloudy days and bitter cold,we dream of those endless days at the beach,lying on the sand and enjoying the bright and burning sun.And then,summer comes,and it rains.
 As a child,I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying.It wasn't fair.We suffered through months of school and experienced bad weather for those short ten weeks of freedom and pleasant weather.
 On those rainy summer days,I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside,staring out at the rain like a bird in a cage.I was an only child,so there was no one else to play with.My father worked from home,so I was not truly alone,but he could not actively play with me since he was at work.It was those days that I would watch whatever was on television or read any books that I could find lying around.I'd drag through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day.
 As an adult,though,my opinion of summer rain has changed.When you have to work every day,summer is not as exciting.Everything seems dull.Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different.I spend the winter dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter.When summer comes,I hate how hot it is.And then I look forward to the rain,because the rain brings with it a cold front,which makes me comfortable.Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer,but summer rain today means positively beautiful-and considerably cooler-weather tomorrow.
56.When the author was a child,heA.
A.hated rainy days        
B.liked staying indoors
C.preferred cooler weather    
D.dreamed on summer days
57.We can learn from the passage that the authorA.
A.had no brothers or sisters    
B. was often left alone at home
C.could enjoy the brilliant sun in winter  
D.preferred reading to playing outside
58.As an adult,the author views summer rain differently becauseB.
A.he knows it won't last long
B.rain makes the weather cooler
C.his summer holiday is very short
D.he can better deal with his downtime.
19.Your kids learn a lot from their friends-things you can't teach them,no matter how much you want to.
Probably the most important thing kids learn is how to have peer relationships.As a parent,you can't do this,because you and your child aren't equals.
For example,when you're sitting on your family room floor and your very young child asks you to pass him the blocks,you probably hand them right over.If your child is sitting with a peer and asks the same thing,though,he might not get what he wants.
To succeed,your child will need to learn strategies for getting what he wants.For example,he might simply yank (猛拉) the toy out of his friend's hand.If he does that,he may learn that it's not the best way of getting what he wants because it leads to fighting and time-outs.The successful child will learn that he needs to negotiate a trade,to wait patiently,or to find something else equally fun to play with.
Friends also provide emotional support,something that is part of the foundation of healthy adulthood.You can't be with your child on the elementary school playground or at the high school dance.Your child's friends will be the ones to stick up for her,to include her in games,and later,to tell her she looks great even if her lousy prom (糟糕的舞会) date wanders off instead of dancing with her.
Friends also help your children learn.Friends solve problems together,imitate each other,and pass on knowledge.
Some experts believe that the single biggest predictor of your child's success later in life is her ability to make friends.In fact,they claim it's even more important than IQ and grades.
This doesn't mean that the kids who are most popular in school do the best later on in life.What matters is not the number of friends a child has but rather the quality of the relationships.
This is good news for those of us who hate to think that popularity really is the Holy Grail of childhood and adolescence.While it's true that popularity has many advantages,and that many popular kids really are nice people-and not just the best dressed or best looking-it's better to have a few good friends than to have the admiration of the masses.

5.By giving the example in Paragraph 3,the author wants to show thatA.
A.kids can learn how to deal with the relationships when they stay with their peers
B.parents should spend more spare time playing with their kids
C.kids should learn how to be polite when they ask their parents for help
D.parents can teach their kids how to be good members in the modern society in their daily life
6.What does the underlined phrase"stick up for"in the fifth paragraph mean?C
7.In the author's opinion,B is more important than being popular for kids.
A.getting high grades
B.having some real friends
C.developing a good habit
D.knowing how to dress themselves up
8.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?C
A.How to Bridge the Generation Gap
B.What It Takes to Be a Good Friend
C.Why Friends Are Important
D.How to Be Popular in School.

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