
8.I can't remember a winter being as cold as this in Pennsylvania,but I'm sure there were colder days.
    Even though the daylight hours are growing longer minute by minute,it's easy to find an excuse not to go out unless you absolutely must,but then again I often have to push myself to accomplish things.
    People I speak to have been in all kinds of nasty moods.They say they're"under the weather,"not feeling good about this time of year.
    As I stood outside with my two dogs yesterday,it was so cold that my nose and face felt frozen and my ears were stinging.
    Of course,that doesn't matter to Ricky and Lucy.They have a routine they must go through to find just the fighting spot no matter how cold or hot it is.
    So I wait.
    But this time it was different.As cold as it was,I suddenly was excited thinking about how wonderful this extreme cold really was.
    Then the sun broke through the clouds and memories of summer's extremely hot days flashed through my mind.I could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon,with sweat pouring down my brow and the hot,burning sun against my face.I reminded myself then and there that in the cold of the winter I would wish I had this heat.
    I was grateful for the extremes.Without the extremes in my life,I would never appreciate the days when things were just right.Without the extremes,life would be boring.
    It's being pushed to one of the extremes that makes us appreciate the middle more.Health challenges remind us that we need to pay more attention to how we live.Financial extremes remind us that when things go smoothly it's also time to save for raining days.
    I've come to the conclusion that all too often I find a reason not to be happy with where I am at that moment.
    Whether it's hot or cold,good health or bad,in the money or out of it,I always
want it to be different.
    I'm tired of being"Under the Weather!"

31.What is the author's attitude towards the extremes in life?A
    A.Grateful.   B.Critical.
    C.Negative.   D.Unconcerned.
32.That day the writer waited in the terrible cold becauseC.
    A.his dogs wanted to hunt
    B.he wanted to face the cold bravely
    C.his dogs had a routine
    D.he wanted to be different
33.The underlined word"nasty"(Paragraph 4)can be replaced byA.
    A.unpleasant                           B.violent         
    C.favorable                            D.unusual
34.At last the author drew a conclusion thatB.
    A.happiness cannot be gained by complaints
    B.things will be different whatever the situation is
    C.happiness will fail to come to you if you can find a reason
    D.he is disappointed with his present situation
35.What is the best title for this passage?C
    A.Follow the Routine                   B.Two Extremes in Life
    C.Changes should be Expected           D.Weather Information.

分析 文章主要讲述了改变能够使生活更加多彩

解答 31-35 ACABC
31   A   细节题.由倒数第四段"I was grateful for the extremes.Without the extremes in my life,I would never appreciate the days when things were just right.Without the extremes,life would be boring."可知作者对生活的极端的变化是持感恩态度的,故正确答案为A.
32  C   细节题.由第五段"Of course,that doesn't matter to Ricky and Lucy.They have a routine they must go through to find just the fighting spot no matter how cold or hot it is."可知那天作者在寒冷天气等待的原因是他的狗也有自己日常的生活方式,故正确答案为C.
33  A  由第三段第二句"They say they're'under the weather,'not feeling good about this time of year."可知第一句中的"nasty moods"指的是"not feeling good",由此可推断"nasty"的意思是不愉快,故正确答案为A.
34 B   细节题.由最后两段"I've come to the conclusion that all too often I find a reason not to be happy with where I am at that moment.Whether it's hot or cold,good health or bad,in the money or out of it,I always want it to be different."可知作者得出的结论是无论情况怎样,人都可以让事情变得不同,故正确答案为B.
35  C   主旨大意题.根据文章大意可知,文章主要讲述了改变能够使生活更加多彩.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

19.A group of kids at McIntyre Elementary School,in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,have created a special bench to make sure their fellow classmates aren't left out on the playground.Called the"Buddy Bench",students can use the seat as a safe and supportive place to let others know they'd like to be included in playtime,but may be too shy to ask.
The concept of the Buddy Bench is simple:Students who want to partake in playground games and activities,but may feel hesitant,can take a seat,which signifies(表明) to other children on the playground that they may need something extra to encourage them to participate.
The idea for the bench came about last year,when Farrell,school counselor at McIntyre Elementary,was conducting a leadership group to help students overcome shyness and gain confidence.Four fourth-grade students came up with the idea for the Buddy Bench in this workshop,and worked with Farrell to draft a letter to present to the Parent Teacher Staff Organization to make the bench a reality.The PTSO approved the students'proposal,and installed(安装) a bright metal bench with a cheerful sign that reads"Buddy Bench"on the school's playground.
Since it was installed on Nov.16,the bench has been effective.The simple concept has resonated with(引起共鸣) the students,and already has created a better environment within the school community.
"Each day,I go to see the buddy bench working,"Farrell said."The lessons they are learning now will benefit them their entire lives.It is simply a beautiful example of kids wanting to be kind and continue to be kind every day."
32.Who is Buddy Bench created for?C
A.Students who love games and activities.
B.Students who want and continue to be kind.
C.Students who are left out on the playground.
D.Students who are in Farrell's leadership group.
33.Who thought of the idea for the Buddy Bench?B
B.Four students.
D.Some parents.
34.What does the word"they"in the last paragraph refer to?C
B.Buddy Bench users.
C.The workshop members.
D.Farrell and teachers.
35.Which of the following statements can show"the bench has been effective"?D
A.More and more creative ideas have come up.
B.The workshop kids have set a good example.
C.The PTSO has decided to provide more buddy benches.
D.Some shy students have found friends on the playground.
There are few places in the world with people as friendly and scenery as beautiful as the Philippines.Of the 7,107islands that make up the archipelago nation(群岛国家),Boracay is one that has some of the best beaches the country-or even Asia-has to offer.
Boracay is a great choice for a beach holiday,especially if you're trying to escape the cold claws of winter.A lot is packed on the island,which is not much bigger than 10square kilometers.It has many charms and attractions for the most active traveler,as well as the biggest beach bum(冲浪爱好者).
It also caters to a variety of budgets.With everything from low-key guesthouses to five-star resorts,local fare to gourmet meals(餐要大餐),travelers will be able to spend as-much or as little as they want.And like many destinations in Asia,bargaining will help you get better prices on accommodation,leisure activities,shopping and dining.
The majority of accommodations can be found along the western side of the island,along White Sand Beach and Bulabog Beach.The southern part of the beach,called Station Three,caters more to backpacker crowds,and prices tend to increase the farther you go up the beach.Station Two,5to 10 minutes on foot from Station Three,is the center of the island's pulsing nightlife.Another 10 minutes up from Station Two is Station One,where you'll find the resort hotels and a more relaxed,comforting atmosphere.
The island's lookout point is arguably the best place for panoramic(全景的)views of Boracay and its neighboring islands.Just a few moments of breathtaking scenery and fresh sea air will rejuvenate(使精神焕发)you and make you feel you never want to leave.
There are organized trips to nearby islands,one of the most popular being Ariel's Point.The Boracay Beach Club resort,which owns the island,plans outings to Ariel's for a minimum of 14 people each trip.Visitors can have a day of cliff-jumping,snorkeling and barbecues.
An alternative-and a sure way to see and do what you want-is to hire a boat.Ride around
Boracay,stop at a restaurant frequented by locals,visit the neighboring islands,find a good snorkeling spot or fthd a beach where you can appreciate Boracay's unspoiled beauty.Countless boat operators offer their services along the shore.Rental is typically 500pesos($12)an hour.
Another must-do is a sailboat ride at sunset.White Sand and Bulabog Beaches are lined with sailboats,and there's nothing quite like watching the sun descend against the backdrop of a blue sea and sky.There's very little that will top this bonding moment with nature.
To round up the day,head out for a tasty meal.Because of Boracay's countless international visitors,almost every major food type is available.There's New York-style pizzas,burgers galore,Mexican treats,Thai favorites,as well as Japanese udon noodles.
There's plenty more to love and appreciate about Boracay.With its small,cozy atmosphere and welcoming people,it's one destination not to pass up for that romantic getaway,family trip or holiday with friends.

56.If you want to find inexpensive accommodation,you should go_along White Sand Beach and Bulabog Beach.B
A.northward  B.southward  C.eastward D.westward
57.What does the underlined word"top"in Paragraph 8mean?A
A.Be better than.B.Be suitable for.C.Be away from.D.Be equal to.
58.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?B
A.Hotel expenses.B.Public transport.
C.Outdoor recreations.D.International food.
13.Breakfast has been called the most important meal of the day.While every meal counts,the facts are on the table:Eating in the morning (61)has(have) positive effects on health and on kids'ability (62)to learn(  learn  ).
What's the nutritious breakfast?A meal consisting of foods from at least two of the five food groups is the(63)healthiest( healthy ),but the truth is (64)that a bite of nearly any food in the morning is better than none,especially when it comes to kids.
It's a good idea to get your child (65)into the  habit of eating breakfast before he begins kindergarten.That's because teenagers (66)who/that eat  breakfast tend to behave better in school.Hunger makes it harder to keep your mind (67)focused( focus ) on learning,no matter what your age.In fact,studies show breakfast skippers are often more bad-tempered and have (68)shorter( short) attention.
When you forget eating in the morning,blood glucose (血糖) drops.Glucose is the fuel your cells need to function,so brain cells become particularly lazy when glucose concentrations(浓度) are insufficient.Without  adequate  (69)energy( energetic ),young minds get gray,blocking concentration and memory.Without the morning meal,kids are hard-pressed to meet daily nutrient needs,too.
You are probably pressed for time in the morning,and (70)so are  your children.

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