
Mrs. Packletide intended to shoot a tiger. Not that the desire to kill had suddenly come to her, or that she felt she would leave India safer with one wild beast less. It was because Loona Bimberton had recently taken a plane to the forest and killed a tiger, and the newspapers showed photographs of Loona Bimberton with a tiger-skin on. In a world supposed to be moved by hunger and by love, Mrs. Packletide’s movements were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton.

Circumstances proved favorable. Mrs. Packletide had offered a thousand rupees (印度卢比) for the opportunity of shooting a tiger without risk or effort, and it happened that an old tiger was frequently coming to a neighboring village at night. He was so old that he couldn’t kill animals in the wild and just satisfied his appetite to the smaller household animals. The villagers were eager to earn the thousand rupees; children were posted night and day in the jungle to watch the tiger, and the cheap goats were left about to keep him from going elsewhere. The one great fear was that he should die of old age before the day of Mrs. Packletide’s shoot.

The great night arrived. A platform had been built in a tree, on which sat Mrs. Packletide and her paid companion, Miss Mebbin. A goat with a loud bleat (咩咩叫) was tied down at the correct distance. With an accurate gun, they waited for the coming of the tiger.

“I suppose we are in some danger?” said Miss Mebbin.

She was not actually nervous about the wild beast, but she was unwilling to perform a bit more service than she had been paid for.

“It’s a very old tiger. It couldn’t spring up here even if it wanted to.” said Mrs. Packletide.

Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of the old tiger. He saw the goat, and lay on the earth for a short rest before attacking.

The gun fired very loudly, and the great yellow beast jumped to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death. In a moment a crowd of excited villagers appeared on the scene, and their shouting carried the glad news to the village.

It was Miss Mebbin who found that the goat was dying from a bullet-wound, while no wound could be found on the tiger. Evidently the wrong animal had been hit, and the tiger had died of heart-failure, caused by the sudden loud noise of the gun. Mrs. Packletide was annoyed at the discovery; but anyway, she owned a dead tiger, and the villagers, anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly accepted the fiction that she had shot the tiger. And Miss Mebbin was a paid companion. Therefore Mrs. Packletide faced the cameras with a light heart, and her pictures appeared on the newspapers of England and America. As for Loona Bimberton, she refused to look at a newspaper for weeks, and was in a depressed emotion for quite some time.

Mrs. Packletide’s tiger-skin was inspected and admired by the neighbors, and Mrs. Packletide went to the Costume Ball in the character of Diana (狩猎女神).

“How amused everyone would be if they knew what really happened,” said Miss Mebbin a few days after the ball.

“What do you mean?” asked Mrs. Packletide quickly.

“How you shot the goat and frightened the tiger to death,” said Miss Mebbin, with her unpleasant laugh.

“No one would believe it,” said Mrs. Packletide, her face changing color1 rapidly.

“Loona Bimberton would,” said Miss Mebbin.

Mrs. Packletide’s face settled on greenish white. “You surely wouldn’t give me away?” she asked.

“I’ve seen a weekend cottage near Dorking,” said Miss Mebbin, “six hundred and eighty. Quite a bargain, only I don’t happen to have the money.”

Miss Mebbin possessed the pretty weekend cottage. Mrs. Packletide lost interest in animal-hunting.

“The extra expenses are so heavy,” she said to inquiring friends.

1.Mrs. Packletide planned to shoot a tiger because she ________.

A. would leave India safer B. hated the wild animal

C. admired her good friend D. disliked a certain person

2.The Indian villagers were afraid that the tiger might ________.

A. eat their goats B. kill their kids

C. die of old age D. attack them at night

3.What did Mrs. Packletide want the villagers to arrange for her?

A. A platform in a tree B. A paid companion.

C. An accurate gun. D. A safe shooting.

4.What was the result of Mrs. Packletide’s shooting?

A. The old tiger was shot to death.

B. Neither the tiger nor the goat was shot.

C. The old tiger missed being shot.

D. Both the goat and the tiger were shot.




Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before human being came into existence. Unfortunately, they died out because of an 1.__________(expect) incident. But wildlife today disappears or is in danger just 2._________humans do harm to it. For example, tigers are hunted for fur to make carpets, so that they only live in secure reserves; grassland 3. _________(destroy) without mercy, so that dust storms come into being affecting distant cities.

Last year, scientists saw some monkeys rubbing themselves with a certain kind of insects 4._________ (prevent) themselves from being bitten by fierce mosquitoes. According to the result of the inspection, they found that the insect contains 5.__________ powerful drug. As a result, local farmers were employed to catch the insects, 6.__________led to their disappearance from the whole zone. When told that it was a loss to humans, the farmers burst into laughter and responded, “Our real loss is our 7._________ (decrease) income.”

Therefore, we human beings should appreciate the natural balance and pay 8._________ (much) attention to the importance of wildlife9._________ (protect) than before. Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live10. ___________(peace), can we smile in relief.


Those who believe that they will never do well in a particular area probably never will. Those who believe they are not good at ________ will forever feel unprepared. But those who believe that it is ________ to succeed at what they attempt can surprise themselves.

Adam was ready to ________ . His wife Anna, however, was less ________ . As she explained to a friend,” Adam has________ done anything that required physical strength. When he retires, he will sit in his easy chair and ________ me to bring him his food.”

But to Anna’s ________, soon after her husband retired, he ________ a health club. Arriving home from exercise class one night, he announced, ”I ________ for the wrestling tournament. I am going to ________ Friday night.” Anna was shocked. “Please don’t do it., Adam. You’re not in ________ . You will be so beat up that they will have to carry you home!” ________, he couldn’t be persuaded and she told him that if he wanted really to do it, she was not going to watch.

________ to her word, she stayed away as Adam wrestled. And just as she________, two men carried Adam home. He ________ down on the bed, every muscle pained and wounded. ________she could speak, he cried out,” Don’t say a(n) ________ , Anna! This is not the worst of it. I________ tonight. I have to wrestle again tomorrow night!”

Nothing ________ in your life until you believe you can do things that are important to you. And if you have a low ________ of yourself, nobody else is likely to raise it.

1.A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

2.A. possible B. vital C. impossible D. important

3.A. travel B. retire C. resign D. leave

4.A. confident B. negative C. enthusiastic D. elegant

5.A. always B. often C. again D. never

6.A. expect B. warn C. invite D. urge

7.A. sorrow B. surprise C. delight D. relief

8.A. owned B. founded C. supported D. joined

9.A. signed up B. made up C. took up D. came up

10.A. prepare B. exercise C. wrestle D. consult

11.A. place B. shape C. trouble D. practice

12.A. Anyhow B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However

13.A. True B. Exact C. Opposite D. Relevant

14.A. advised B. promised C. predicted D. designed

15.A. settled B. lay C. sat D. laid

16.A. When B. After C. Before D. Until

17.A. plan B. idea C. goal D. word

18.A. lost B. won C. gained D. performed

19.A. changes B. happens C. recovers D. reacts

20.A. talent B. doubt C. opinion D. suggestion

Glasgow Fireworks

25th July 2012

Location: Glasgow Green

Tickets: This event is free, and no ticket is required

Events:Celebrate Bonfire Night (篝火夜), with Glasgow’s famous and splendid musical fireworks show. The night is not just about fireworks though; there will be pre-show music and fun with Clyde 1’s Romeo and Knoxy, amusements and food and drink booths. Enough to make sure that everyone is entertained!

The timetable:

5:30 pm amusements (ends 9:30pm)

6:30 pm Pre-show music and fun with Clyde 1’s Romeo and Knoxy

7:30 pm Fireworks show begins


◆ Entry is free, and it is usually very busy. Make sure you get there early for a good view (unless you’re 7 feet tall).

◆ You should enter Glasgow Green from the west end of the park. There is no other public entry.

◆ If you’re driving, please be concerned about road closing time. All roads to Glasgow Green will be closed to vehicles (车辆) between 5:30 pm and 9:00 pm.

◆ Join our mailing list to stay up to date with all the latest information on www. Glasgow Green. com. Should it be put off or called off, we will keep you informed as soon as possible!

For Your Safety

◆ Do not bring fireworks, sparklers, alcohol or pets to the Glasgow Green Fireworks.

◆ Follow the directions of staff and police.

◆ Dress properly – We live in Glasgow and there is always a good chance we will get rubbish weather!

1.Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the text?

A. Pre-show music. B. Fireworks show.

C. Amusements. D. Movies.

2.If you go to the show by car, you have to get there _______.

A. before 5:30 pm B. after 9:30 pm

C. around 6:30 pm D. between 5:30 pm and 9:00 pm

3.How does the organizer keep you informed of the latest information?

A. By radio. B. By E-mail. C. By phone. D. By post.

When we’re in need, we always turn to our parents for help. But would you like them to hear the conversations you have with your friends on the school playground or lunch queue? Social networking sites have become extensions (延伸) of the school hallways, so would you add your parents as “friends” and allow them to view your online activities and conversations with friends?

In the past the generation gap included a technology gap, where children were up to date with latest technology and parents were left behind, content to continue their day to day lives as they always had because they had no need to know more about technology. However, more and more parents are beginning to realize just how important social networks are in their lives. This realization has given many parents the motivation to educate themselves about social networking sites.

These days many people are attracted to social networking sites because they can choose who they have around them; there’s also a certain amount of control over privacy that we don’t get in real life. Sometimes we feel that privacy is violated (侵犯)when we must accept a “friend” request from a parent or family member.

It’s a difficult choice whether or not to allow a parent to become a part of our online lives. On the one hand we don’t want to “reject” their request because that might hurt their feelings or make them feel you have something to hide. On the other hand if you do accept, then you could have a sense of being watched and no longer feel free to comment or communicate the way you did before.

A recent survey suggested that parents shouldn’t take it personally if their child ignores their request: “When a teen ignores a parent’s friend request, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are hiding something, but it could mean that this is one part of their life where they want to be independent.”

Perhaps talking with parents and giving explanations would help soften the blow if you do choose not to add them to your friends list.

1.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. privacy online

B. parents’ friend requests

C. the generation gap

D. social networks

2.From Paragraph 2, we learn that ______.

A. parents have realized the importance of social networks

B. parents feel secure about their privacy online

C. social networks successfully fill the generation gap

D. social networks offer a platform for parents to communicate

3.Teenagers may refuse a parent’s friend request because ______.

A. their parents make negative comments on them

B. they hide something from their parents

C. they are unwilling to be watched by parents

D. their parents tend to fall behind in technology

4.The passage is written mainly for ______.

A. parents B. teachers

C. researchers D. teenagers


We looked through the Styles archive(档案文件) of 2015, sorting through the many tips and tricks throughout our stories. Our subjects are about what you wear, what you consume and how you love. 1.

1. Wear comfortable underwear.

“I only wear granny panties(内裤),” said Julia Baylis, 22. Mayan Toledano, 27, added: “What’s sexy for us is being natural and comfortable.” 2.

2. Stare into the eyes of someone you love (or want to love) for exactly four minutes.

Not two. Not three. Four. “ 3. ” said Mandy Len Catron, the author of a Modern Love column on the exercise. “Four really takes effect.”

3. Be nice to babies.

Even if they're screaming on a plane. Nyfesha Miller became a social media star after taking care of her seatmate's crying infant on a flight earlier this year.

4. 4.

It may be true that you can't really cure depression, so you can only get better at living with it. But raising a kitten(小猫)seemed to help one depressed man.

5. Make sure you are the boss of your electronic devices.

Rather than the other way around. 5. That’s the most important for us to keep the laws.

6. Enjoy the phrase 'I'm too old for this.'

“There is also something profoundly liberating about aging: an attitude, one that comes hard won,” wrote Dominique Browning. “Only when you hit 60 can you begin to say: ‘I’m too old for this.’ This line is about to become my personal motto.”

A. Here are some tips for improving your existence in the coming year.

B. It’s only allowed to wear granny panties for the young.

C. Help a depressed man.

D. In other words, it’s our first choice to feel natural and at ease.

E. Get a pet.

F. Try making a few rules for when you do (and don't) use your phone.

G. Two minutes is just enough to be terrified.

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