
2.-More people in Beijing are now using public transport rather than t heir own cars after the Olympic Games.
-         .The roads are too crowded as it is.(  )

分析 --奥运会之后,更多的北京人利用公共交通而不是他们的私家车出行.

解答 答案:A.
根据The roads are too crowded as it is(实际上道路太拥挤了)可以看出后者同意前者的看法,所以选择A Exactly"确实如此",而其他选项的含义都与句义不符.B"最终",C"实话说",D"特别".

点评 考查副词辨析.要做好这种题型,需要了解各个选项的含义,但更重要的是理解句子的意思.只有符合句子意思的选项才是正确的.

12.Picture a library without books?
Unlike many people today,I don't own a Kindle or any type of e-reader.I prefer the
old-fashioned book.There is something about holding a book and being able to turn the
pages that I find comforting.Today books may become obsolete.That's something I find
I remember one episode (一段情节) from a TV science-fiction series Twilight Zone,
which is about a librarian who has become obsolete.Though this episode aired in 1961,the
writer of the series,Rod Serling,was exactly on point when it came to predicting the future.
In fact,in San Antonio,Texas,the first-ever bookless library in the country opened.
The library is full of iMacs,tablets and iPads which cost a huge $2.3 million.The library offers around 10,000 e-books.So the question is:Is this what the future will soon be?
Digital libraries may help the environment by not using paper.However,I feel like
something will always be lacking with a digital book.A digital library is just the beginning.
With new technology,people seem to be more absorbed in their own world.Though
social media is great,it also is addicting and has negative effects.Often when I go on
Facebook it just makes me feel worse about myself.I'll see many of my 800 Facebook
friends showing off their newest accomplishment or acceptance to college.Additionally,
our society is becoming increasingly lazy.For instance,instead of doing mental math,
people use their phone to solve 89+74.It is simple tasks like these that are allowing people to lack important educational and social skills.
It is up to us to find a balance between technology and human values and interactions.
With new technology being created every day,we need to learn how to use it alongside our
great minds.After all,inventions are supposed to benefit society,not harm it.In the day of technology,who knows what's next?

36.The underlined word"obsolete"in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to
37.What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?C.
A.The episode still enjoys great popularity nowadays.
B.Rod Serling liked making predictions about the future.
C.The situation of books today is similar to what Rod Serling predicted in the episode.
D.The episode airing in 1961was the most entertaining of the TV science-fiction
38.What can we learn about the library in San Antonio,Texas?D.
A.It is the first-ever library in America.
B.It is of no practical use although it costs so much.
C.It hlds an exhibition of much electronic equipment.
D.People can read e-books there with the help of the new facilities.
39.Which of the following will the writer probably disagree wih?C
A.Great as social media is,it does have some negative effects.
B.With the increasing use of social media,something will actually be lost.
C.Through social media,people can develop educational and social skills around.
D.As a result of social media,people may communicate less with the people around.
40.The tone of the passage is best described asB.
13.I recently had dinner with someone who told me that one of his best friends had been killed in a private plane crash,and something happened at the memorial service that he'll never forget.He shared the story with me.
At the memorial service,his friend's wife walked to the platform to speak to the gathering. She said a friend had asked her the best memory she had of their life together.At the moment,she had been too sad to answer,but she had thought about it since and wanted to answer the question.
They were in their late forties when he died,and she began talking about a time in their life almost twenty years earlier.She had quit her job to obtain her master's degree,and her husband never hesitated in his support.
He held down his own job and also did the cooking,cleaning,and other housework while she studied for her degree. One time they both stayed up all night.She was finishing her paper,and he was preparing for an important-business meeting.That morning,she walked out of her study,leaned against the door by the stairs,looked at her husband downstairs and just thought about how much she loved him.She knew how important this meeting was to his future,and she was feeling guilty that she didn't even have time to make his breakfast.He took his briefcase and hurried out.
She heard the garage door open and close,but much to her surprise,she heard it open again about thirty seconds later.From above,she watched her husband dash into the house and walk over to the forgotten coffee table.Marking the surface of it with his finger through the dust with the words"I love you",then he raced back to his car.
The new widow then looked out at her audience and said,"John and I had a wonderful life together.We have been around the world several times.We've had everything money can buy…but nothing comes close to that moment."
    Hearing this,I was deeply moved."Love makes life worthwhile."
56.The service was held toB
A.listen to the woman's story                       
B.mourn the woman's husband
C.meet some old friends              
D.share the woman's sadness
57.Why did the woman quit her job?D
A.She had to support her husband.
B.She had too much housework to do.
C.She wanted to travel around the world.
D.She needed to concentrate on her studies.
58."He held down his own job'"______"in Paragraph 4 means thatA.
A.he managed to keep his job                        
B.he needed help in his work
C.he cancelled his job                              
D.he delayed his work
59.The woman mentioned an incident 20 years ago to showD.
A.how busy their life was                           
B.how her husband loved her
C.how they improved their life                      
D.how hard her husband worked.

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