
第—节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                        ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

              It was my birthday. My husband and I spent the day going on some adventures,and 41 to have dinner in th£ Philadelphia,Pennsylvania area. At dinner we were 42 at a table with another gentleman and his eight-year-old son. We shared some 43 conversation through the meal and,afterwards,we parted friendly.

               44 my husband and I were walking through the parking garage I heard someone calling us from the level above. I 45 to see the man and his son standing there waving us down. I went over to where I could look up and see him and he 46“do you have jumper cables (跨接引线) ?”

               As it was 47 to hear him,my husband and I walked up to the second level to speak with him. 48 his car had decided that it didn t want to turn on and after 49  it'we had come to the 50  that the battery (电池) was indeed dead. didn't happen to have cables on us so we asked a few more passers-by,all of whom ignored our small group and simply 51 walking.

               So,we 52 to drive him in our car to the 53 store where we could get cables. He said he didn't want to 54 us,apologizing repeatedly because he knew it was my birthday. I told him that there was no better 55  than helping out another.

               We got into our car and drove to a 56 nearby. After we got the cables,we drove back to the parking garage to 57 the gentleman's car.I helped watch the boy as my husband and his father set to work,quickly bringing his car back to life. We 58 the man's offering of money and waved away his apologies as we were just 59 that he and his son would be able to get home safely and weren’t 60 in a parking garage all night.

41. A. asked   B. promised   A. decided   D. managed 

42. A. booked   B. seated   C. invited   D. ordered

43. A. formal   B. serious   C. private   D. polite

44. A. As   B. Until   C. Though   D. Since

45. A. looked out       B. looked up 

    C. looked forward   D. looked around

46. A. greeted   B. doubted   C. shouted   D. demanded

47. A. difficult   B. possible   C. interesting   D. special

48. A. Simply   B. Obviously   C. Fortunately   D. Especially

49. A. driving   B. opening   C. checking   D. repairing

50. A. conclusion   B. result   C. solution   D. point

51. A. stopped   B. avoided   C. enjoyed   D. kept

52. A. pretended   B. offered   C. hoped   D. struggled

53. A. largest   B. cheapest   C. best   D. closest

54. A. disappoint   B. miss  C. trouble   D. change

55. A. chance   B. way   C. game   D. gift

56. A. restaurant   B. hotel   C. station   D. supermarket

57. A. start   B. park   C. wash   D. build

58. A. earned   B. refused   C. accepted   D. forgot

59. A. sorry   B. afraid   C. surprised   D. happy

60. A. lost   B. involved   C. stuck   D. locked

41. C 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. A 51. D 52. B 53. D 54. C 55. D 56. D 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. C


41. C. “我”和丈夫花了一天时间去冒险,并“决定(decided) ”去宾夕法尼亚州的费城吃晚餐。

42. B. 由该空前的Atdinner与该空后的at atable可知,晚餐时我们与一位男士和他八岁的孩子“坐在(seated)”一桌。

43. D. 由下文中的 wepartecifriendly 可知,在吃饭时我们“有礼貌(polite) ”地交谈了几句。

44. A. 由文中的描述可知,“当(As)”我们 穿过停车场时,“我”听到有人在楼上叫我们。

45. B. 由上文中的 fromthelevelabove可知,“我”“抬头看上去(lookedup) ”,看到那位男士和他的儿子正站在那儿冲我们挥手。

46. C. 由上下文的描述以及常识可知,隔着楼层说话需要“大声喊(shouted) ”。

47. A. 由下文中的 my husband and I walked up to the second level to speak with him可知,我们“很难(difficult) ”听到他在说什么。

48. B. 由丰文中他们向我们借车用跨接引线以今该空后的his car had decided that it didn’t want to turn on 可知,“很明显 (Obviously:)”,他的车打不着。

49. C

50. A. 由下文中的 thebatterywas indeeddead可知,经过“检查(checking) ”我们得出“结论(conclusion)”:电池没电了。

51. D. 由上文中的 all of whom ignored our small group可知,过往的路人都不理睬我们,“继续(kept)”走路。

52. B. 

53. D. 由下文的描述和nearby可知,我们“主动提出(offered)”开车送他们去“最近的(closest)”商店。

54. C. 由下文中的 apologizing repeatedly pecause he knew it was my birttiday 可知, 这位男士不愿意“麻烦(trouble)”我们。

55. D. 由上文中的 he knew it was my : birthday可知,“我”告诉他没有比帮助别人更好印“礼物(gift) ”了。

56. D. 由上文中的 drivehiminourcarto the…store可知,我们开车到了附近的—家“超市(supermarket) ”。

57. A. 由上文中的his car had decided that it didn’ t want to turn on 可知,我们开车回到停车场去“发动(start)”他的车。

58. B. 由上文中的 there was no better … than helping out another 可知,作者和丈夫非常乐意帮助这位男士,所以他们应该“拒绝CrefiisecD”了这位男士给的钱。

59. D. 由文中的描述可知,能够帮助别人,作者和丈夫感到很“开心(happy) ”。

60. C. 由上文中的 he and Ws son would be able to get home safely可知,他们能够安全回家,而不用一整夜“被困在 (stuck)”停车场了。




             I guess the best place V ve ever been is Marrakech. I first went there many years ago. I was living and working in Casablanca,which was about four or five hours from Marrakech. We had a long weekend,and Dave and I were looking for something to do. 36                

             So we all left Casablanca on a Tuesday evening after work. Maiik’s family lived in a fantastic house very near to the main square with the market,Djemaa el-Fna. His mother cooked us dinner and then we all went to the square. We sat on the roof of a cafe,drinking tea and watching the people in the square below us. 37 There were people buying and selling absolutely everything. You could also listen to story-tellers,watch snake charmers,acrobats (杂技演员) ,and so on. 38 Their faces were blue and they had come from the desert in the south of the country.

             There's so much to see and do. Koutoubia Mosque is spectacular and all the tourists go there. The views are wonderful,with the Atlas Mountains in the distance. And the town has great restaurants.   39

             But it's the square,Djemaa el-Fna,and the shopping streets around it,that make Marrakech really special. Every time I go back to Marrakech,I go straight to the square and sit at my favorite cafe. 40 But right now,I dont even have a job and the last time I went was three years ago.

   A. In fact,everything about it is great.

   B. Dave was my best friend at the time.

   C. It really was such an interesting place.

   D. I have only visited Marrakech once.

   E. On Saturday,I even saw a group of men on camels!

   F. If I ever have the money,I'd love to buy a house there.

   G. A guy we worked with,Malik,invited us to come and stay with his family.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。



          Often called a strange genius(天才) ,Syd Barrett (1946-2006) formed the supergroup Pink Floyd in 1965 and wrote,sang and played guitar on all their early hit records,including the 1967 masterpiece Piper at the Gates of Dawn.He left the band in '1968 after experiencing some kind of breakdown due to the pressures of stardom (明星身份) and touring. He made two solo albums(个人专辑) ,The Madcap Laughs and Barrett,hoth released in 1970,which continue to sell well.

          Barrett then left the music business completely,deciding a musician's life was not for him. He did not make any music at all after 1974. Once a household name,he is now more or less forgotten except by his fans. He moved back to his home town of Cambridge and started to use his original name of Roger Barrett. He lived alone,quietly spending his time painting,and gardening. He received a six-figure income from his Pink Floyd royalties(著作权使用费) ,but his contact (联系) with the outside world was extremely small. Although he hadnt appeared or spoken in public since the mid-1970s,fans and journalists still attempted to contact him.

           In 1971 a journalist tracked him down. Syd told the reporter that he walked a lot,painted,wasted time and feared getting old. Another journalist reported that a fat man answered the door and said that Syd couldnt talk. In 1992, Atlantic Records offered half a million dollars for any new Syd Barrett recordings.

           Barrett was really a famous recluse. His family reported that he was satisfied and reasonably healthy. More recently,when fans or journalists called on him he was polite,but unwilling to discuss his. past as a famous rock star. Talking to one journalist on his doorstep in 2001,Syd asked him to leave as he didn't do interviews any more.

21.Why did Syd Barrett leave Pink Floyd?

   A. He felt stressed as a star.

   B. He suffered from a serious disease.

   C. He was worried about his personal safety.

   D. He was offered higher pay by another band.

22.According to Paragraph 2 ,Syd Barrett  .

   A. moved to another country

   B. ended his life as a musician

   C. continued to write music for Pink Floyd

   D. was forgotten by his fans and the media

23. The underlined word “recluse” in the last paragraph refers to someone who  .

   A. has anxiety disorders

   B. avoids media attention

   C. comes back after a long time

   D. sticks to his dreams and beliefs

完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

              Some people believe that women are better drivers than men.1 ,others think that women make worse drivers. The idea that women make 2 driyers is a stereotype(刻板印象) . It comes from a time when women drove less than men,and 3 was seen as a man's responsibility,mere are certainly 4 views on this controversial questioji , 5 there a number of reasons why a woman, s prsonality makes her a more ccwipe纪咐(能胜任 的) driver.

              Firstly,women are more patient and polite towards other road 6 ,such as pedestrians and cyclists. In stressful situations they are more likely to stay 7 , and less likely to be involved in road rage (愤怒) ” incidents. Secondly,female drivers are more 8 so they take fewer risks,for example when overtaking. Thirdly,they are more responsible and 9  they tend not to drive when tired or after drinking alcohol.

              l0,many people argue that women cause accidents because they may react slowly because they 11  confidence. In addition,they are 12 disturbed,for example,by children in the car. Research also 13 that women find map reading more 14 than men,and can have problems with the difference between left and right. Despite the fact that women have more accidents,15 is often cheaper for them because the accidentslend to be minor. In particular,women have accidents when parking. This is because women often have 16 spatial(空间的;) ayareness. In contrast,men to 17  more serious accidents.

               To sum up,it can be seen that women make 18 drivers than men because of their 19 . This is generally 20 by the fact that women have fewer accidents and pay lower insurance than men. On balance,it is clear that women are less competitive and aggressive than men behind the wheel and therefore better drivers.

1.A. Besides   B. However   C. Otherwise   D. Therefore

2.A. brighter   B. better   C. worse   D. nicer

3.A. driving   B. working   C. teaching   D. inventing

4.A. popular   B. strong   C. positive   D. different

5.A. since   B. unless   C. although   D. when

6.A. users   B. planners   C. engineers. D. cleaners

7.A. quiet   B. silent   C. calm   D. healthy

8.A. cautious   B. honest   C. dangerous   D. nervous

9.A. still   B. yet   C. even   D. thus

10.A. At the same time    B. In fact

   C. On the other hand   D. In general

11.A. have   B. lack   C. share   D. lose

12. A. easily   B. slightly   C. normally   D. unexpectedly

13.A. studies   B. produces   C. explores   D. shows

14.A. interesting   B. important   C. difficult   D. relaxing

15.A. route   B. insurance   C. license   D. equipment

16.A. poor   B. deep   C. direct   D. full

17. A. survive   B. cause   C. prevent   D. record

18.A. cleverer   B. happier   C. greater   D. safer

19.A. confidence   B. habit   C. faith   D. personality

20.A. decided   B. supported   C. affected   D. expressed



              All around the world,people are working hard to make their cities safer and more pleasant for pedestriand(行人) .Cities have painted crosswalks on their streets,made streets narrower,put in traffic lights and speed bumps(减速带) and made plans to help more kids walk or bike to school.

              Many people have learned from a man from Brisbane, Australia,named David Engwicht. His  book Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns has a simple!message. 36  Kids played there,and neighbors stopped there to talk.

              But now,streets are just for cars and trucks,j People stay inside to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic,and we lose contact with our neighbors. 37  People need to take back their streets. Engwicht travels around the world,helping people think differently about pedestrians,streets,and neighborhoods. 38 He has worked in neigh?borhoods from Honolulu to Scotland. 

              While Engwicht was writing his book,he learned how neighbors in the city of Delft,in the Netherlands,stopped dangerous traffic on their street. They put old couches,tables,and planters in the street. 39 When the police arrived,they saw how these illegal actions made the streets safer. Soon city officials started planning ways to make cars slow down,and “calm” the traffic.

              Engwicht says we should think about streets as our “outdoor living room”. 40 In the future,streets will be safe places for children again,and our neighbors will become our friends.

   A. Cars and pedestrians crowded the street.

   B. Calming the traffic is just the beginning.

   C. Cars could still pass,but they had to drive slowly.

   D. He says that in the past,streets belonged to everybody.

   E. It's hard to take measures to solve the traffic problems.

   F. Besides his books and articles,he gives many speeches.

   G. Engwicht says that we should use streets for more than just transportation.

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