

On February 5, 2013, the fifth grade students at an elementary school welcomed a new student. Unlike other newcomers. He was not shy at all. Instead, he seemed1.(recognize) all one hundred kids by their names immediately . You may wonder who can do that. Well, the new student was not a human2.a robot. The 1.2 meter tall student is part of a14-month experiment. The experiment is to test3.if robots can gradually learn to naturally deal with a group of people.

4.(compare) to other students, the robot’s daily conversation level has been limited to that of a five year old, but he was programmed with the facial5.(photo) and voiceprints of all fifth graders and teachers. Also, he6.(design) with the contents of the entire fifth grade science textbooks. As7.result, he impressed the class by answering every question8.(correct).

What’s more, the robot not only got along well with his fellow classmates, but he also liked shaking hands with students from other classes and grades.

In fact, this is not the first time the robot9.(be) around humans. In the past years he has done many tasks, including10.(accompany) the elderly to shop for groceries.



I believe I had the perfect life. Because I was about to______my high school, and on my way to college, I had great friends and a loving family. There was nothing______. But I spoke too soon.

It was around 9:25 a. m. that I heard the news that would______my life forever. My brother Zach had been in a car accident. He fought for five days before he______. That day, I became an only child. I felt desperately______.

After Zach’s death, I found______in food. I ate, then I slept, then I ate again. I couldn’t cry. I could barely feel anything, and I was______. I stopped building relationships for fear that they would end just as______as Zach’s life. Also, I became nervous about any potentially______situations—driving late at night—but I couldn’t express this fear of life______I wanted to be strong for my parents. I saw my parents’ ______worse than mine on account of the losing of their son. I didn’t want them to______me. I also experienced a lot of______, because I was angry about why the sadness had happened to me, and I never______from this emotion.

Now, it has been nearly five years since Zach’s death. I don’t______life anymore: I face it bravely. I______my friendships and began socializing more. I even______Zach’s story with people around me. Although my new friends never met him, they know about Zach.

One lesson I learned from losing my brother was never to be______to say, “ I love you.” I loved my brother, but it was too late to______it loudly. The last time I remember telling my brother I loved him was when he was dying. Don’t make this______like me.

1.A. skip B. finish C. admit D. determine

2.A. earning B. missing C. competing D. reaching

3.A. slip B. change C. simplify D. spoil

4.A. took away B. passed away C. gave away D. flew away

5.A. lonely B. deserted C. abandoned D. remote

6.A. nutrition B. relief C. guidance D. benefit

7.A. funny B. numb C. patient D. endless

8.A. finally B. suddenly C. appropriately D. violently

9.A. complicated B. risky C. particular D. tense

10.A. so B. if C. because D. unless

11.A. discouragement B. pain C. tolerance D. memory

12.A. think about B. care about C. consider about D. dream about

13.A. unpleasantness B. anger C. unhappiness D. power

14.A. hated B. escaped C. stopped D. measured

15.A. damage B. choose C. leave D. fear

16.A. produced B. rebuilt C. promoted D. insured

17.A. imitate B. share C. advertise D. perform

18.A. stubborn B. afraid C. tight D. nervous

19.A. explore B. express C. circulate D. scream

20.A. mistake B. explanation C. decision D. comment


I arrived home late one night last week. I spent a moment looking up into the night sky. The stars above shone(照耀) brightly. The sky looked really beautiful.

I started to think about other things as I stared at the night sky. It hit me clearly that these beautiful stars were always there but I had spent very little time in the past really appreciating them. It also reminded me that we often think we deserve many things around us, being too caught up in our own little world. It is a world filled with busy work and the demands placed on us from what we have allowed to take up our time.

Recently, I was asked to repair a house for a family member. When I arrived, it seemed like any other day when I spent my time doing something I knew how to do. But there was something else that came to mind as I started to work with my son-in-law. I considered it a good opportunity. The opportunity was more than just spending time repairing a house. It was an opportunity to further a bond between two people who are related by marriage but are unrelated through few experiences. It was an opportunity to build a stronger bond, a bond that can only happen when two people are exposed(暴露) to each other’s skills and faults. It was also an opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with another who wanted to learn.

There are many chances to see beyond what is viewed as normal, but we must be able to actually open our eyes and heart to these events and appreciate them. To be in tune with what is around you, you must use the attitude of a child who screams with joy the first time they see a rainbow, hear the pretty song of a bird, or enjoy the beauty of Christmas decorations.

1.While looking at the night sky, the author realized that __________.

A. the sky wasn’t always beautiful

B. he had wasted his life for many years

C. he didn’t know what he really wanted

D. he didn’t appreciate things around him

2. What does the underlined word “bond” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Relationship. B. Friendship.

C. Trust. D. Respect.

3.While repairing the house, the author considered it a good opportunity to _________.

A. learn some important skills

B. show others his skills and faults

C. become closer with his son-in-law

D. earn some money for his family

4. Why does the author talk about what a child does in the last paragraph?

A. Because children know what they really want.

B. Because children can help us think of our childhood.

C. Because children can enjoy the simple beauty of things.

D. Because children actually value family more than adults do.

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

The State Council submitted (提交) a bill which aims to allow couples to have two children if either parent is an only child. It focuses on adjusting and improving the family planning policy.

The State Council argues adjustment to the policy in the face of a steadily declining birth rate. The birth rate has remained relatively low and shows a tendency to fall further. The rate has dropped to between 1.5 and 1.6 since the 1990s, which means each Chinese woman of child-bearing age gives birth to 1.5 to 1.6 children on average. The working population began to drop in 2012 by 3.45 million every year, and it is likely to fall by 8 million each year after 2023.

The population aged 60 and above will reach 400 million and account for one-fourth of the total population in the early 2030s, up from one-seventh now.

“If the current family planning policy continues, the birth rate will continue to fall and lead to a sharp drop of the total population after reaching a peak,” said Li Bin, minister in charge of the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

“It is the right time to make changes: The low birth rate is stable, the working population is still large and the burden of supporting the elderly remains relatively light,” he added.

An increase in birth is expected if the policy changes but will not seriously affect the food supply, public education, health care or employment.

China’s food safety and public service plans are designed to meet the needs of 1.43 billion population in 2020 and 1.5 billion in 2033. Even with the policy change, the total population will reach no more than 1.38 billion in 2015, Li said.

1. Why did the State Council submit the bill?

A. To increase the population of Han nationality.

B. To balance the nature and society.

C. To develop the economy of China.

D. To solve the social population issue.

2.The new policy may have an effect on the following expect _____.

A. public education B. the food supply

C. the divorce rate D. employment

3.What can we learn about the population in China from the passage?

A. After the year of 2023, the population will become less and less.

B. There’s no need to carry out the family planning policy.

C. At the beginning of 2030s the aging problem will be worse than now.

D. In the year 2023, the population may be the least.

Phrases like “tiger mom” and ‘‘helicopter parent” have made their way into everyday language. Many of us find ourselves drawn to the idea that with just a bit more parental hard work and effort, we might turn out children with bright futures. But is there anything wrong with a kind of “overparenting style”?

Parental involvement has a long history of being studied. Many of the studies, conducted by Diana Baumrind, a famous psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that a good parent is the one who is involved and reacts to her child in a positive way, who sets high expectations but gives her child independence. These “authoritative parents” appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are not strict and less involved, or controlling and more involved. Why is this parenting style so successful?

Authoritative parents actually help improve motivation in their children. Carol Dweck, a social psychologist at Stanford University, has done research that indicates why authoritative parents raise more motivated children. In a typical experiment, Dr. Dweck takes young children into a room and asks them to solve a simple puzzle. Most do so with little difficulty. But then Dr. Dweck tells some, but not all, of the kids how clever they are. As it turns out, the children who are not told they’re smart are more motivated to solve increasingly difficult puzzles. They also show higher levels of confidence and show greater progress in puzzle-solving.

As the experiment suggests, praising children’s talents and abilities seems to shake their confidence. Dealing with more difficult puzzles carries the risk of losing one’s status as “smart”. Dr. Dweck’s work strongly supports that of Dr. Baumrind, who also found that reasonably supporting a child’s independence and limiting interference (干涉) causes better academic and emotional results.

The central task of growing up is to develop a sense of self that is independent and confident. If you treat your young child who is just learning to walk as if she can’t walk, you reduce her confidence. Allowing children to make mistakes is one of the greatest challenges of parenting. It is easier when they are young. The potential mistakes carry greater risks, and part of being a parent is reducing risk for our children.

1.According to the passage, a “tiger mom” ______.

A. helps her children realize their dreams

B. speaks her children’s everyday language

C. places reasonable expectations on her children

D. pays close attention to her children’s experiences

2.It is implied that controlling style of parenting may _____.

A. cause more problems in children

B. foster independence in children

C. face more challenges of children

D. lead to children’s academic success

3.The example of the children doing the puzzles suggests that ______.

A. a good game plays a big role in training young minds

B. overpraising makes children less motivated and confident

C. puzzle-solving can give children the motivation they need

D. bright children usually show less confidence in difficult games

4.The last paragraph tells us that ______.

A. children should not be given much freedom

B. parents should not increase the risk of challenging

C. parents should allow their children to learn from mistakes

D. children should correct mistakes with the help of their parents


_1.__: less red meat and more fiber, less saturated fat (饱和脂肪) and more fruit and vegetables, right? Wrong, according to a controversial new book by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe. In the book, Harcombe charts her careful journey of research into studies that underpin (巩固) dietary advice—and her myth(误区)-breaking conclusions are surprising.


“Real fat is not bad for us,”says Harcombe.“It’s man?made fats we should be demonizing.”Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat? In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.

Myth: We should eat more fiber.

For three decades, we have eaten fiber into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our digestive systems moving.“__3._”, says Harcombe.

The advice to eat more fiber is put forward along with the theory that we need to clean our digestive systems. But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines (肠道), so why do we want to wash everything out? Concentrate on not putting bad foods in.

Myth: You need to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

“Five?a?day is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice,” says Harcombe.“You’d think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit.__ 4.__.‘Five?a?day’started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and vegetable companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991.There was no evidence for any cancer benefit.”

Myth: Fruit and vegetables are the most nutritious things to eat.

Apparently not Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the diet—if served in butter to deliver the fat-soluble(dissolved) vitamins they contain—but natural sugar, the fruit sugar in fruit, goes straight to the liver and is stored as fat.“__5.__”, says Harcombe, who adds “Vitamins and minerals in animal foods—meat, fish, eggs and dairy products—beat those in fruit hands down.”

A.Think again

B.This is not a good idea

C.Fat is bad for us

D.Fruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight

E.Want to lose weight? Don’t trust these

F.We need take more exercise

G.We think we know what to eat

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