
After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' , I ____1.______(light) a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration ____2.______pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last _____3._____. For _____4.___whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered _____5._____(terrible). I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. My friends kept on offering _____6._____ cigarettes and cigars. They made no effort ____7._____ hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. After seven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely _____8.____(comfortable). When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife was ______9.____(delight) that things had returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, ____10.__ is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. He himself has done it lots of times!


Galina was born with an illness called Spina Bifida. Because of her disability, she has only had a little ______. Her parents were ______ of her and never allowed their friends and neighbors to see her. Her mother often ______ her because Gailina could not control the things her body did. This made her think that her disability was all her ______ and that she must have done something wrong. She spent the next four years in ______. She liked it better there because she was with others who had disabilities. She did not feel ______ from everyone else. But when she went back to live at home, she realized just how different she was from all her brothers and sisters. She was so ______ that she tried to kill herself. But she did not succeed. Soon after this, she left home and found work in a big city.

One day a group of Christians visited her. They told her about Jesus Christ who loves all people, even those who are ______. She was not interested because when she was a child she was taught another ______. But the Christians did not ______ seeing her. Then she began to realize that their friend, Jesus Christ, loved her. She found a new friend in Jesus. Galina does not feel rejected any more. She feels ______ and loved by God. Her ______ with her parents has changed too. One time when she went to see her parents, her mother asked Galina to forgive her for the many times she beat her when she was a child.

You may have been ______ hurt or treated as a child. You may not have had the education you hoped for like Galina. You may not be able to do the things you want because your family is _____, or one or both of your parents died when you were young. There are many reasons why you might think badly about yourself. What did Galina find out made all the ______ to her life?

1.A. education B. money C. time D. illness

2.A. accused B. informed C. ashamed D. reminded

3.A. knocked B. killed C. kissed D. hit

4.A. fault B. success C. power D. advantage

5.A. school B. factory C. hospital D. home

6.A. important B. better C. advanced D. different

7.A. unhappy B. powerful C. nervous D. glad

8.A. kind B. cruel C. unhealthy D. disabled

9.A. story B. religion C. subject D. skill

10.A. stop B. enjoy C. continue D. avoid

11.A. admired B. rejected C. suspected D. accepted

12.A. respect B. relationship C. responsibility D. research

13.A. suddenly B. partly C. badly D. heavily

14.A. rich B. poor C. nice D. unsafe

15.A. prediction B. safety C. difference D. damage

One day,when 12-year-old Sean Redden went to a popular chat room on the Internet, he saw the name of someone he’d never seen there before, Susan Hicks. Her message was “ Would someone help me? I can’t breathe. Help me! I can’t feel my left side.”

At first, Sean thought it was a bad joke and he told his mother Sharon Redden. But she asked, “ It’s not just some game, is it?

The message was not a joke. “ Susan Hicks” was actually 20-year-old Taija Laitinen, a student working late at night at a college library near Helsinki, Finland---almost 7,000 miles away from Sean’s home in Texas. While searching the Internet, she began to feel terrible pain all through her body. The library was empty and the nearest phone was outside in the hallway. She couldn’t move that far because any movement caused the pain to get worse. Then as the pain became worse, she began typing her message for help in the chat room.

“I don’t think it’s a joke, mom,” Sean said. He typed, “ Where are you? The letters appeared, “Finland.” Sean and Sharon couldn’t believe it. Not knowing what else to do, Sharon called the local police and explained the situation to officer Amy Schmidt. Schmidt told Sharon to try to get the sick girl’s phone number and address.

Meanwhile, the Texas police called the international telephone operator and asked to be connected to the proper agency(机构) in Finland. The Texas police explained the situation and gave Susan’s address to the Finnish operator. When Sean heard that, he typed, “Help is on the way.”

In the few minutes, the library door opened. Doctors and three policemen ran in. Taija turned once more to the computer, “ They are here. Thanks. Bye-bye.”

1.At first when receiving the message for help, Sean__________.

A. didn’t believe it B. took no notice of it

C. called the police at once D. had a joke with the person

2. What was the problem with the person who asked for help?

A. She lost her phone.

B. She couldn’t finish her work

C. She was locked in the library.

D. She felt pain and couldn’t move.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. The policeman Sean’s mother called was in Finland.

B. Susan Hicks was a friend of Taija Laitinen.

C. Sean and his mother offered help in time.

D. Sean had seen Taija Laitinen before.

4. 4.What does the underlined phrase “ on the way.” refer to?

A. There is a way B. to be arriving soon

C. have a long way to arrive D. to have almost finished

5. 5.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Help yourself B. A helping hand

C. Help is on the way D. Help on the Internet

The global population is living longer,and getting older,which presents new challenges. “The question becomes:who will take care of everyone? While people will always be the best caregivers for people,there just aren’t enough people. That’s where robotic technology can really make a difference,” says Professor Maja Mataric at the University of Southern California.

Her group is developing robots to work with stroke (中风) patients and elderly people. The research team has found that people react well to a robot gym instructor,and seem to get less frustrated with it than with instructions given on a computer screen. The robot can act as a perfect trainer,with infinite(极大的) patience.

“People say things like ‘I prefer this robot to my husband!Can I take it home?’” according to Professor Mataric. “In fact there’s a really important point here. As we create these care giving technologies,we’re helping not only the people that need the care,but also the people caring for them. We can give them a break,and help them avoid burnout.”

People are going to have to like,and importantly trust robots before they welcome them into their homes,and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.

Much of human communication takes place through body language. Gestures, eye contact , and concepts of personal space are all things that robots are being taught. In learning about how people interact(互动) with machines,researchers are also discovering new roles for robots in our lives. Robots can communicate with humans in ways that other technologies can not.

“If someone finds the robot to be more persuasive and more reliable,that’s going to affect how they interact with it,” says Dr Cynthia Breazeal, director of the Personal Robots Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “We can now start to think about fields where it’s the social interaction,which is the main means by which a robot helps someone.” Dr Breazeal says that means robots could be used in education,learning,and health care,where social support is important.

1.Professor Maja Mataric mainly focused on robots’ function of ________.

A.teaching B.exploring

C.making things D.giving care

2.Why can robots be wonderful trainers in the gym?

A.Because they are more clever.

B.Because they give correct instructions.

C.Because they cost less money.

D.Because they are more patient.

3.The underlined word “burnout” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A.feeling tired B.feeling angry

C.getting hurt D.becoming disappointed

4.The scientists are presently working hard to help robots .

A.to use less electricity B.to communicate better

C.to react more quickly D.to have more functions

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