
The kite was originally called Zhiyuan in North China, and Yaozi in South China. Early in the Five dynasties, a man named Li Ye used to make and fly a kite in the emperor's court. He once attached a whistle made of bamboo to the kite. Sound was let out when the kite was flying. The kite was named after Zheng, a kind of Chinese music instrument. Then it was named Fengzheng in Chinese.

The earliest kite in the world was made by Motse, a famous Chinese philosopher, who lived 2,300 years ago, for military (军事的) purposes. He spent three years making an eagle and managed to fly it. The eagle was later regarded as the first kite in the world. Kite-flying became a recreation probably from the Tang dynasty when the royal family and people of the highest class were addicted to it. It was said that the Emperor Xuanzong in the Tang dynasty once was interested in a kite named Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea flying in the air. Later, the paper-made kite was invented, which cost less and spread quickly among the common people. As time went on, kites flew to various countries in the world. 'The well-known British scientist, Dr. Needham, once described kites as an important scientific invention which spread to Europe from China in his book, A History of China's Science and Technology. The invention of the kite inspired men’s dream of flying and led to the invention of the airplane.

67. The kite made by Li Ye was named after a Chinese music instrument because __________ .

A. it was made of bamboo  B. it could sound in the sky

C. Li Ye was a musician     D. it looked like a whistle

68. What led to the invention of the kite according to the passage?

A. Wars.                   B. An eagle.

C. Motse's interest in animals.

D. Motse's dream of flying.

69. Why was kite-flying not a popular recreation among common people at first?

A. Because they were too busy to fly kites.          

B. Because they were not allowed to fly kites.

C. Because it was difficult to make kites.                    

D. Because it was expensive to make kites.

70. Which of the following statements might Dr. Needham agree with?

A. The Chinese people first tried to invent airplanes.

B. The Chinese spread the idea of flying to Europe.

C. The invention of kites in China is great.    

D. The invention of kites achieved the dream to fly.



69.D推理判断题。由Later,the paper—made kite was invented,which cost less and            spread quickly among the common people可推出一开始风筝不是用纸做的,费用很高,因此只在皇室和达官显贵中作为一种娱乐方式而流行。

70.C推理判断题。Dr. Needham在其书中称风筝是从中国传播到欧洲的一项重要科学发明,激发了人类在空中飞翔的梦想,推动了飞机的发明,所以,他会认为中国的这项发明是伟大的。


Every year between February and April,when the southwest monsoon (季风)blows ,a fever seizes the Thais (泰国人).It is the kite flying in Thailand __1__a strong feeling of interest that is nothing  2   of feverish.

During the summer, in the moths of March and April ,the skies   3   cities ,towns and villages  throughout the Kingdom are   4      with kites of all descriptions --long-tailed dragons,twisting snakes ,beautiful butter-flies,or familiar cartoon characters wheeling and weaving in the waim air.

One afternoon ,a friend and long-time kite flier invited me to   5     him  at the Pramane Ground ."What's the attraction?"I asked as he flew a huge kite."Well ,you can feel  a bit of a   6    at first ."he replied,""a grown man standing there holding the end of a string and    7    up into the sky .But once you forget yourself ,you get caught up in the   8   of controlling something inthe air where you cannot follow.You're on the ground :the kite's in the air but it's you that are making it al    9    .Come on ,go fly a kite."

I took his advice in the   10   it was meant and ,holding the hand of my young daughter si that others woukd think I was only satisfying a child's   11    ,I bought a rainbow-colored snake .After a few failed runs we got the kite into the air   12    greater ease than I expected.It was only at my daughter 's crying ,"My go,my go "that I realized I'd been holding the string ,completely   13   what I was discovering was a very pleasing pastime.

Like many other    14    of popular culture ,the sport of kite flying in Thailand has been   15   down from generation to generation.Its origins(起源)are    16    probably in ancient China,although it seems likey that Thai kites are as old as the    17   itself.It was a craze    18    by everyone from the king down.

"It's a great tradition (传统),that has the    19    of bringing generations togeter,"says my friend ,"What you see today at the King's Cup is the   20    as the people of the past would have seen more than two hundred years ago."  

1.A.fires             B.fights          C.turns         D.keeps

2.A.long             B.short           C. fond         D.proud

3.A.on              B.over            C.around       D. in

4.A.alive            B.ready           C.open         D.equal

5.A.see              B.care            C.accept       D. join

6.A.hero             B.fool            C.master       D.fireman

7.A.flying           B.missing         C.staring        D. jumping

8.A.match           B.comfort         C.excitement    D.movement

9.A.happen          B.begin           C. attend       D.break

10.A.way            B.while           C.language     D. need

11.A.game           B.sport           C. request       D. best

12.A.for             B.with            C.beyond       D.under

13.A.tired of         B.fit for          C. helped with    D. devoted to

14.A.laws           B.rules           C.forms         D. researches

15.A.put            B.handed          C.sat           D.looked

16.A.rooted          B.left           C.dated          D.hoped

17.A.history         B.Kingdom       C.time          D.earth

18.A.imagined        B.used          C.enjoyed       D.told

19.A.effect           B.right         C. name         D.science

20.A.same           B.kite          C. invention      D. relation

TANG Dynasty writer Du Mu once wrote in a poem titled Qingming: "The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day; So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.Where can a wine house be found to drown his sadness ?A cowherd points to Almond Flower (Xing Hua) Village in the distance."
Qingming, the traditional tomb-sweeping day on the Chinese lunar calendar, falls on April 4 this year. Qingming Jie was proclaimed a Chinese national holiday in 2008. It is a time for remembering loved ones who have departed (去世). People visit their ancestors’ graves to sweep away the dirt and get rid of any weeds. They also leave offerings (祭品) of food and flowers, and burn incense (香) and paper money. Chinese tombs are usually built in the woods or on mountains, far from the city. It is believed that an area that faces south, with many pine trees, is a proper place for a tomb. People believe such a place will make the ancestors happy, and in return, they will look after the living family.
Nowadays, more and more residents are choosing environmental-friendly ways to spend the holiday such as flower sacrifices and memorial ceremonies on the Internet or at home. As one of the traditional ways to celebrate Tomb-sweeping Day – burning paper or incense – isn't exactly good for air quality.
In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.
Many people fly kites on Tomb Sweeping Day. They are usually made from a bamboo crossbow with coloured paper. The kite vibrates and buzzes as it rises into the sky, counterbalanced by its tail. Large kites can be as broad as three metres across, with a tail of six to ten metres. Most kites have a rectangular shape, and many have patterns of crabs, centipedes, butterflies, dragonflies, or Chinese characters such as "good fortune" or "long life". (361words)
【小题1】What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A.The cultural difference between the east and the west.
B.The traditional customs on tomb-sweeping day.
C.Various ways to care for the dead in the world.
D.Qingming Festival
【小题2】All of the following practices are mentioned on tomb-sweeping day EXCEPT_____ .
A.Weeping over the passed-away.
B.Flying kites made from bamboo and paper
C.Sending flowers to their ancestors’ graves.
D.Burning incense and paper money for the dead.
【小题3】Which of the following is correct according to passage?
A.Du Mu ,the well-known poet in Song Dynasty wrote a poem about Qing Ming.
B.Qingming Festival used to be a Chinese national holiday.
C.People have the custom of flying kites on Qing Ming.
D.Those whose ancestors were buried in proper places will have a bright future.
【小题4】The writer write the passage in order to____________ .
A.enable us to observe traditional tomb-sweeping day.
B.show traditional and present ways to spend Qingming Festival .
C.educate people to show their respect to the ancestors
D.raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.

In the middle of a beautiful day, I was feeling lost, as if the world was crashing on me. didn't know which way to go, except to head out to the countryside. I went to the spot where I used to take my kids-when I still had kids. Now they had? ?? and were leaving.

????? I was sitting alone in my car when I saw a man in his seventies, whose problem appeared bigger than mine. He stood near the edge of the road, ? ?? a kite spindle(风筝线锭) in his hands. Apparently, lost in thought, he stared skyward. I ? ?? my neck to see how successful he had been in ? ? the clouds. Following his string with my eyes, I almost lost?? ? 0f the other end. Finally, the kite rested on what seemed to be the highest branch of the ? ?? tree in the park.? Obviously,? that was his grandson's kite!? The kite was a replica (复制品) of a beautiful bald eagle, and its wings spread ? ? 0pen. Grandpa had only one? ? to his problem: cut the string.

???? "You wanted it to fly as high as it could. Bill. didn't you?" "Yes, Grandpa, ?? ? wanted to keep it forever. " "There just comes a time when the only thing you can do is to cut the string and let it go. Perhaps by doing that, when it flies very high like real eagles do, it will come back to us. " Grandpa said.

???? I? ? how the old man cut the string to let fly the kite. As the two walked away, looked to the ? ? . There I saw my answer, too. Today I have to cut the final strings that kept my two boys ? ?? my reach. Though I want to keep them forever, I have taught them to fly like an eagle. Maybe by doing this, when it's time to soar like real eagles do. one day they would come back to me.

1.A. grown up?????? B. turned up????? C. picked up?????? D. taken up

2.A. carrying??????? B. grabbing? ???? C. keeping??????? D. holding

3.A. raised????????? B. spread???????? C. stretched?????? D. expanded

4.A. reaching??????? B. touching?????? C. getting??????? D. climbing

5.A. scene????????? B. sight????????? C. interest??????? D. control

6.A. thickest??????? B. strongest?????? C. tallest???????? D. largest

7.A. widely???????? B. wide????????? C. tightly???????? D. closely

8.A. method???????? B. hope????????? C. solution?????? D. result

9.A. and??????????? B. so??????????? C. or????? ????? D. but

10.A. sensed???????? B. glanced??????? C. watched?????? D. found

11.A. car??????????? B. sky?????????? C. kite?????????? D. tree

12.A. within???????? B. in??????????? C. beyond??????? D. with


My nephew's 10-year-old son came for a visit one hot,July weekend. I persuaded him to  inside and joined him in a game. After  for an hour, I suggested that we relax for a while. I fell into my favorite recliner(躺椅)to let my neck muscles relax. He'd slipped out of the room and I was catching a few enjoyable moments of peace and quiet.

    "Look,Alice,”he said  as he ran over to the chair where I was sitting"I found a kite. Could we go outside and   it?"

    Glancing out a nearby window, I noticed it was  outside.“I'm sorry, Tripper,.” I said, sad to see his   eyes. "The wind is not blowing today. The kite won't fly.”

    The  10-year-old replied,“I think it's windy enough. I can get it to fly,”he answered as he ran out to the back door   Up and down in the yard he ran, pulling the kite   to a small length of string. He ran back and forth,as hard as his ten year-old legs would carry him, looking back  at the kite behind. After about ten minutes of unsuccessful determination, he came back in.

    I asked, "How did it go?"

    "Fine,”he said, not wanting to admit   .“I got it to fly some”

    As he walked past me to return the kite to the closet shelf, I heard him say under his breath, "I guess I'll have to wait for the  .”

    At that moment I heard another Voice speak to my   . "Alice, sometimes you are just like that. You want to do it your way instead of waiting for the Wind.,,

    And the voice was right. We usually want to use our own efforts to   what we want to do. We wait for the Wind only after we have done all we can and have exhausted(耗尽) our own   .We must learn how to rely on Him in the first place!

1.A. live     B. study   C. stay        D. lie

2.A. playing  B. resting  C. challenging  D. arguing

3.A. casually  B. enthusiastically  C. stubbornly  D. deliberately

4.A. decorate  B. drop  C. hang   D. fly

5.A. hot      B. still   C. noisy  D. fine

6.A. bright   B. disappointed  C. dull  D. satisfied

7.A. clever   B. talented  C. determined  D. fearless

8.A. hurriedly   B. curiously  C. suddenly  D. unwillingly

9.A. adapted   B. added  C. attached  D. devoted

10.A. angrily   B. nervously  C. doubtfully  D. hopefully

11.A. win   B. defeat  C. mistake  D. luck

12.A. wind   B. order  C. news  D. sunshine

13.A. heart   B. memory  C. dream  D. world

14.A. imagine   B. decide  C. apply  D. accomplish

15.A. courage   B. patience  C. strength  D. knowledge


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