

Ten-year-old Cara Turner loves the giant saltwater pond on her grandparents’ farm. When her grandfather Tom Turner bought the land 15 years earlier, he stocked the pond with fishes._____ in winter, Tom _____ regularly visit the 5.5-acre pond to feed the fishes. One afternoon, _____ the sun melted toward the horizon, Tom _____ to head home from the pond. _____, he was unable to put one foot in front of the other and then ____ backward into the pond’s deep water. When he didn’t _____immediately, Cara jumped in. It was too deep to touch the _____. With one hand, Cara grabbed the bank. With the other, she _____ for her grandfather.

Tom had _____ a stroke(中风)the year before. Now Cara wondered if he had _____again. She grabbed her grandfather’s head, pulled his face out of the water and then pulled him up onto the solid ground. The winter sun almost disappeared, and they were both shaking _____ the coldness. Cara knew she would have to get Tom to _____first, a quarter mile away. But sixty feet from the car, Tom fell. From there, he crawled(爬), _____ himself under a gate, to the car. Caro helped him into the passenger’s side and then got into the driver’s seat. “I used to sit on my dad’s lap and watch him_____,” said Cara. Although she felt _____, she pushed on the gas and drove toward the nearest hospital _____her grandmother Esca was to meet them.

Tom spent six days _____ in the hospital from a stroke. Since the accident, he has _____going to the pond alone. “If Cara hadn’t helped, she might not have a grandpa _____,” said Esca.

1.A. Even B. If C. Thus D. But

2.A. should B. could C. might D. would

3.A. because B. though C. as D. since

4.A. turned over B. turned back C. turned up D. turned out

5.A. Once in a while B. As a result C. By all means D. All of a sudden

6.A. fell B. jumped C. rolled D. dived

7.A. hurt B. surface C. wake D. sink

8.A. bottom B. bank C. water D. pond

9.A. waited B. cared C. reached D. looked

10.A. felt B. seen C. stood D. suffered

11.A. that B. one C. everything D. something

12.A. from B. to C. of D. through

13.A. the farm B. the gate C. the car D. the house

14.A. devoting B. rushing C. carrying D. dragging

15.A. drive B. sing C. dance D. play

16.A. relaxed B. nervous C. satisfied D. embarrassed

17.A. when B. which C. where D. that

18.A. recovering B. treating C. struggling D. experiencing

19.A. continued B. agreed C. managed D. stopped

20.A. after all B. any more C. at least D. any better


The first newspaper were handwritten sheets which were posted in pubic places. The earliest recorded newspaper was started in Rom in 59 BC. In the 700’s the world’s first printed newspaper was developed in China. The paper was printed from carved(雕刻的) wooden blocks and sent out among the citizens. Europe didn’t have a regularly(定期的) published newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany.

The fist regularly published newspaper in the English language was printed in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and was published weekly. The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant, which didn’t appear until March 1702.

In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. But the local(当地的) government soon stopped its publication. In 1704, John Campbell started The Boston News-letter, the first newspaper to be published daily in America. By 1760, the whole America had more than thirty daily newspapers. There are now about 1800 daily papers in the United States.

Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation(发行量) in the world. The largest circulation for a newspaper, however, is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, which sells over eleven million copies every day.

1.The first English newspaper printed and sold every day appeared _________.

A. in 1620

B. at the beginning of the 18 th century.

C. at the end of the 17 th century

D. in 1609

2.As suggested by the article, which of the following newspapers have the largest umber of readers in the world?

A. Italian language newspapers.

B. German language newspapers.

C. English language newspapers.

D. Japanese language newspapers.

3.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A. The World’s First Newspaper.

B. The First Daily Newspaper in American.

C. History of Newspaper.

D. A Remarkable Man-Benjamin Harris.

Summer Holiday Fun 2015!

The summer holidays are upon us again.Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!

Peterborough Museum

The Age of the Dinosaurs is the museum's main attraction this summer.Get up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands-on exhibits!Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember!The museum is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.

Call 01733 864663 for details.

Saxon Youth Club

School holiday fun:Young people aged 13—19 will be able to produce their own music,compete in sports activities,or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club,Saxon Community Centre,Norman Road,Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm.PLUS an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday,12th August between 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

Call 01353 720274 for details.

Houghton Mill

Through the Looking Glass—a new production of the family favorite on Monday 30th,August.Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play.Gates open 5:30 pm,performance 6:30 pm—8:30 pm.Tea room will be open until the end of the interval.Adult £ 10 Child £7 Family £20.

Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey

Farmland Games:From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches,come and join the Farmland Team.Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner!No need to book,just turn up between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday,19th August.Suitable for children aged four and above,each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price.Tickets Cost:£ 7 per child.

For further information,call 01223 810080.

1.If you are interested in cooking,you can go to ________.

A. Peterborough Museum

B. Houghton Mill

C. Saxon Youth Club

D. Farmland Museum

2.You want to watch the new play with your parents,so it will cost you ________.

A. £7

B. £17

C. £27

D. £20

3.Which of the following activities needs parents' company?

A. Playing farmland games.

B. Watching the new play.

C. Competing in sports activities.

D. Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.


Lily was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community. When she was sixteen, her father __________ her to drop out of school to contribute(贡献) to the family income. With English as her second language and ____________education, the __________ didn't look bright for Lily.

Lily's father was a stubborn man who __________ took “no” for an answer. He __________ Lily to find a job. With small hope of gaining ___________,each day she would just ride to the city, walk ___________about and return home at dusk.

On one of her ___________, Lily saw a sign at a big company.__ __________,she knocked on the very first door. In her __________ English, Lily told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position. The manager ___________ to give the girl a chance. He directed her to type a letter, and then ___________.Lily looked at the clock and saw it was11:40 am. She thought everyone would be leaving for _________ at noon, when she could ___________away in the crowd. But she knew she should ___________ the letter.

On her first try, Lily ____________ one line of five words and made four mistakes. When he attempted the letter on her second try, she completed a full paragraph, but still made many mistakes. She looked at the clock:11:55—five minutes to ___________.Just then, the manager walked in. He came directly to Lily, read the letter and said, “Lily, you're doing ____________ work!”

With those simple words of encouragement, her desire to escape disappeared and her __________ began to grow. Lily thought, “Well, if he thinks it's good, then it must be good. I think I'll stay!” Lily did stay—all because someone had given the __________ and uncertain girl the gift of self?confidence when she knocked on the door.

1.A. forced B.let C.encouraged D.helped

2.A. poor B.formal C.good D.modern

3.A. advice B.promise C.future D.change

4.A. always B.usually C.sometimes D.rarely

5.A. warned B.told C.allowed D.begged

6.A. one B.it C.that D.the one

7.A. carefully B.happily C.aimlessly D.rapidly

8.A. steps B.trips C.purposes D.choices

9.A. Bravely B.Proudly C.Calmly D.Cautiously

10.A. broken B.perfect C.written D.fluent

11.A. refused B.decided C.pretended D.failed

12.A. stopped B.continued C.left D.sighed

13.A. lunch B.life C.fun D.luck

14.A. break B.run C.pass D.drive

15.A. read B.write C.attempt D.deliver

16.A. looked through B.picked up C.gave away D.got through

17.A. success B.freedom C.discussion D.reward

18.A.terrible B.excellent C.honest D.easy

19.A. belief B.patience C.confidence D.strength

20.A. shy B.generous C.selfless D.warm-hearted


Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables.

____1.____ Make a study time and have it at the same time every day. This will help your kid to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their time.

Allow them to study in block of time, such as for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle. ___2.____ Ideal (理想的) study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner.

Never allow your children to study in front of the television, as that will encourage passive activity. _____3._____

____4.______Make sure there is a table or a desk and comfortable chair.

___5._____This includes helping them out with their home work sometimes and being there for them with the answers to any questions. The input you give your children during study periods will help form a bond and help make studying enjoyable.

A.Pick a place where your children can study properly.

B.Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves.

C.Finally , spend time with your kids when they are studying.

D.Keep the atmosphere light and offer lots of encouragement, too.

E.Instead, use TV as a treat or a reward when homework is completed.

F.Try to stop this bad habit by offering some sort of reward.

G.One of the best ways to form good study habits for your kids is to design a schedule


The key to losing weight is to understand what really motivates you. Have you ever been excited about losing a few pounds? 1. And to help you keep your weight under control, you need some coping strategies.

Ask questions. When you’re researching different dieting products and plans or even talking to a doctor about diets, ask as many questions as you can. 2. Ask questions like: Do I have to purchase special meals or supplements? Does the program include a part to help me maintain my weight loss?

Get real. 3. Don’t burden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Remember, large amounts of weight loss are not realistic and are most likely not safe or healthy. Talk with your health care professional to determine a healthy weight goal.

4. To maintain your weight, you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn. Just 30 minutes of fast walking in most days can take about 10 pounds off your weight each year.

Weigh yourself weekly. It’s important to track your weight on any diet or weight loss plan, but don’t get on the scale every day. Weighing daily won’t show you the big picture. 5.

A. Stay balanced.

B. Once a week is fine.

C. Stick with your healthy eating plan.

D. Losing one to two pounds a week is a realistic goal.

E. Being well informed will help you choose the best diet for you.

F. Regular weight check-ins will show you your progress over time.

G. If so, you must find a way to turn that excitement into determination.

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