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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÒÔ½ÌʦΪÖÐÐÄ teacher-centered
ÒÔѧÉúΪÖÐÐÄ student-centered
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Although in the past, the majority of classes were teacher-centered¡
Although in the past, the majority of classes were teacher-centered, today there are also many student-centered classes. Both types of classes have advantages and disadvantages, but I prefer the student-centered classes to teacher-centered classes.
Teacher-centered classes are, in my mind, old-fashioned. The teacher stands at the front lecturing while the students just sit , taking notes. While this allows the teacher to get across a large amount of information in a short amount of time, it tends to be rather boring for students. On the other hand, student-centered classes involve the students, which improves learning and aids memory. While this kind of class can be very demanding for a student, it is, by far, much more interesting than a teacher-centered class.
Therefore, I prefer a student-centered class. Not only is it more interesting than a teacher-centered class, but it is also more efficient.