

We’ve organized the following information to help you prepare for your arrival at Boston College.Please feel free to contact our Admissions Office at any time over the coming months with any questions.

Your First Steps…

Please return the Acknowledgment Form sent with your acceptance letter to Dean Robert Howe, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, McGuinn Hall 221,140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.

■For Ph.D.Acceptances and Master’s Acceptances with funding, we ask you to reply by April 25, 2008.

■For Master’s Acceptances without funding and Non-degree Acceptances, we ask you to reply by May 31, 2008.

■You should also contact your department to receive any department information.

Over the Coming Months…

Get informed about services around campus.We have provided links for you to the following offices.

■Student Services

After you return your Acknowledgment Form, you should receive a letter containing your BC Username and Eagle ID number.With this information you can reach email and Agora.In Agora, BC’s online community, you can update your student information, check your student account, and register (登记) for classes.

The Office of Student Services issues (发行) your BC Eagle One Card.This ID card acts as your campus library card and meal card.

Student Services’ website offers a complete listing of courses for the school year, as well as student forms and other important student information.The Office of Student Services also handles billing.

■Housing …

CLICK HERE for more information.

If we can be of any more help to you, just contact us.Congratulations again! We look forward to you joining our University!

1.The above page can most probably be read _________.

A.on the Boston College website             B.in the Boston College newspaper

C.on BC Eagle One Card                    D.at Student Services

2.The information above is particularly useful for those ________.

A.who want to apply for Boston College

B.who want to know about Boston College

C.who’ve been admitted to Boston College

D.who’ve decided to pay a visit to Boston College

3.If you want to study for your master’s degree with funding, you will have to _______.

A.return your Acknowledgment Form by May 31, 2008

B.send back your Acknowledgment Form by April 25, 2008

C.email your Acknowledgment Form to Admissions Office by May 31, 2008

D.return your Acknowledgment Form to Student Services by April 25, 2008

4.If you want to decide what courses for the school year you’d better _________.

A.call up the Office of Student Services

B.get in touch with the Admissions Office

C.read your acceptance letter

D.visit Student Services’ website









试题分析:本文介绍了Boston College的网站上提供的一些关于新手入学的一些注意事项。

1.A 推理题。根据文章开头和结尾We’ve organized the following information to help you prepare for your arrival at Boston College.和CLICK HERE for more information.说明本文最可能出现在Boston College的网站上,故A正确。

2.C 推理题。根据文章第一段和最后一段We’ve organized the following information to help you prepare for your arrival at Boston College.和If we can be of any more help to you, just contact us.Congratulations again! We look forward to you joining our University!说明本文是写个那些被Boston College所录取的学生的,介绍了其中的一些注意事项。故C正确。

3.B 细节题。根据For Ph.D.Acceptances and Master’s Acceptances with funding, we ask you to reply by April 25, 2008.说明B项内容正确。

4.D 推理题。根据Student Services’ website offers a complete listing of courses for the school year, as well as student forms and other important student information.The Office of Student Services also handles billing.

说明在Student Services’ website里,有很多相关的信息,故D正确。


点评:本文介绍了Boston College的网站上提供的一些关于新手入学的一些注意事项。文本所给信息非常丰富,要求考生从中选出适合题目要求的信息。解此类题目时,考生可以先阅读题目和选项,了解具体要求,然后再仔细阅读文章,认真筛选甄别,这样的阅读就有的放矢,可以大大提高阅读的速度和效率。



There is a famous story about British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

This was an age before telephones. Someone was delivering a message. When Coleridge got back to his poem, he had lost his inspiration. His poetic mood had been broken by the knock on his door. His unfinished poem, which could otherwise have been a masterpiece, would now never be more than a fragment.

This story tells how unexpected communication can destroy an important thought, which bring us to the cellphone.

The most common complaint about cellphones is that people talk on them to the annoyance of people around them. But more damaging may be the cellphone’s interruption of our thoughts.

We have already entered a golden age of little white lies about our cellphones, and this is by and large(大体上)a healthy, protective development. “I didn’t hear it ring” or “I didn’t realize my phone had shut off” are among the lies we tell to give ourselves space where we’re beyond reach.

The notion of being unreachable is not a new concept—we have “Do Not Disturb” sign on the doors of hotel rooms. So why must we feel guilty when it comes to cellphones? Why must we apologize if we decide to shut off the phone for a while?

Now time alone, or a conversation with someone next to us which cannot be interrupted by a phone, is something to be cherished. Even cellphone devotees(信徒), myself usually included, can’t help at times wanting to throw their phone away, or curse the day they were invented.

But we don’t and won’t, and there really is no need. All that’s required to take back our private time is a general social recognition that we have the right to it. In other words, we have to develop a healthy contempt for the rings of our own phones.

A cellphone call deserves no greater priority than a random word from the person next to us,though the call on my cellphone may be the one-in-a-million from Steven Spielberg—who has finally read my novel and wants to make it his next movie. But most likely it is not, and I’m better off thinking about the idea I just had for a new story, or the slice of pizza I’ll eat for lunch.

1.What is the point of the anecdote(轶事)about the poet Coleridge in the first three paragraphs?

A.To direct readers’ attention to the main topic.

B.To show how important inspiration is to a poet.

C.To emphasize the disadvantage of not having a cellphone.

D.To encourage readers to read the works of this poet.

2.What does the writer think about people telling “white lies” about their cellphones?

A.It is a way of signaling that you don’t like the caller.

B.It is natural to tell lies about small things

C.It is basically a good way to protect one’s privacy.

D.We should feel guilty when we can’t tell the truth.

3.According to the author, what is the most annoying problem caused by cellphones?

A.People get so obsessed (着迷) with the cellphone rings that they fail to notice anything else.

B.People feel guilty when they are not able to answer their cellphones.

C.Cellphones interrupt people’s private time.

D.With cellphones it is no longer possible to be unreachable.

4.What does the last paragraph suggest?

A.A person who calls us from afar deserves more of our attention.

B.Steven Spielberg once called the author to talk about the author’s novel.

C.You should always finish your lunch before you answer a call on the cellphone.

D.Never let cellphones disturb your life too much.


Bertie knew there was something in the wind. His mother had been sad in recent days, not sick,just strangely sad. The lion had just lain down beside him,his head warm on Bertie’s feet,when Father cleared his throat and began, “You’ll soon be eight, Bertie. A boy needs a proper education. We’ve found the right place for you, a school near Salisbury in England. ”

His heart filled with a terrible fear, all Bertie could think of was his white lion. “But the lion,” he cried, “What about the lion?”

“I’m afraid there’s something else I have to tell you, ” his father said. Looking across at Bertie’s mother, he took a deep breath. Then he told Bertie he had met a circus owner from France, who was over in Africa looking for lions to buy. He would come to their farm in a few days.

“No! You can’t send him to a circus!” said Bertie. “People will come to see him. He’ll be shut up behind bars. I promised him he never would be. And they will laugh at him. He’d rather die. Any animal would! ” But as he looked across the table at them, he knew their minds were quite made up.

Bertie felt completely betrayed (出卖). He waited until he heard his father’s deep breathing next door. With his white lion at his heels,he crept (蹑手蹑脚地移动) downstairs,took down his father’s rifle (步枪) and stepped out into the night. He ran and ran till his legs could run no more. As the sun came up over the grassland, he climbed to the top of a hill and sat down, his arms round the lion’s neck. The time had come.

“Be wild now”,he whispered. “You’ve got to be wild. Don’t ever come home. All my life I’ll think of you. I promise I will. ” He buried his head in the lion’s neck. Then, Bertie climbed down the hill and walked away.

When he looked back, the lion was still sitting there watching him; but then he stood up, yawned, stretched, and sprang down after him. Bertie shouted at him, but he kept coming. He threw sticks. He threw stones. Nothing worked.

There was only one thing left to do. With tears filling his eyes and his mouth,he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired over the lion’s head.

1.Bertie’s mother was sad probably because she _____.

A.had been seriously ill recently

B.had decided to send Bertie to school

C.knew Bertie would hate to go to England

D.knew selling the lion would upset Bertie

2.The underlined word “they” in Para. 4 probably refers to _____.

A.other animals      B.some audience     C.Bertie’s parents   D.circus owners

3.In the last paragraph, the boy lifted the rifle to _____.

A.threaten the lion back to the wild           B.kill the lion out of fear

C.protect himself from the lion               D.show his anger towards his father

4.The passage intends to show that _____.

A.animal-hunting is popular in Africa

B.parents are sometimes cruel to their children

C.people and animals can be faithful to each other

D.animals usually lead a miserable life in circuses


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