
The aims of the Illustrators’(插图画家的) Exhibition, staged as part of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, organized by BolognaFiere and held from 23 to 26 December 2012, are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators and their works among publishers.
? Individual illustrators or groups of illustrators of any nationality, if they were born before 31st December 1992, whose artwork is intended for use in children’s books, are qualified to enter the Exhibition, either directly or through publishing houses or schools.
? Please state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Nonfiction Category. Illustrators may only enter one category.
? Artwork previously presented to the Exhibition may not be re-entered.
? The confirmation(确认) form must be filled in and a photograph attached, then presented together with illustrations no later than 15 October 2012.
Entries may be delivered by post, express delivery service or by hand. From abroad, please use the following forms: Form “A” for registered mail or post by air; Form “B” if using an international forwarding agent or airline.
To avoid delays, material should not be sent by normal post. Material should be sent “carriage(运费) paid”, including any customs and delivery costs.
BolognaFiere may not be held responsible for the non-arrival or late arrival of artwork. All published works must be accompanied by a declaration bearing the ISBN number, publisher’s name and address.
The illustrations (i.e. the size of the sheet) must not exceed(超过) the following dimensions:
32 × 42 cm (or 42 × 32 cm)
50 × 70 cm (or 70 × 50 cm)
Illustrations in larger formats will not be considered, nor will they be returned by BolognaFiere. The illustrations must be on paper or flexible board, maximum thickness 2 mm (for scanner separation purposes).
All artwork received by the stated deadline and meeting the specified requirements will be examined and selected by an international group (whose decision is final), including five members (from publishing house and art schools) appointed each year by BolognaFiere.
After the Bologna event, the Illustrators Exhibition will travel to Japan under the supervision of JBBY. The Illustrators Exhibition may afterwards be transferred to other venues(场馆) in other countries. The exhibitions of illustrations held abroad follow the same rules and regulations as the Illustrators Exhibition, and the provisions(条款) of the regulations are extended to the organizers of the exhibitions held abroad.
All the works will be returned to their owners by BolognaFiere or directly by the organizers of the exhibitions and held abroad by the end of July 2013.
【小题1】Which of the following of the Illustrators’ Exhibition is TRUE?

A.It will last five days in all in July every other year.
B.It is intended for college students who are good at painting.
C.It is held by the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in BolognaFiere.
D.It can strengthen the relationship between illustrators and publishers.
【小题2】The illustrators of the Illustrators’ Exhibition ______.
A.should be at least 16 and no more than 25
B.may re-enter their artwork after it is returned
C.should state the category of their artwork clearly
D.may choose to attach a photo to the application form
【小题3】Which of the following is unacceptable for delivering entries?
A.Normal post. B.Airline post. C.Registered mail. D.Express delivery.
【小题4】What is BolognaFiere responsible for?
A.Paying for the delivery costs.
B.Late arrival of artwork.
C.Confirmation of ISBN number.
D.Returning the illustrators’ works.
【小题5】The illustrators’ works will not be considered if they ______.
A.are received after the day of 15 October 2012
B.are smaller than the required size
C.have already been published abroad before
D.don’t meet the demands of the international experts


【小题1】从第一段The aims of the Illustrators’(插图画家的) Exhibition, staged as part of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, organized by BolognaFiere and held from 23 to 26 December 2012, are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators and their works among publishers的信息中可分别排除答案ABC,确定正确答案为D
【小题2】从QUALIFICATIONS(资格)内容中state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Nonfiction Category与答案C吻合。而从Artwork previously presented to the Exhibition may not be re-entered判断B为错误表述。从 The confirmation(确认) form must be filled in and a photograph attached判断D为错误表述。
【小题3】由SHIPMENT的内容Entries may be delivered by post, express delivery service or by hand.... Form “A” for registered mail or post by air; Form “B” if using an international forwarding agent or airline可以得知只有A答案Normal post未提及。
【小题4】由BolognaFiere may not be held responsible for the non-arrival or late arrival of artwork 可以排除B,而由最后一段All the works will be returned to their owners by BolognaFiere可以得知正确答案为D
【小题5】从QUALIFICATIONS(资格)内容中 ... then presented together with illustrations no later than 15 October 2012可知推断插图画家的作品最迟不能超过2012年10月15日,故选D答案。


Have you ever wished you could solve complex math problems without thinking? What about learning to play the piano in just three days? Or mastering several foreign languages within a month?
Eddie Morra, the main character in the movie Limitless can do all these things. But he isn’t Superman or Harry Potter. Eddie has taken pills called NZT.
Thriller Limitless came out in China on October 13. In the movie, Eddie is faced with “writer’s block”. He hasn’t written a single word of a novel, and his deadline has passed. And there’s more bad news: his girlfriend breaks up with him. By chance, Eddie runs into a relative who is a drug dealer. He gives Eddie some pills called NZT that allow people to make use of 100 percent of their brains. With the magic pills, Eddie’s life changes completely. He can recall everything he has ever read, seen or heard. He gains a sixth sense that allows him to predict future events. He even becomes a kungfu master by simply memorizing actions in Bruce Lee’s movie.
Before long he has finished his novel, won back his girlfriend and stepped into the financial world. He becomes rich incredibly quickly and is soon employed by a powerful Wall Street company. However, bad side effects are just around the corner. The effects of the pill last for only one or two days, and Eddie has to find more supplies of the pills. Meanwhile, the pills start to have other effects on him. Eddies’ mind loses the ability to control the actions of his body. What does destiny hold for him? Will he be able to go back to his normal life?
“Eddie’s fate turns out to be a barbed (讽刺的) joke… a sharp-eyed comic fable for an age of greed (贪婪)and speed.” writes A. O. Scott, a movie critic with the New York Times.
The drug isn’t real-----yet, some researchers say such memory-enhancing drugs might not be far off. Would you take such a pill despite its side effects? Is the ability to remember everything a blessing or a curse?
【小题1】Which of the following happened to Eddie after he took the pill?

A.He can easily call everyone in the world.
B.He can expect what will happen next with his sixth sense.
C.He can control a powerful Wall Street company and becomes rich.
D.He can make a special pill to improve his own memory.
【小题2】What’s A. O. Scott’s opinion of the movie?
A. The movie can help slow our pace in life.
B. The movie turned out to be only a joke.
C. The movie can help invent a memory-enhancing drug.
D. The movie aims to show something is wrong with our society.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Memory-enhancing is sure to do good to us.
B.More people will take pills to enhance their memory.
C.People are soon likely to remember everything.
D.Such a pill to enhance memories may soon be invented.
【小题4】What is writer’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To give us the information of a new movie.
B.To inform us of a new research on a new drug.
C.To suggest a good way to improve memory.
D.To tell us something about a new drug to enhance our memory.

Many young people in America go to camps when they are out of school during the summer. They are offered a chance to explore different things: nature, sports, music, technology ——even business and economy.
One such program for high school students in the Pacific Northwest is called Washington Business Week. The program began in 1975. Officials say forty-five thousand people have attended Washington Business Week. Other states now have similar camps.
Washington Business Week describes itself as a way to learn more about how to plan for the future in an ever-changing economy. Students form an executive(行政的) management (管理) team. They lead an imaginary company to financial success.
The camp is held at three colleges in Washington State. The high school students live in the college housing. The cost of the camp is almost three hundred dollars, but families can receive financial assistance(援助).
Some business camps are free. These are for students from poor areas. The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship(企业家)(NFTE) is an organization based in New York City that supports such camps. It has programs around the United States and its Web site lists international partners in China, Tanzania and a few other countries. NFTE says it has served more than one hundred thousand young people since 1987.
Among other business camps is Camp C.E.O.. C.E.O is an chief executive officer. And this camp is for girls only. Camp C.E.O. is supported by the Girl Scouts of America and takes place for one week each summer.
The camp took place last month in Tennessee. The girls worked with successful businesswomen
from different industries. The girls learned how to build a business and develop an idea into a product. And, we imagine, they also had some fun.
【小题1】 In Washington Business Week, students successfully run a company_______.

A.that they are working inB.that belongs to the American government
C.that does not actually existD.that was once shut down
【小题2】Which of the following is True about NFTE?
A.It offers financial help to all students.
B.It has programs in America and some other countries.
C.It was organized by many rich New Yorkers.
D.One of its aims is to train students to be business managers.
【小题3】What can we conclude from the passage ?
A.The Americans are good at enjoying their lives in many camps.
B.The young Americans are living a happy life in camps.
C.The Americans pay attention to developing the students’ abilities.
D.It is easier to organize business camps in America than other countries.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Summer camps for students             B. Summer camps for future C.E.O.
C. Summer camps being popular           D. Summer camps in the world

Have you ever wished you could solve complex math problems without thinking? What about learning to play the piano in just three days? Or mastering several foreign languages within a month?

Eddie Morra, the main character in the movie Limitless can do all these things. But he isn’t Superman or Harry Potter. Eddie has taken pills called NZT.

Thriller Limitless came out in China on October 13. In the movie, Eddie is faced with “writer’s block”. He hasn’t written a single word of a novel, and his deadline has passed. And there’s more bad news: his girlfriend breaks up with him. By chance, Eddie runs into a relative who is a drug dealer. He gives Eddie some pills called NZT that allow people to make use of 100 percent of their brains. With the magic pills, Eddie’s life changes completely. He can recall everything he has ever read, seen or heard. He gains a sixth sense that allows him to predict future events. He even becomes a kungfu master by simply memorizing actions in Bruce Lee’s movie.

Before long he has finished his novel, won back his girlfriend and stepped into the financial world. He becomes rich incredibly quickly and is soon employed by a powerful Wall Street company. However, bad side effects are just around the corner. The effects of the pill last for only one or two days, and Eddie has to find more supplies of the pills. Meanwhile, the pills start to have other effects on him. Eddies’ mind loses the ability to control the actions of his body. What does destiny hold for him? Will he be able to go back to his normal life?

“Eddie’s fate turns out to be a barbed (讽刺的) joke… a sharp-eyed comic fable for an age of greed (贪婪)and speed.” writes A. O. Scott, a movie critic with the New York Times.

The drug isn’t real-----yet, some researchers say such memory-enhancing drugs might not be far off. Would you take such a pill despite its side effects? Is the ability to remember everything a blessing or a curse?

1.Which of the following happened to Eddie after he took the pill?

A.He can easily call everyone in the world.

B.He can expect what will happen next with his sixth sense.

C.He can control a powerful Wall Street company and becomes rich.

D.He can make a special pill to improve his own memory.

2.What’s A. O. Scott’s opinion of the movie?

A. The movie can help slow our pace in life.

B. The movie turned out to be only a joke.

C. The movie can help invent a memory-enhancing drug.

D. The movie aims to show something is wrong with our society.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Memory-enhancing is sure to do good to us.

B.More people will take pills to enhance their memory.

C.People are soon likely to remember everything.

D.Such a pill to enhance memories may soon be invented.

4.What is writer’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To give us the information of a new movie.

B.To inform us of a new research on a new drug.

C.To suggest a good way to improve memory.

D.To tell us something about a new drug to enhance our memory.


Health and climate scientists have mapped how climate change affects different parts of the world in different ways. The scientists point to the fact that changes in the past thirty years may, have been affecting human health. Possible effects include more deaths from extreme(极度的) heat or cold, more storms and more crop failures in dry periods.

The health and climate scientists recently estimated(估计) that climate changes caused by human activity lead to more than one hundred and fifty thousand deaths each year. Cases of sickness are estimated at five million. And the W.H.O. says the numbers could rise quickly by the year of 2003.

Jonathan Patz of an environmental institute led the study. Professor Patz points out that climate scientists connected global warming with the heat that killed thousands in Europe in August, 2003. But he says poor countries least responsible(对……负责) for the warming are most in danger from the health effects of higher temperatures.

Professor Patz says areas in greatest danger include southern and eastern Africa and coastlines along the Pacific and Indian oceans. Also, large cities experience what scientists call a "heat island"effect that can make conditions worse.

Representatives(代表) from about two hundred countries hold a meeting in Canada, to discuss climate change. The ten-day meeting ends on December 9th. It is the first such United Nations meeting since the Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书) took effect earlier this year. The agreement aims to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) and other heat-trapping(吸热的) gases sent off into the air.

1.Who is Jonathan Patz?

A.A scientist responsible for the climate change.

B.A scientist in charge of the study of the climate change.

C.A professor interested in the climate change.

D.A professor who is a representative from an African country.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Climate changes affect different parts of the world in the same way.

B.The ten-day meeting is the first United Nations meeting on climate change.

C.The Kyoto Protocol aims to make smaller the amount of heat-trapping gases into the air.

D.Poor countries are responsible for the global warming.

3.Possible effects from the climate changes include the following EXCEPT ______.

A.crop failures


C.more deaths from overheat

D.air pollution

4.According to the health and climate scientists, climate changes have been caused by ______.

A.dry weather

B.cold weather

C.human activities


5.We can infer from the passage that ______.

A.climate changes are having a bad effect on human’s health

B.Professor Patz leads the study of climate changes

C.a "heat island"effect large cities experience makes the matter worse

D.rich countries are most responsible for climate changes


A new reading tool was put on the market this week for the two-to five-year-old set. It is sold for at least $389, an expensive purchase for a kid – and that doesn’t even include a $99 annual subscription (订阅) fee for games, e-books, and age-appropriate software.

That might be fine for parents willing and able to pay thousands for private nursery schools, but will the tool actually help kids learn language and reading skills more effectively than traditional books?

Probably not, said Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center for Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital Boston. “There is a sensory components (感官因素) to books that isn’t there with e-books,” he explained. “You can smell it, turn the pages, and taste it, as young kids are likely to do.”

That might help little ones become more familiar with the books, helping them learn from them, but far more important is whether a person is actually sitting with them while they’re looking at the pages.

Researchers have shown time and again that kids learn better when they’re having interaction (互动) with real people, rather than electronic voices reading to them from a computer or speaking to them from the TV.

A Georgetown University study found that kids who learned to put on gloves from watching a video took six times as long to learn the process as those who watched it shown by an adult standing in front of them.

“I’m a big believer in teaching kids to live in the digital society and use what the rest of the family uses, but they do need to be supervised,” said Dr. Gwenn O’Keeffe, a Boston-based children’s doctor and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. “We don’t recommend that young kids use any type of technology for very long since they have the attention span (注意力持续时间) of a butterfly.”

1.According to the text, the new tool        .

A.is mainly used to entertain kids

B.can be accepted by most families

C.is designed for preschool kids

D.can download games for free

2.Why is Dr. Michael Rich against the new tool?

A.Because it doesn’t really involve many of the senses.

B.Because it does great harm to kids’ eyesight.

C.Because kids can’t communicate with it.

D.Because traditional books are cheaper.

3.The study mentioned in Paragraph 6 aims to        .

A.show the disadvantage of kids’ watching videos

B.prove the importance of interaction with people

C.ask parents to teach their kids to learn

D.prove using e-books saves much time

4.The underlined word “supervised” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “     ”.





5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce a new electronic device.

B.To teach kids how to live in a digital world.

C.To show parents how to help kids gain knowledge.

D.To throw new light on kids’ use of electronic tools.


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