
Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last Men, in which he looked millions of years ahead. He told of different men and of strange civilizations(文明),broken up by long "dark ages" in between. In his view, what is called the present time is no more than a moment in human history and we are just the First Men. In 2,000 million years from now there will be the Eighteenth or Last Men.

However, most of our ideas about the future are really very short-sighted. Perhaps we can see some possibilities for the next fifty years. But the next hundred? The next thousand? The next million? That's much more difficult.

When men and women lived by hunting 50,000 years ago, how could they even begin to picture modern life? Yet to men of 50,000years from now, we may seem as primitive(原始的)in our ideas as the Stone-Age hunters do to us. Perhaps they will spend their days gollocking to make new spundels, or struggling with their ballalators through the cribe. These words, which I have just made up, have to stand for things and ideas that we simply can't think of.

So why bother even to try imagining life far in the future? Here are two reasons. First, unless we remember how short our own lives are compared with the whole human history, we are likely to think our own interests are much more important than they really are. If we make the earth a poor place to live on because we are careless or greedy (贪婪)or quarrelsome, our grandchildren will not bother to think of excuses for us.

Second, by trying to escape from present interests and imagine life far in the future, we may arrive at quite fresh ideas that we can use ourselves. For example, if we imagine that in the future men may give up farming, we can think of trying it now. So set your imagination free when you think about the future.

【1】 A particular mention made of Stapledon's book in the opening paragraph __________.

A. serves as a description of human history

B. serves as an introduction to the discussion

C. shows a disagreement of views

D. shows the popularity of the book

【2】 The text discusses men and women 50,000 years ago and 50,000 years from now in order to show that __________.

A. human history is extremely long

B. life has changed a great deal

C. it is useless to plan for the next 50 years

D. it is difficult to tell what will happen in the future

【3】 Spundels and ballalators are used in the text to refer to __________.

A. tools used in farming

B. ideas about modern life

C. unknown things in the future

D. hunting skills in the Stone Age

【4】 According to the writer of the text, imagining the future will __________.

A. serve the interests of the present and future generations

B. enable us to better understand human history

C. help us to improve farming

D. make life worth living

【题目】A black hole is created when a large star burns out. Like our sun, stars are unbelievably hot furnaces(熔炉)that burn their own matter as fuel. When most of the fuel is used up, the star begins to die.

The death of a star is not a quiet event. First there is a huge explosion. As its outer layer is blasted off into space, the dying star shines as brightly as a billion suns.

After the explosion gravity pulls in what's left of the star. As the outside of the star sinks toward the center, the star gets smaller and smaller. The material the star is made of becomes tightly packed together. A star is so dense that a teaspoon of matter from it weighs billion of pounds.

The more the star shrinks, the stronger the gravity inside it becomes. Soon the star is very tiny, and the gravity pulling it in is un-believably strong. In fact, the gravity is so strong that it even pulls light into the star! Since all the light is pulled in, none can go out. The star becomes black when there is no light. Then a black hole is born!

That's what we know about black holes. What we don't know is this What happens inside a black hole after the star has been squeezed into a tiny ball? Does it keep getting smaller and smaller forever? Such a possibility is hard to imagine.

But if the black hole doesn't keep shrinking, what happens to it? Some scientists think black holes are like doorways to another world. They say that as the star disappears from our universe, it goes into another universe. In other words a black hole in our universe could turn into a " white hole" in a different universe. As the black hole swallows light, the white hole shines brightly-somewhere else. But where? A different place, perhaps, or a different time-many years in the past or future.

Could you travel through a black hole? Right now, no. Nothing we know of could go into a black hole without being crushed. So far the time being, black holes must remain a mystery.

Black holes are a mystery-but that hasn't stopped scientists from dreaming about them. One scientist suggested that in the future we might make use of the power of black holes. They would supply all of Earth's energy needs, with plenty to spare. Another scientist wondered if a black hole could some day be used to swallow earthly waste-a sort of huge waste disposal(处理)in the sky!

【1】 When the star begins to die __________.

A. there is no fuel left in it

B. its outer layer goes into space first

C. a huge explosion will happen

D. it doesn't give off light any longer

【2】 Which of the following doesn't help produce a black hole?

A. The gravity inside the star is very strong.

B. The light can't go out of the star.

C. The star becomes smaller and smaller

D. The dying star shines very brightly.

【3】 The black hole __________.

A. continues becoming smaller and smaller all the time

B. goes into another universe and becomes a white hole

C. can pull in everything we know of in the world

D. will appear at another place at a different time

【4】 The author mainly intended to tell us __________.

A. New Scientific Discovery Black Holes

B. How Black Holes Came Into Being

C. What Black Holes Are

D. Travel Through A Black Hole

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