
【题目】__________ the window, my finger was seriously cut.

A. Having cleaned

B. To clean

C. While cleaning

D. While I was cleaning


【解析】句意:在擦窗户时,我的手指被严重地割伤了。主句的主语是my finger,故排除A、B、C,这三个选项都要求主句的主语能发出谓语动词的动作,即主语必须是I。只有D符合要求,从句有自己的主语。


【题目】A T-shirt a day has kept unemployment away for an American man who is making about 85,000 a year by selling advertising space on his shirt.

Jason Sadler,26,was once a former marketing expert from Florida. In 2008, he founded his own company, I wear your shirt,with the idea to wear a T-shirt supplied by any company and then use social media tools to develop the company. Sadler charges the face value of the day for his human billboard(广告牌)service. So January 1 costs $1,while December 31 costs $365. He said this may not sound like a lot, but it adds up to $66,795 a year if he sells out every day, which he did this year. He also sells monthly sponsorships (赞助) for $1,500,adding another $18,000 to his income.

I walk around, take photos, wear the shirt all day... I blog about those photos. I put them up on Twitter. I change my Facebook introduction... and then I do a Youtube video. I made about $83,000 this year, Reuters Television. The average U. S. income is about $615 a week or about 32,000 a year,according to the U. S. government.

Sadler has already begun to plan for his year 2010. He is making services larger by hiring another person to wear a shirt a day on the west coast of the United States.

【1】What is Sadler’s “face value” of the day December 30?

A. $364.

B. $365.

C. $615.

D. $1,500.

【2】It can be inferred that Sadler didn’t advertise on___________.

A. Twitter

B. Facebook

C. Youtube

D. Reuters

【3】Jason Sadler has a new plan to___________for the year 2010.

A. employ another person to replace him

B. start his business on the west coast

C. stay at home on the east coast

D. double the charge for the service

【4】The passage is mainly about___________in a new way.

A. taking photos

B. writing blogs

C. making money

D. selling T-shirts

【题目】F. Scott Fitzgerald, born on September 24,1896, an American novelist, was once a student of St.Paul Academy, the Newman School and attended Princeton University for a short while.In 1917 he joined the army and was posted in Alabama,where he met his future wife Zelda Sayre. Then he had to make some money to impress her.

His life with her was full of great happiness, as he wrote in his diary, My own happiness in the past often approached such joy that I could not share it even with the person dearest to me but had to walk it away in quiet streets and take down parts of it in my diary.”

This Side of Paradise, his first novel, was published in 1920. Encouraged by its success,Fitzgerald began to devote more time to his writing.Then he continued with the novel The Beautiful and Damned (1922), a collection of short stories Tales of the Jazz Age (1922),and a play The Vegetable(1923). But his greatest success was The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, which quickly brought him praise from the literary world. Yet it failed to give him the needed financial security. Then, in 1926, he published another collection of short stories All the Sad Young Men.

However, Fitzgeralds problems with his wife Zelda affected his writing. During the 1920s he tried to record his life, but failed. By 1930, his wife had her first breakdown and went to a Swiss clinic.During this period he completed novels Tender Is the Night in 1934 and The Love of the Last Tycoon in 1940. While his wife was in hospital in the United States, he got totally addicted to alcohol. Sheila Graham, his dear friend, helped him fight his alcoholism.

【1】How many novels written by Fitzgerald are mentioned in the passage?

A. 5.

B. 6.



【2】Which of the following is the correct order to describe Fitzgeralds life according to the passage?

a.He became addicted to drinking.

b.He studied at St. Paul Academy.

c.He published his first novel This Side of Paradise.

d.The Great Gatsby won high praise.

e. He failed to reord his life.

f.He joined the army and met Zelda.

A. f,c,e,a,b,d

B. b,e,a,f,c,d

C. f,d,e,c,b,a

D. b,f,c,d,e,a

【3】We can infer from the passage that Fitzgerald________.

A. had made some money when he met Zelda in Alabama

B. was well educated and well off before he served in the army

C. would have completed more works if his wife hadn’t broken down

D. helped his friend get rid of drinking while his wife was in hospital

【4】The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about________.

A. Zeldas personal life

B. Zeldas illness and treatment

C. Fitzgeralds friendship with Graham

D. Fitzgeralds contributions to the literary world

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