
【题目】Few of us haven’t read Cinderella, the story of a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams.Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone’s heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity (默默无闻).

Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too.Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story, a film set in a US high school.

Mary is shy but loves to dance.Compared with other girls, she is invisible.However, her world changes completely when a famous teenager pop singer, Joey Parker, appears.

Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind, handsome and desirable.Mary and Joey’s paths cross at a ball.They meet and fall in love with each other.But when Mary has to rush back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams.Of course, there is a wicked stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies.Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn’t get into the top dance school.Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.

The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy tale.Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors are all beautiful.There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.

“The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point,” writes movie critic Amber Wilkinson.“Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream.”

【1】The first paragraph is mainly to _________.

A.inform us of the importance to marry a prince

B.remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years

C.build interest and lead us to Mary’s secret dream

D.tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is

【2】In the movie, Mary Santiago is the main character who _________.

A.is badly treated by the stepmother

B.is brave in expressing her love

C.has a dream of meeting a prince

D.is embarrassed by the pop singer

【3】What can we infer from the passage?

A.Joey is just like other boys in Mary’s class.

B.The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.

C.Not many people have a dream to be realized.

D.Mary’s mother influences her a lot in singing.

【4】What does movie critic Amber Wilkinson mean by his words about Another Cinderella Story?

A.The movie is exactly another copy of the Cinderella fairytale.

B.The movie is as good as the story Cinderella.

C.The movie and Cinderella both focus on following your dream.

D.The movie is based on the story Cinderella while a little different from it.

【5】The passage is mainly about _________.

A.an introduction to Mary Santiago

B.a review about a film

C.an essay about dreams

D.an advertisement of Cinderella








试题分析:本文是一篇影评。讲述的是一部以灰姑娘的童话故事为蓝本的一部新的电影Another Cinderella Story。

【1】C 考查学生对文章结构和目的的理解。从第一段和第二段可以找到直接联系,即第一段用于引出本文的话题,电影Another Cinderella Story。故选C。


【3】B 推理判断题。根据文章的第四段可知。Her MP3 player becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl. 所以是通过了MP3找到的,所以选B。

【4】D 细节理解题。根据movie critic Amber Wilkinson所说的话:The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point. Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream. 可知这部电影源于灰姑娘的故事,但却以追逐梦想为主题。故选D。

【5】B 主旨理解题。由文章总体可知,一直介绍了这部电影,和对电影的评价,可知这是一篇影评,所以选B。



I suppose that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it’s given from the heart. When people are talking, there’s no need to do anything but receive them. Listen to what they’re saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than understanding it. Most of us don’t value ourselves or our love enough to know this. It has taken me a long time to believe in the power of simple saying “I’m so sorry,” when someone is in pain.

One of my patients told me that when she tried to tell her story people often interrupted to tell her that they once had something just like that happening to them. Her pain became a story about them. Eventually, she stopped talking to most people. We connect through listening. When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to ourselves. When we listen, they know we care.

I have even learned to respond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the handkerchiefs, until I realized that passing a person a handkerchief may be just another way to shut him down, to take them out of their experience of sadness. Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there with them.

This simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were too shy to speak or did not know the answer. But now I know that a loving silence often has far more power to heal than the kindest words.

【1】What does the author value most in the communication with each other?

A.Deep understanding.

B.Saying I'm sorry

C.Attention from heart.

D.Doing nothing.

【2】The woman patient stopped telling her story to most people because ________.

A.she didn't get enough respect from others

B.she was discouraged by being often interrupted

C.people often told her their own opinions

D.people couldnt understand her sad situation

【3】If you hand a handkerchief to someone crying,you may ________.

A.hurt his feelings

B.make him embarrassed

C.encourage him to continue to cry

D.stop him from letting out his sorrow

【4】It can be inferred from the passage that while communicating,________.

A.listening is a perfect way to respond to others

B.people keep silent because they don't know the answer

C.keeping silent means being too shy to speak

D.it is easy to form the habit of listening silently

【5】Which of the following might be the author's opinion about communication?

A.Keep silent.

B.Just listen.

C.Be careful.

D.Tell your own story.

【题目】Carrot juice, because of its many healthy benefits, is commonly called the "magic juice". It has been found that adding carrot juice to people’s diets greatly improves their health. And its delicious taste makes it popular with all members of the family as a beverage(饮料).

Carrot juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin A that can be used in the daily diet. Lack of vitamin A can cause dryness and damage to the skin, nails and hair. Drinking carrot juice to increase the vitamin A in the diet is said to be good for many parts of the body, including the bones and teeth.

Drinking carrot juice is thought to be extremely helpful to the liver (肝脏), because vitamin A helps to clean the liver and reduce fat in it. And it is suggested that drinking carrot juice should be done regularly, rather than just from time to time.

Drinking carrot juice is also thought to improve the eyesight because of the vitamin A in the juice. Lack of vitamin A can lead to night blindness, which can be very dangerous, especially when the person is driving a car. An easy way to find out if you are lacking in vitamin A is to walk from a bright room into a dark room. Your eyes may have some trouble in getting used to the change of light if you are lacking in vitamin A.

How can you make carrot juice? Wash some carrots well in cold water. Scrape (刮) them lightly, but do not peel them, as this will take away valuable vitamins and minerals that lie close to the skin.

【1】Lack of vitamin A can lead to _____.

A. broken bones B. complete blindness

C. skin dryness D. liver cancer

2】According to the passage, carrot juice ______.

A. does a lot of good to the teeth and other parts of the body

B. is popular because it is a magic cure for many diseases

C. can wash away the waste from the body

D. may be harmful to the body if it’s drunk too much

3】We can learn from the fourth paragraph that _____.

A. you will find it easy to get used to the change of light if you lack vitamin A

B. driving cars at night may lead to night blindness

C. walking from a bright room into a dark room may lead to night blindness

D. drinking carrot juice helps to protect your eyesight

4】Which would be the best title for this passage?

A. Tips on How to Make Carrot Juice

B. The Great Benefits of Carrot Juice

C. The Way to Keep Good Health

D. A Healthy Diet for Patients

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