
Dear Anne,

  I write further to our conversation on the phone a few days ago. It was a great dialogue to talk to you on the phone last week. I hope things are well for you. Unfortunately, things really haven't changed here at all. He is still not helping me in the house. By the time I get in from work, it's 5:45 p. m. Then I've got to prepare and cook the evening meal, clear away and wash the dishes. Even then I am still not free, as I've got to do some homework then. I don't sleep until around half past nine, by which time I am very tired of course, while I am doing all these things, Steve sits in front of the TV and boils a cup of coffee for only himself. When I ask him to help, he just says that it is none of his business ! I feel I can't go on like this. I've only been married for four months, but I feel like a life time.

  Sorry, the letter's been one long complaint(抱怨)—I'll write again soon with some interesting news if I have any.

Yours ever

M. Atherton

1.Not long before this letter, Atherton ________.

[  ]

A.had heard from Anne

B.had a long dialogue with Steve

C.had given Anne a ring

D.had telephoned Steve

2.We can see that Atherton felt ________.

[  ]

A.unlucky to have married a husband who didn't care her

B.quite pleased to have formed a happy family

C.tired of her husband and would no longer love him

D.it her duty to look after and love her husband dearly

3.According to the letter, we know that Anne was ________.

[  ]

A.Atherton's close friend

B.Steve's first wife

C.also a married woman

D.interested in Steve

4.Who did the housework at home?

[  ]

A.The husband.

B.The wife.

C.The husband and wife in turn.

D.The husband and the wife together.

5.Which is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Atherton has decided to break away with her husband.

B.Anne hoped Atherton could put an end to her life.

C.Atherton has got some worries in her new life.

D.In Steve's opinion, women shouldn't go out to work.

When I was a little girl, my father loved to play catch(接球) with me. I wasn’t very good at it,   16   we would play anyway. He was always telling me “Keep your eye on the ball” as I would not be able to catch even the   17   of throws.

As I got   18  , we didn’t play catch as much. If I had a problem and would go to my father to ask for his   19  , he would try to   20   with me and say “Keep your eye on the ball”. We would both laugh   21   usually that advice was not useful to the problem, but he would try to make me   22  .

My father became   23   in 1995 when I was 23. There weren’t any more conversations, as he suffered from a stroke(中风).   24   could not speak. He could only give   25   words, which were sometimes hard to understand. I seemed to be pretty good at   26   his lips(唇) after a while, even better than the   27   who were caring for him there.

During one of our last conversations, I was telling him about a problem I was having with my boyfriend.   28  , I could read his lips: “Keep your eye on the ball.” We both smiled.

That was the last time I saw my father   29   he passed away.

Sometimes, all these years later, when I get in trouble, I just   30   myself “Keep your eye on the ball”.

1.A. so                            B. and                                    C. but                                   D. or

2.A. fastest                          B. easiest                             C. slowest                            D. highest

3.A. taller                            B. heavier                            C. younger                          D. older

4.A. words                           B. advice                    C. answer                            D. thought

5.A. joke                     B. play                                  C. discuss                             D. stay

6.A. because             B. when                               C. since                                D. though

7.A. cry                       B. sad                                   C. shout                               D. smile

8.A. tired                             B. ill                                      C. angry                               D. free

9.A. We                      B. I                               C. He                                    D. They

10.A. throat                        B. finger                     C. body                                D. mouth

11.A. feeling                       B. reading                            C. hearing                            D. keeping

12.A. children           B. nurses                             C. parents                            D. friends

13.A. However                   B. Therefore                       C. Once again            D. Many times

14.A. after                           B. before                             C. as                                      D. until

15.A. comfort            B. believe                            C. tell                                    D. enjoy







Dear Tom,

Very pleased to know that you’re coming to study in Beijing.

Here is an _____ (介绍) to a school of Chinese. Compared              76. __________

with other schools, it is a suitable one that you can go to _____,     77. __________

it is very _____ (方便) for you to get there by No. 16 bus.          78. __________

Next, the classes are very small. There are 24 teaching h                        79. __________

a week. _____class, you can enjoy sports and activities                            80. __________

with other students. S    with a Chinese family will                                  81. __________

provide you with a chance to _____ (练习) your Chinese                          82. __________

and _____ more about the Chinese family life. The time suits           83. __________

you and 3,000 yuan is paid per month. I’ll get in t    with                       84. __________

them _____ you show interest in this school.                                       85. __________

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.  


                                   Li Hua


1. 我发现这里的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重。
   I found the homework was not as heavy as _______ I _______ _______ get in my old school.
2. 一回到家乡,他就去看他以前的老师。
    _______ he returned to his hometown, he went to see his _______ teachers.
3. Eric 坐在床上看着Daniel,Daniel 手臂交叉,一脸怒气。
    Eric sits on his bed _______ at Daniel, who _______ his arms _______ and looks angry.
4. 我们俱乐部不仅仅播放音乐,也播放一些特殊的信息来通知家长学校重要的事情。
    Our club is much _______ _______ just music,and we also give special messages to _______
    the parents _______ important events.
5. 这个家可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方。
    This is not a family ________ bad _______ _______ _______.
6. 每个人都应该注意自己的言行。
    Everyone should _______ _______ _______ what he says and what he does.
7. 我们终于赢得那比赛,为此我们受到家长的表扬。
    At last, we won the game, _______ _______ we were praised by our parents.
8. 虽然我为公司服务才六个月,但是为嘉奖我的业绩,经理还是坚持给我加薪。
    As a reward for my efforts, the manager _______ _______ giving me a rise though I have been in
    this company for only six months.
9. 我又矮又瘦,但我跑得快。我希望他们能按我现在的样子接受我。
    I'm short and thin but I run fast. I hope they will accept me _______ _______ ________.
10. 事实上,我考试没有不及格。王老师把我的成绩和别人的弄错了。
     Actually, I didn't _______ the test. Mr. Wang _______ _______ my scores _______ someone else's.

?第Ⅱ卷  非选择题(共35分)

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)



Dear Tom,

Very pleased to know that you’re coming to study in Beijing.

Here is an _____ (介绍) to a school of Chinese. Compared                  76. __________

with other schools, it is a suitable one that you can go to. _____,              77. __________

it is very _____ (方便) for you to get there by No. 16 bus.         78. __________

Next, the classes are very small. There are 24 teaching h                79. __________

a week. _____class, you can enjoy sports and activities                       80. __________

with other students. S    with a Chinese family will                    81. __________

provide you with a chance to _____ (练习) your Chinese                 82. __________

and _____ more about the Chinese family life. The time suits        83. __________

you and 3,000 yuan is paid per month. I’ll get in t    with                   84. __________

them _____ you show interest in this school.                                  85. __________

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


                                   Li Hua

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