
【题目】We are planning to __________ a party for our grandparents to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of marriage.

A. put

B. throw

C. make

D. get


【解析】句意:我们计划为祖父母举办一个聚会以庆祝他们五十周年结婚纪念日。throw a party = hold a party举行聚会。



When people think of Hollywood, they think of the city where dreams come trueThis did not apply to FScott Fitzgerald, a screenwriter who had his share of ups and downs in this landFitzgerald was not a successful Hollywood writer because he was not good at the career path he choseHe was an amazing novelist, but his efforts of turning them into screenplays ended in disappointment and confusionIt was because of a lack of potential for screenwriting as well as his addiction and desire to be famous

Growing up as a boy, Fitzgerald went to movies a lotHe wanted to write stories that would eventually turn into moviesThe problem was: just because Fitzgerald wanted to do something didn’t necessarily mean that he was good at itHe made his attempts, but most of these efforts ended in disappointment because he thought about the change from script(剧本)to screen too muchHis plot was too detailed and complicated; his tone was too serious or his dialogue too sentimental(感伤的).

Fitzgerald’s quick rise to fame also led to his fallIn life, things are not meant to happen all at once, all that the same time but it did for FitzgeraldAt his best time, three of his early stories were made into short films, including The Great Gatsby and Babylon RevisitedAs the twenties approached, he was gradually forgotten by the reading publicHe became drunk and constantly took pills both to sleep and wake upHis marriage was destroyed and his wife broke down mentallyHe seemed unsure about his life

Fitzgerald had another chance at success when many opportunities came his way, including revisions of Emlyn William’s play The Light of Heart and production of one of his own scripts, CosmopolitanHowever, these were all put aside and he was right back where he started, left behind and called a “ruined man”Fitzgerald simply wanted too much in his lifeHe wanted “to be both a great novelist and a Hollywood success, to write songs like Cole Porter and poetry like John Keats”His addiction to fame held him back and led to his failure as a Hollywood writer

1Which is a reason that Fitzgerald failed in screenwriting?

A. He was not talented in screenwriting

B. He had a miserable family life

C. He spent too much time watching movies

D. He was greedy for money in his life

2Fitzgerald’s screenwriting was _____

A. disappointing in ending

B. complex in plot

C. playful in tone

D. simple in dialogue

3Which of the following was NOT written by Fitzgerald?

A. The Great Gatsby B. Babylon Revisited

C. The Light of Heart D. Cosmopolitan

4When Fitzgerald had another chance at success, he ______

A. took full advantage of it

B. went back home to start business

C. refused to make changes

D. started to write songs and poems

5What is the best title of the passage?

A. Fallen for Fame Addiction: FScott Fitzgerald

B. An Inch into Fame: FScott Fitzgerald

C. FScott Fitzgerald: A Great Novelist

D. FScott Fitzgerald: A Great Screenwriter

【题目】Greg Woodburn, a student at the University of Southern California, spends much time cleaning sneakers. Some once belonged to him; some were his friends. But soon they will have new owners; underprivileged children in the US and 20 other countries, thanks to Woodburn's Share Our Shoes (S. 0. S.) charity.

He was once a football star in high school. " I started thinking about all the things I got from running—the health benefits, the friendships, the confidence, " he says. And I realized there are children who don't even have shoes.

Woodburn gathered up his own slightly worn sneakers, then put out a call to teammates and the town. His goal was to have 100pairs by Christmas 2007. Surprisingly the count climbed to 500pairs. Back then, the sneakers came from donation boxes at the local sporting goods store and from door-to-door pickups. Woodburn has now set up collection boxes at two high schools. To date, S. 0. S. has collected and donated over 3,000 pairs.

Woodburn has cleaned almost all of them. People think of it as dirty work, He says. But I like doing it. As I work, I imagine who will get each pair. It takes three to five minutes to clean one pair, and he'll do up to 100 pairs at a time.

To ship the footwear, Woodburn teamed with Sports Gift, a nonprofit organization that provides soccer and baseball equipment to children around the world, whose founder and president said Greg's running shoes were a nice addition. For many recipients, the shoes represent opportunity. Two boys in Southern California attended school on alternate(间隔的)days because they shared a pair of shoes. They were too big for one boy and too small the other. Thanks to S. 0. S. ,each brother received his own pair of shoes. The boys now attend school daily. When they graduate, they say, they will help a stranger, just as Woodburn helped them.

【1】 The underlined word underprivileged " in Paragraph I most probably means __________.

A. modest B. poor

C. naughty D. aggressive

【2】 According to the passage, which of the following statement is false of Greg Woodburn?

A. Greg Woodburn was a football star when he was a senior student.

B. Greg Woodburn is the founder of Share Our Shoes (S. 0. S.).

C. Greg Woodburn has donated more than 100 shoes so far.

D. Greg Woodburn spends a lot of time cleaning almost all the shoes.

【3】 We can infer from Paragraph 3 that __________.

A. many people support Woodburn's Share Our Shoes (S. 0. S.)charity

B. Greg Woodburn collects shoes only by setting up collection boxes

C. high school students don't value their sneakers

D. Greg Woodburn collected 3,000 shoes by Christmas 2007

【4】 In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to tell us __________

A. Sports Gift is a department of Woodburn's S. 0. S.

B. there are so many poor families in Southern California.

C. the shoes from S. 0. S. are too big for some children.

D. the shoes from span>S. 0. S. play an important part in some children's life.

【5】 According to the passage, which of the following words can best describe Greg Woodburn?

A. Do-nothing. B. Hot-headed.

C. Warm-hearted. D. Self-serving.

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