
Hi, Daisy,

I am wondering why you haven’t showed up online for such

a long time. I’m sorry to know your mother has f 1. ill in hospital

and that your father is struggling for a living. __2.___ is no doubt that what you are ____3.____ (经历) affects your life greatly, making you unable to c 4. on your study. I understand how you are feeling at the moment and I truly wish that I could be __5.____ any help. Life can be hard at times and we can never expect what lies 6. (前方). Life is a challenge. We had no choice but to meet it. __7.____ happens,you need to r 8. optimistic and try what you can to help your parents. It is by meeting difficulties and overcoming _____9.___ that one learns how to survive. I hope your mother will be all right soonand it won’t be long _____10.__ things turn better.













试题分析: 本文是作者给Daisy写的一封信。因为Daisy的母亲生病住院,而父亲忙于挣钱养家,所以他很久没有时间上网了。在信中作者鼓励Daisy要坚强,告诉他生活就是挑战,我们别无选择要去迎接挑战。并且最后祝愿他的母亲能早日康复

1.fallen 考查动词短语。根据空后内容in hospital判断mother是生病住院,用fall ill,因为前面是has所以判断是现在完成时,填fallen。

2.There 固定句型:There is no doubt that ….“毫无疑问”,因为位于句首,所以大写首字母,填There。

3.experiencing 考查动词。根据提示可知填experience的适当形式,因为前面有are,而且是表示主动意思,所以用现在进行时,填experiencing。

4.concentrate考查动词短语。Be unable to 后面跟动词原形,根据句意可知填concentrate,固定短语:concentrate on “集中精力”,填concentrate。

5.of考查介词。固定短语:of help “有帮助”,句意:我理解你此刻的感受,我真得希望我对你有所帮助。

6.ahead 考查副词。根据汉语提示可知填ahead。句意:生活有时候会很艰难,我们不能预计到前方会有什么。


8.remain 考查动词。根据need to do 判断此处填动词,而只有系动词后填形容词,根据首字母提示和句意可知填remain。

9.them 考查代词。根据and前面内容difficulties判断用代词them。

10.before考查连词。固定句型:it won’t be 时间段 before”不用过很久就….



A smart phone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing abilities than a common phone. The first smart phones enabled the users to send and receive emails. Later models added the function of portable media players, pocket video cameras, and GPS navigation units to form one multi-use device. Many modem smart phones also include touchscreens and web browsers that display web pages.

A recent report says we spend an average of two hours and 40 minutes each day looking at a smart phone. That doesn’t mean making calls, but playing phone games and browsing the Web.

Nowadays we always find people checking emails in a restaurant, taking a picture of the food when it arrives, or checking a message during a conversation instead of traditional communication. It’s no secret that our lives are being affected by our smart phones obsession.

However, this phenomenon has never been presented so vividly as in the short YouTube film I Forgot My Phone. Despite only being online for a few days, it's already been viewed more than 10.5 million times. Whether it will be screened in the cinema remains to be seen.

Ironically, YouTube’s data show that the site gets a billion views per day from mobile devices, so a lot of those people watched it on their phones.

The short film, written by and starring actress Charlene Deguzman, shows groups of people in various social situations, the majority of whom are absorbed in their phones instead of the world around them. To a certain extent, we all do it.

1.People prefer a smart phone to a common one, because the latter only can help us ______.

A. check emailsB. send messages C. find the destinationD. watch a video

2.The underlined word “obsession” in the third paragraph most probably means “______”.

A. devotionB. contribution C. addictionD. emotion

3.Which of the following is right?

A. People spend as average of two hours and 40 minutes each day using smart phones.

B. The film hasn’t been put on in the cinema.

C. The film is written by an actor named Charlene Deguzman.

D. The film has already been viewed more than 105 million times in the first few days.

4.When the writer mentions the number of people watching the film from mobile devices in the fifth paragraph, he mainly feels ______.

A. encouraged B. depressedC. proudD. satisfied



City Varieties

The Headrow, Leeds.Tel.430808.

Oct 10—11 only.A Night at the Varieties.All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers, Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Dural and the Tony Harrison Trio; Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favorite songs.

Performances: 8 pm nightly.

Admission: ?5; under 16 or over 60: ?4.

York Theatre Royal

St Leonard’s Place, York.Tel.223568.

Sept 23—Oct 17 Groping for Words—a comedy by Sue Townsend.Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class, which two men and a woman attend.A gentle comedy.

Admission: First night, Mon: ?2; Tues—Fri: ?3.25—5.50; Sat: ?3.50—5.75.

Halifax Playhouse

King’s Cross Street, Halifax.Tel.365998.

Oct 10—17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson.This is a magical comedy about real people.A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone.Don’t miss it.

Performances: 7:30 pm.

Admission: ?2.Mon: 2 seats for the price of one.

Grand Theatre

Oxford Street, Leeds.Tel.502116.

Restaurant and Café.

Oct—17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13.Sue Townsend’s musical play, based on her best-selling book.

Performances: Evenings 7:45.October 10—17, at 2:30 pm.No Monday performances.

Admission: Tues—Thurs: ?2—5; Fri & Sat: ?2—6.

1.Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?

A.City Varieties. B.Halifax Playhouse.

C.Grand Theatre. D.York Theatre Royal.

2.If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?

A.502116. B.223568. C.430808. D.365998.

3.We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is _____.

A.a director B.an actressC.a musician D.a writer


Five boys are suspected of starting a fire that destroyed their school on the eve of the new term. Police said yesterday that five boys — one aged 11, two 12-year-olds, one aged 13 and one 15 — arrested on suspicion of starting the fire had been released until later this month. Parents said the five pupils all attended St Mary’s.

Pupils witnessed their schoolwork being destroyed in the fire at Leyland St Mary’s Catholic Technology College in Lancashire. The 1950s science block was reduced to the ground in Sunday’s fire, which created clouds of smoke visible for miles. It is reported that the library and sports hall were also destroyed beyond repair. Strong winds and a shortage of water prevented 125 firemen trying to bring it under control. Firefighters were expected to remain at the scene until late this afternoon. Staffs were due to attend the school yesterday for an inset(培训)day, and pupils pupils were to return for lessons after the holidays today.

St Mary’s head teacher Kathy McNicholas fought back the tears as she watched her school go up in flames last night. She said, “This is so upsetting to watch. It’s heartbreaking. It’s very distressing for the staff and the children. Everyone had been looking forward to coming back for the new school year.” Finding somewhere around 730 children won’t be easy. A few of the staff have turned up to see if there is anything they can do and they have all been shocked and saddened by what has happened. “It’s tragic because we have only just had a lot of refreshment work done to the school during the summer break. It was a big investment. The community around here very much looks after its school.”

Plans were being drawn up to provide alternative classrooms for 730 children, with parents warned to keep them at home for at least the rest of the week.

1. Which part of St Mary’s Catholic Technology College was burned to the ground in the fire?

A. The library. B. Sports hall.

C. The science block. D. The passage doesn’t tell us.

2.The underlined word “distressing” in the third paragraph can be replaced by “ ”.

A. excited B. surprised

C. annoyed D. embarrassed

3.From the whole passage, we can know that .

A. the education of England is worse

B. St Mary’s Catholic Technology College had no trouble finding enough classrooms

C. a shortage of money prevented more than 100 firemen controlling the big fire

D. the pupils had to stay at home before the alternative classrooms were found

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Five boys started a fire that destroyed their school.

B. The firemen failed in controlling the fire.

C. The staff and the children were upset.

D. The school planned to take measures to solve the problem.


Most teens I meet these days lack basic social courtesy when dealing with people.

My own son, who basically grew up with his grandmother, the original guru, has perfect table manners. This is partly because he was to manners at a very young age. However, when we eat at home, he would not manners. So I asked him why. He said,” I behave the way I am supposed to when I’m out, but when I am at home I want to be .”

That’s when I realized that most parents, myself included, do their children the proper way to behave outside the home, but they are also to believe that at home, anything goes.

My to him was “good behavior has nothing to do with where you are or whom you are with”.

Then he answered, “But I behave when I’m with others so that they think better of me.” And that is when I realized that I was doing things all . I explained to him that it had nothing to do with what people think. This him even more.

So I went on to explain that behavior, whether in your everyday with people or at the dining table at home, is an of who you are. Well, at the age of 13, he got it.

So basically, what I am saying is that teaching your children comes with the underlying lesson that it is not about to do or not to do, but rather, who they are. This way it is not ; it comes from within.

Teach your teens or children the courtesy of greeting their friends’ parents and themselves when they go to someone’s home. Teach teenage boys to open the door of a car, or any door that matter, for any girl, whether they are their girlfriends or not. This includes holding elevator doors or letting women step out of the elevator first.

Just that teenage boys who practice good manners’ and courtesy grow up to become men who respect people in general.

1.A. knowledgeB. wisdomC. mannersD. intelligence

2.A. exposedB. limitedC. caredD. concerned

3.A. learnB. practiceC. rememberD. make

4.A. liveB. obeyC. reactD. behave

5.A. gentleB. politeC. comfortableD. kind

6.A. teachB. offerC. guideD. support

7.A. attended toB. brought upC. cared aboutD. depended on

8.A. answerB. devotionC. apologyD. affection

9.A. strangelyB. nervouslyC. calmlyD. properly

10.A. reasonableB. importantC. wrongD. necessary

11.A. confusedB. encouragedC. movedD. pleased

12.A. competitionB. argumentC. struggleD. interaction

13.A. impressionB. expressionC. appearanceD. attitude

14.A. lessonsB. skillsC. mannersD. examples

15.A. what B. howC. whereD. why

16.A. practicalB. naturalC. gradualD. mechanical

17.A. minorB. formalC. basicD. casual

18.A. pleasingB. introducingC. enjoyingD. amusing

19.A. withB. onC. forD. at

20.A. considerB. confirmC. predictD. remember


I was now in my twenty third year of residence in this island and was accustomed to the place and to the manner of living. If it had not been the savages(野人)who had come to the place to disturb me, I could have been content to spent the rest of my time there, even to the last moment, till I had laid me down and died, like the old goat in the cave.

I had also arrived to some little recreations and amusements, which made the time pass more pleasantly with me a great deal than it did before.

At first, I had taught my Poll to speak. And he did it so familiarly and talked so clearly and plain that it was very pleasant to me. And he lived with me no less than twenty six years. How long he might live afterwards, I don’t know; though I know they have an idea in Brazil that they live a hundred years. Perhaps poor Poll may be alive there still, calling Poor Robin Crusoe to this day. I wish no other English man had the bad luck to go there and hear him. But if he did, he would certainly believe it was the devil(魔鬼).

My dog was a very pleasant and loving companion to me, for no less than sixteen years of my time, and then died of mere old age.

As for my cats, they multiplied to that degree that I had to shoot several of them at first to keep them from eating up all I had.

Besides these, I had two more parrots which talked pretty well and would all call Robin Crusoe, but none like my first. Nor indeed did I take the pains with any of them that I had done with him.

I had also several sea-fowls, whose names I don’t know, that I caught upon the shore and cut their wings. And the little stakes which I had planted before my castle wall being now grown up to a good thick bush, these fowls all lived among these low trees and bred there, which was very agreeable to me; so that as I said above, I began to be well content with the life I led if not worried about the threat from the savages.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Robin Crusoe treated animals kindly.

B. Robin Crusoe led a hard life on the island.

C. The animals raised by Robin Crusoe brought him much pleasure.

D. The savages always spoiled Robin Crusoe’s happy life.

2.How many parrots did Robin Crusoe mention in this passage?

A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Robin’s dog may be still alive on the island.

B. Robin Crusoe lived in harmony with savages.

C. Robin Crusoe met an English man while on the island.

D. Parrots raised by Robin could talk very well.

4.What is the “sea-fowl” mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. A bird living on the coast.

B. A fish living in the sea.

C. A creature without a name

D. An animal feeding on tree leaves.


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