
【题目】It is true that the first Olympic Games of modern times in 1896 were not open to women. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who gave new life to the Games, was very much a man of his time. He didn't like women showing up for the Games. But since this time, things have changed. History shows that the number of women participating in the Olympic Games has been increasing over the years since their first participation at the 1900 Olympic Games and especially in the last 30 years. This development is of social, political and cultural significance (意义.

The progress is the result of the cooperation of the entire Olympic Movement and of proper measures that the International Olympic Committee (IOC)International Sports Federations(ISFs)and National Olympic Committees ( NOCs) have taken. Especially in the last 20 years, the IOC has enlarged the women's program at the Olympic Games, in cooperation with IFs and the Organizing Commit-tees for the Olympic Games ( OCOGs). This development was further strengthened (巩固by the IOC's decision that all sports must have women's events. The IOC also started to work on increasing the number of women at leadership level in sports in 1981. Former President Juan Antonio Samaranch, who wanted to have women as IOC members, made a great contribution(贡献.

Many sports volunteers have worked to increase the number of women joining in the Olympic Games. This progress has been made also thanks to the strong determination of women from different countries of the world who have worked to make sure women are fully represented in all sports.

1The underlined part participating in in the first paragraph can be replaced by __________

A. getting close to

B. taking part in

C. calling for

D. taking over

2 According to the first paragraph, all of the following are true EXCEPT that __________.

A. women were not allowed to join in the 1896 Olympic Games

B. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was very famous when he was alive

C. many women have competed in the Olympic Games in the last 30 years

D. Baron Pierre de Coubertin tried his best to let women join in the Olympic Games

3 What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?

A. Why women were not allowed to join in the Olympic Games.

B. How more and more women were able to join in the Olympic Games.

C. What some organizations have done for women's rights.

D. What sports volunteers have done to enable women to join in the Olympic Games.

4 It is implied in the passage that __________.

A. women first performed in the Olympic Games about fifty years ago

B. it was IFs that decided to enlarge the women's program at the Olympic Games

C. Juan Antonio Samaranch didn't agree that women should be IOC members

D. women themselves worked very hard so that they could join in the Olympic Games

【答案】1 B

2 D


4 D

【解析】1 词义猜测题。根据But since this time. things have changed. 的语境可知越来越多的女子参加奥运比赛。故选B项。

2 细节理解题. 根据第一段He didn't like women showing up for the Games. 可知顾拜旦并不支持女子参加奥运比赛。

3 主旨大意题。通读第二段可知主要是讲在一些奥运组织与机构的积极努力下,越来越多的女子得以参加奥运比赛,而第三段是指体育志愿者以及世界各国的女子的积极争取也为越来越多的女子得以参加奥运比赛作出了贡献,故选B项。

4 推理判断题。根据最后一段的This progress has been made also thanks to the strong determination of women. . . 可推断世界各国的女子为争取更多的女子可以参加奥运比赛做了很多努力。


【题目】Researchers have found that most of our tiredness comes from our mental attitudes (心态). One of England’s doctors, J.A. Hadfield, says, 【1】 . In fact, tiredness of completely physical origin (缘由) is unusual.” So, remember -- the key to improved productivity is learning to relax. Here are some suggestions for you.

Relax form time to time

【2】 . It is said that if you want to master the art of relaxation, study the cat. Think about it. Have you ever seen a tired cat, or a cat with a nervous break-down? You will probably avoid this kind of feeling if you learn to relax as the cat does.


Remember that tensions (紧张状态) on the body produce aching shoulders and nervous feelings. Variety and movement keep you physically and mentally alive. The most interesting task can get boring if done for long periods of time, and the most comfortable chair isn’t comfortable if the worker must sit in it for hours.

Think at the end of the day

【4】 . And if you are tired, is it because of the mental work you’ve done, or the way you have done it? Generally, if you feel extremely tired at the end of the day, it’s quite likely been an inefficient (效率低的) day.

【5】 Then you can work with a new attitude the next day.

A. Think of a cat

B. Work less hard

C. Work in a comfortable position

D. This will help you form the habit of relaxing.

E. Make notes of what changes you need to make.

F. Ask yourself how tired you are at the end of the day.

G. The greater part of tiredness comes from mental attitudes.

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