
此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾(); 如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





I once worked night guard in a factory. On                   1.______

a rain night, all the lights of the factory went                         2.______

out all at once. I rushed out but could see                        3.______

nothing. Fortunately the warned system was                         4.______

direct connected with the police station, and                       5.______

for three or four minutes four police cars                         6.______

arrived at the front gate. The police looked at                     7.______

all round the factory, but were found nothing                          8.______

unusual. A police told me that the rain must                        9.______

have affected the electricity system and cause                      10.______

a short circuit(短路).


It's a small gas station that has snacks, drinks, cigarettes, and candies. The young man behind the counter knows his __36__  by name and what they normally want to buy. He treats children and adults with equal  __37__. He reads science fiction behind the counter when business is  __38__.

One day, three people rushed in and grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could,  __39__  not intending to pay for it. He hit the “panic button” , then went over the counter and  __40__  the front door. It was obvious that they were homeless, and equally obvious that they weren't going  __41__  with their ill?gotten gains. They  __42__  the food and simply crowded together in panic—knowing the police were  __43__  the way.

Imagine what they must have felt like when they were told they didn't have to steal if they were that  __44__. “We have food in the back, expired (到期)but still  __45__  to eat. If you need food, you  __46__  have some.”

They were told to  __47__  what they had dropped and put it back, and then asked to straighten out the mess. They were doing just that  __48__  the police arrived. The officers were told the situation was under control and the police were no longer  __49__.

This wasn't what they had  __50__. They were being treated as human beings who could right the wrong they'd done. Shocked, they quickly followed orders to take turns and use the restroom to clean up.

Soon three  __51__  people walked out with all the  __52__  their arms could hold. They were  __53__  that,if they needed to come back again, they were to ask and not just grab.

And then the young man went back to read until the next customer came in. He would be the  __54__ person in the world to claim he was a hero. But he gave three people something they were in desperate need of—a  __55__amount of self?respect and a little bit of hope.

36.A.friends   B.neighbors C.customers   D.passengers

37.A.respect   B.pride  C.wisdom     D.privilege

38.A.slow    B.busy C.heavy   D.swift

39.A.bravely   B.reasonably C.hardly   D.obviously

40.A.opened   B.locked C.closed   D.broke

41.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.anywhere    D.everywhere

42.A.hid B.lifted  C.swallowed   D.dropped

43.A.in B.on C.off D.by

44.A.anxious B.cautious  C.courageous   D.hungry

45.A.safe B.easy C.sweet   D.unique

46.A.must B.can  C.should   D.need

47.A.hold up B.hand out  C.pick up D.hand in

48.A.when     B.after  C.before   D.since

49.A.popular   B.necessary C.reliable D.important

50.A.wanted  B.desired C.expected    D.admired

51.A.dirtier    B.cleaner C.cleverer     D.quicker

52.A.money       B.cigarettes C.drinks   D.food

53.A.reminded B.warned C.ordered D.persuaded

54.A.first B.last  C.best    D.worst

55.A.large B.fair  C.small    D.full

  The holiday shopping season is once again upon us.The super malls and smaller shopping centers will all be packed as hurried Americans search for the perfect gift.The crooks and thieves that prey upon innocent shoppers are well aware of this fact.

  Even if you don’t involve yourself with holiday gift buying,you could end up a victim of theft.Thieves do not distinguish the holiday shopper from the everyday shopper.Thieves only know that there are more potential targets of opportunity at this time of year.

  They also know that many people are complacent (不以为然的) about personal safety issues year round.They’ll factor in the belief that many people take on added stress this time of year while running from store to store with so much to do and so little time to do it.Shoppers who might normally consider personal safety an afterthought push it back even further as they try to negotiate their way through the month of December.College students are not an exception to the rule!

  As a member of our university community,you’re also easily influenced by the dangers of mall shopping this time of year.Take a minute and picture any of the local area malls.Close your eyes and think about the overflowing parking lots and the crowds moving around.The sights,sounds and distractions all can lull you into a state of personal safety complacency.

  Aside from the shoplifters who steal merchandise from store shelves are the thieves who perpetrate (犯) snatch and grab crimes.And this is the sort of crime that you’re most vulnerable to,especially when you find yourself carrying a large number of shopping bags and packages.However,as is the case with most other types of criminal behavior,there are a number of crime prevention measures you can take to lessen or stop your chances of becoming a victim.So take the time to read and then put into practice the following holiday shopping tips.

1.The author is most probably     .

  A.a newspaper reporter

  B.a novelist

  C.a member of university community

  D.a police spokesman


2.What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A.Shoppers.           B.Thieves.

  C.Personal safety issues.       D.College students.


3.Why is a person more likely to become a victim of theft during holiday shopping?

  A.Because he often has much to buy.

  B.Because he often does shopping in a hurry.

  C.Because there are crowds of shoppers.

  D.All of the above.


4.What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?

  A.To tell readers different kinds of crimes.

  B.To make readers aware of holiday shopping dangers.

  C.To give advice on selecting the perfect gift.

  D.To introduce American public security situation.


5.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

  A.Holiday Shopping Safety

  B.Suitable Shopping Places

  C.Personal Safety During Holidays

  D.How to Identify a Thief


Michel is a young girl who works for the police   36 a handwriting expert (专家). She has helped    37  many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents (天才).
  When she was fourteen, Michel was already   38  interested in the differences in her friends'   39 that she would spend hours  40  them. After  41  college she went to France for a   42  two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.
  Michel says that it is  43  for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover  44  of what she needs to know simply   45 looking at the writing with her own eyes,   46  she also has machines   47   help her make    48  different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often   49  great help to the police.
Michel believes that handwriting is a good   50  of what kind of person the    51  is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow    52  I didn't like his handwriting. " She says. But she   53 she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman   54  she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be    55  , however.

A.with B.byC.likeD.as
A.writingB.studyingC.settling  D.uncovering
A.attendingB.finishingC.starting  D.stepping into
A.powerfulB.naturalC.special  D.common
A.mainB.safe   C.easyD.impossible
A.mostB.nothing   C.little   D.sight
A.with    B.byC.ofD.about
A.so     B.forC.thusD.but
A.they    B.in which   C.thatD.those
A.up     B.outC.forD.into
A.of     B.toC.withD.for
A.test    B.sign(标记)C.meansD.habit
A.thiefB.criminalC.writer   D.policeman
A.adds    B.tellsC.repeats   D.cries
A.before   B.afterC.so    D.and
A.necessaryB.all rightC.importantD.quite easy

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