
 Did the book give the information you needed?

 Yes. But _____ it, I had to read the entire book.

  A. to find   B. find   C. to finding   D. finding  






1.What is so nice about Montreal according to the men?

[  ]

A.There are beautiful mountains.

B.There are beautiful lakes.

C.There are nice clubs and restaurants.

2.What is the women going to do?

[  ]

A.She is going to help the men with Ids maths.

B.She is going to comfort the man.

C.She's going to be the man's teacher.

3.What does the women mean?

[  ]

A.It won't really snow until December.

B.So much snow is unusual for December.

C.It's typical December weather for that area.

4.What does the man want to find out?

[  ]

A.Whether Mr. White is at work today.

B.When the plan would be ready.

C.How long he will be off work.

5.What will the man probably do?

[  ]

A.To Bo to the reading room.

B.To stay at home.

C.To buy a notebook.



6.Haw long will the man take his holiday this year?

[  ]

A.For three weeks.

B.For five weeks.

C.For two weeks.

7.Where will the man probably spend his holiday in June?

[  ]

A.In Spain.
B.In Europe.
C.At home.

8.What's the man's plan far trip in October?

[  ]

A.He plans to go to Europe.

B.He is sure to stay at home.

C.He doesn't hope to go abroad.


9.What are they talking about?

[  ]

A.Buying a new car for the family.

B.Buying a toy car for their son.

C.Getting a beautiful car for a friend.

10.Which car is more expensive?

[  ]

A.The black one.

B.The green one.

C.The blue one.


11.What's the man's problem?

[  ]

A.He's been getting a bit short of breath.

B.His work is too tiring.

C.He has a strange pain, which keeps him awake at night.

12.What has caused the trouble?

[  ]

A.It remains to be found out.

B.He was burnt by boiling water.

C.He has tired himself out in his work.

13.How will the woman find out the reasons?

[  ]

A.By reading his local doctor's report.

B.By giving a new test.

C.By listening to the patient.


14.Why did Jane look so tired?

[  ]

A.Because she worked hard all day.

B.Because she danced at her brother's birthday party.

C.Because she was busy the night before and didn't have enough sleep.

15.Where was the party held?

[  ]

A.At Jane's house .

B.At Jane's aunt's house .

C.At Jane's brother's house.

16.What did Jane do after the party?

[  ]

A.She typed a paper.

B.She went to bed.

C.She tried to study history.


17.Why didn't Mr. Black offer Room 112 to the three men at first?

[  ]

A.Because the key had been lost.

B.It was believed there was a ghost in the roan.

C.It was too small for three men.

18.How much did Mr. Black first ask each man for the room?

[  ]

A.$ 30.
C.$ 9.

19.Why did the assistant return only $ 3 to the men?

[  ]

A.The manager had asked him to do so.

B.He couldn't divide the money for the three men.

C.He wanted to make some money for himself.

20.How were the manager and the assistant different in behaviour(行为) ?

[  ]

A.The manager was honest but his assistant was not.

B.The assistant was clever but the manager wasn't.

C.The manager did not know how to make money, but the assistant did.

  At the beginning of the century there was a big farm near Los Angeles in California called the Hollywood Ranch (好莱坞牧场). 1 later Hollywood was one of the most 2 places in the world. From the 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film 3 of the world. Every family knew the names of its film 4 , like Charlie Chaplin, Greta Gar bo, Ingrid Bergman and hundreds 5 .

  People went to Hollywood to make films for the sun. 6 they made films in New York 7 the east coast of America. But then they 8 Los Angeles where there were a great 9 of days of sun every year. 10 they made most films by sunlight, the west coast was a much better place. 11 near Hollywood you can find desert (沙漠) and mountains 12 sea. They did not 13 to travel far to make any films.

  The first films were 14 . In the late 1920s 15 the “talkies” (有声电影):you can hear people talking and listen to the 16 .

  After the war Hollywood was successful, but then 17 became popular. People went to the cinema 18 often. So Hollywood began making films 19 it. In the 1970s they found people 20 going to see big and expensive films. Since then films made in Hollywood have been watched all over the world.


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.In the end
B.Before long
C.At first
D.Later on


[  ]



[  ]

A.spoke of
B.heard about
C.thought of
D.looked for


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.but also
B.close to
C.away from
D.as well as


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]


Businesses are witnessing a difficult time, which has in turn produced influence on consumers’ edsire to go green . However, shoppers are still laying stress on environmental concerns.

Two thirds of customers say that environmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago, while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy.

This may help to influence how shops store goods on their shelves. And the companies should still make efforts to become more envitonmentally friendly. Two out of three people think it is important to buy from environmentally responsible companies,with about one in seven saying that they had even decided to take their custom elsewhere if they felt a company’s environmental reputation was not good enough.

Harry Morrison, chief executive(主管)of the Carbon Trust, sympathizes:“I understand this situation where survival is very important now. But from environmental considerations, the clocd is ticking—we don’t have much time. In addition, cutting carbon has an immediate effect as costs drop and a mediun-term benefit for the brand.”

Larger companies have an extra motivation to look at reducing their carbon footprint, as new rules next year will require businesses bo buy carbon allowances to make up for their emissions(排放). Those that have taken early action will have a head start. More than two thirds of consumers are not clear about which companies are environmentally responsible. This suggests that firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attract shoppers.

The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about the good work companies are doing.“When companies are granted(授予)the standard, they can use a logo(标识)in all their marketing which makes it clear that they are working towards cutting emissions,”Mr.Morrison said.

64.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Businesses are finding ways to send their message to the shoppers.

B.Companies will soon get information about cutting carbon emissions.

C.Firms are making efforts to encourage customers to keep goods at home.

D.Firms are urged to cut carbon emissions by shoppers’environmental awareness.

65.The underlined word“inform”in Paragraph 2 probably means“       ”.

A.affect        B.change       C.disturb        D.reject

66.According to Harry Morrison, businesses         .

A.will benefit from cutting carbon emissions

B.should buy carbon allowances for shoppers

C.are required to make up for their carbon emissions

D.have encouraged shoppers to take their custom elsewhere

67 .We can learn from the passage that businesses will         .

A.have a strong desire to reduce costs

B.use the same logo in their marketing

C.gain advantages by taking early action

D.attract more shoppers by storing goods

Businesses are witnessing a difficult time, which has in turn produced influence on consumers’ edsire to go green . However, shoppers are still laying stress on environmental concerns.
Two thirds of customers say that environmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago, while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy.
This may help to influence how shops store goods on their shelves. And the companies should still make efforts to become more envitonmentally friendly. Two out of three people think it is important to buy from environmentally responsible companies,with about one in seven saying that they had even decided to take their custom elsewhere if they felt a company’s environmental reputation was not good enough.
Harry Morrison, chief executive(主管)of the Carbon Trust, sympathizes:“I understand this situation where survival is very important now. But from environmental considerations, the clocd is ticking—we don’t have much time. In addition, cutting carbon has an immediate effect as costs drop and a mediun-term benefit for the brand.”
Larger companies have an extra motivation to look at reducing their carbon footprint, as new rules next year will require businesses bo buy carbon allowances to make up for their emissions(排放). Those that have taken early action will have a head start. More than two thirds of consumers are not clear about which companies are environmentally responsible. This suggests that firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attract shoppers.
The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about the good work companies are doing.“When companies are granted(授予)the standard, they can use a logo(标识)in all their marketing which makes it clear that they are working towards cutting emissions,”Mr.Morrison said.
64.What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Businesses are finding ways to send their message to the shoppers.
B.Companies will soon get information about cutting carbon emissions.
C.Firms are making efforts to encourage customers to keep goods at home.
D.Firms are urged to cut carbon emissions by shoppers’environmental awareness.
65.The underlined word“inform”in Paragraph 2 probably means“      ”.
A.affect        B.change       C.disturb        D.reject
66.According to Harry Morrison, businesses        .
A.will benefit from cutting carbon emissions
B.should buy carbon allowances for shoppers
C.are required to make up for their carbon emissions
D.have encouraged shoppers to take their custom elsewhere
67 .We can learn from the passage that businesses will        .
A.have a strong desire to reduce costs
B.use the same logo in their marketing
C.gain advantages by taking early action
D.attract more shoppers by storing goods

To prevent the deserts coming near, China has planted billions of trees---to replace destroyed forests and as barriers against the sand. This isn’t a cure, though, say experts, as thirsty trees can make the problem worse by taking in groundwater.

“Planting tress is one way, but it isn’t that simple. It doesn’t solve the basic issue of water resources,” says Wu Bo, a professor. “We need to calculate how much water the trees will absorb, or else it could have a negative effect.”

Villagers in Zhengxin have taken on this challenge, with limited success. When the irrigation channels began to run dry, Lu Xianglin switched from wheat to cotton on his land. He also planted trees to protect his fields from sandstorms. He says he still gets good yields using flood irrigation and earns a good income for his family.

Other farmers haven’t stuck it out: About one in three have left Zhengxin in the past 10 years after their wheat crops died. Young people who can find jobs in the towns rarely return.

Last week, Mr Lu joined the other men in his village on a government-arranged trip to see the land that has been set aside for their relocation, nearly 40 miles to the south. The next day, he was back, shaking his head at the plan. The idea of uprooting his family troubles him, as does the idea of giving up the land that fed his forefathers. He prefers to stay and keep up the fight.

“With enough water, this problem can be solved,” Lu says. “We can plant trees and grass, and they will grow bigger. That will stop the desert.”

Experts say that farmers could switch to drip irrigation to lessen their water intake for growing crops. Elsewhere in the region, farmers have built brick greenhouses as part of a plan to grow vegetables using less water. Roadside signs urge farmers to “Save Water, Protect the Environment”.


49. The negative effect of planting trees in deserts is that __________.

   A. it can make groundwater become less

   B. it can prevent the sand moving freely

   C. it can stop crops growing well

   D. it can get the soil to become poor

50. Why did Mr Lu NOT accept the idea of relocation?

   A. Because the plan of relocation will cost him much money.

   B. Because his family had trouble moving away.

   C. Because he was reluctant to give up his land.

   D. Because he would rather stay than fight against the deserts.

51. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. The deserts drive more and more people to leave their homes for their lives.

   B People have no means to fight against the land becoming desert

   C. Water is the biggest barrier for people to stop the desert.

   D. Planting trees cannot solve the problem of desertification of farmland

52. What advice is given by experts to save water?

   A. To plant more trees         B. To build greenhouses

   C. To change crops             D. To use drip irrigation. 

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