
    By the time a student starts to apply (申请) for a US university, much of his or her record, including grades
and after-school activities, has been set in stone. For this reason, the student must in his or her first year of
high school start getting ready for college. He or she also has to decide on the non-academic (非学业的) tasks,
which are important to improve the student's chances of getting in.
1. After-school activities
    When it comes to high school activities, quality is better than quantity (数量). Admissions (录取) officers
do not want to see a student who has joined dozens of organizations (组织) for a short period of time.
    Many students try to do this towards the end of their high school. But schools want to see a student who
has been with one organization for all or most of high school. A student who can do this shows maturity (成熟).
It is the quality that admissions officers look for as it is one of the markers of future success. 
2. Leadership
    Schools want to see a student who has taken on a leadership role in an organization. A student can show
leadership by taking on any role that needs extra commitment (奉献) and responsibility.
    If you do not have a great title (头衔) such as president, be sure to explain any leadership roles you have
taken. This kind of involvement (参与) in school activities shows you are the responsible person that admissions
officers look for.
3. Consistency (一致性)
    Admissions officers like an application (申请) to be consistent. For example if there is a high school activity
you particularly (特别地) love, it would help if that activity matches your future academic and career interest.
    Of course not everything needs to be consistent. Otherwise (否则) the student would be narrow and this is
not what schools are looking for. However, you cannot have different parts of your application saying
conflicting (矛盾的) things.
1. Who was the article written for?
[     ]
A. US college students hoping to study in China.
B. Chinese college students hoping to study in the US.
C. Third year high school students hoping to study in the US.
D. Teenagers hoping to study in the US.
2. The underlined phrase "set in stone" in Paragraph 1 probably means _____.
[     ]
A. made clear
B. something unchangeable
C. become obvious
D. at the right level(水平)
3. The author's suggestion is to _____.
[     ]
A. try as many different organizations as possible
B. start planning for college at the beginning of high school
C. make everything in an application consistent
D. put non-academic tasks before academic tasks
4. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
[     ]
A. Students should choose after-school activities they have great interest in.
B. It's already too late for first year students to apply for a US university.
C. It is necessary for a student to be a president if he/she is to apply for a US university.
D. Students should concentrate on just one activity in high school.
     By Zhang Youlv (China Daily 09/29/2008)-A manned lunar (月球的) landing is China's next target when the
current three-stage space program ends in the next dacade."When our manned space program is completed,
we will travel even further," Wang Zhaoyao, deputy head of China's manned space program office and
Shenzhou VII mission spokesman, told a briefing in Beijing three hours after China's third manned space
mission was successfully concluded yesterday.
     "After comprehensively analyzing the general trend of the international development of manned space, as
well as realities in China, we see a manned lunar landing as a both challenging and tactical (策略的) field in
global hi-tech," he said.
     "We believe it necessary for our country to do something in this field," Wang said.
     He did not give a specific(具体的) date for a moon landing. Wang, however, said,"Experts believe this is
'very much needed' for research into relevant (closely connected) technologies to further China's achievements
in space."
      The 68-hour Shenzhou VII mission featured a 25-minute spacewalk on Saturday.
      It was broadcast live and watched by millions throughout the country. The crew's landing at a site in the
Inner Mongolia autonomous region was also carried live by national television.
     The entire mission was pronounced a complete success.
     Wang said the three astronauts, were transported to Hohhot, the region's capital, and would spend the
evening there.
     "They will return to Beijing this morning," he said.
     "During the course of the mission, Russian experts provided strong technical support for the EVA
spacesuits. The successful Sino-Russian cooperation for this flight created beneficial conditions for more
intensive cooperation between the two sides in the future," Wang said.
     The mission's success has paved the way for completing the second stage of the program-building a space
station before 2020.
      Before that, a space lab will be set up in 2010 with Shenzhou X, the country's next full-crew space journey.
1. When will China's spaceship land on the moon?
A. 2020.
B. 2010.
C. 2018.
D. No specific date.
2. What does the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph imply?
A. We will travel even further in the outer space.
B. There is a need for China to land on the moon.
C. It is very much needed to research space technologies to further China's space program.
D. International cooperation is necessary for China's landing on the moon.
3. The reason why Russian experts provided strong technical support for the EVA spacesuits is that _____.
A. China can't make spacesuit
B. China and Russia would like to cooperate in space program
C. China is a leading technological power now
D. Russia wants to benefit from China
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. A Manned Lunar Landing is Both Challenging and Tactical
B. Shenzhou X will Land on the Moon
C. China will Set up a Space Lab on the Moon
D. Landing on the Moon--the Next Target
     By 2010, spending on Internet advertising will account for 10% of total US ad dollars, according to
"The Changing Face of Advertising in the Digital Age" from Parks Associates.
     Roughly 21% of Internet users consider Internet advertising to be the most effective ad format. It has
gone beyond traditional media, such as newspapers, magazines, and radio.
     Behavioral targeting with a variety of sounds makes the channel attractive. "Because the Internet is an
interactive platform and offers rich consumer usage data, advertisers can improve their ad target ability
and achieve better results," said Parks Associates research analyst Harry Wang.
     Due to audience and media fragmentation (分裂), large companies and established brands will move
dollars from TV and other formats to the Web. Anheuser-Busch, Procter & Gamble, Verizon, and Wachovia
have already moved portions of their budgets to online advertising.
     "The Internet has changed the standard for the entire world, and traditional media have to respond by
making their media platforms more interactive and results-oriented," said Wang.
     The report was compiled (编写) from the findings of an Internet-based survey of 2,084 US consumers
in households with Internet access. The group includes 270 teenagers ages 13 to 17. The report contains
data from Parks Associates' consumer study "Digital Entertainment: Changing Consumer Habits".
1. According to the context, Anheuser-Busch, Procter & Gamble, Verizon, and Wachovia are all the names
    of _____.
A. international companies
B. foreign companies
C. large companies or established brands
D. famous established brands
2. Compared with traditional media, what are the biggest advantages of the Internet?
A. The Internet is an interactive platform with a variety of sounds and offers rich consumer usage data.
B. The Internet is available to anybody who are interested in information.
C. Traditional media, such as newspapers, magazines and radios can't reach the latest news to people as
     soon as possible.
D. The Internet is changing people's habits.
3. What does the underlined words "account for" in the first paragraph mean?
A. cover up
B. make up
C. count out
D. take up
4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Traditional media is not popular any more.
B. Internet advertising is increasing now.
C. The Internet is more attractive than traditional media.
D. Internet adverting is the most effective ad format.
     By creating a distinctive username-and reusing it on multiple websites-you may be giving online marketers
and scammers a simple way to track you. Four researchers from the French National Institute of Computer
Science ( INRIA) studied over 10 million usernames-collected from public Google profiles, eBay accounts,
and several other sources. They found that about half of the usernames used on one site could be linked to
another online profile, potentially allowing marketers and scammers to build a more complex picture of the
     "These results show that some users can be profiled (勾勒轮廓) just from their usernames," says Claude
Castelluccia, research director of the security and privacy research group at INRIA, and one of the authors
of a paper on the work. "More specifically, a profiler could use usernames to identify all the profiles that belong
to the same user, and then use all the information contained in these sites to profile the victim."
     Those who have more unique usernames are more likely to be attacked. The INRIA researchers have
created a tool that can check how unique a username is, and thus how easily an attacker could use it to build
a profile of a person.
     Researchers are exploring ways that the traces of data that people leave on different websites could be
combined and used to track them. A 2010 paper showed that the online groups to which people belonged
could be used to infer their real identity in 42 percent of cases.
     Building profiles of consumers using online information has already become a major industry for marketers
as well as online criminals.
1. What, would be the best title for the passage?
A. Look out for online criminals
B. Your username may betray you
C. Don't ]eave your traces online
D. A unique username is more attractive
2. Online marketers may use your username to ____.
A. get a picture of yours
B. steal from your online account
C. get useful information about you
D. find out your interest or hobbies
3. The main purpose of the passage is probably to ____.
A. warn us of the possible dangers of a unique username
B. tell us how to manage our online information
C. advise us on how to choose a proper username
D. tell us the importance of a username
4. We can infer from the passage that ____.
A. it's hard to build a profile of a person from a username online
B. it's better to use a more complex username online
C. a username online has little to do with the real person
D. we'd better not use the same username on different sites
5. The underlined word "scammers" in Paragraph l most probably means ____.
A. friends
B. criminals
C. victims
D. salesmen
     By far the most common difficulty in study is simple failure to get down to regular
concentrated work.This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan
and have no regular routine of study.Many students muddle along(无计划地进行),
doing a bit of this subject or that,as the mood takes them,or letting their set work pile
up until the last possible moment.
     Few students work to a set timetable.They say that if they did work out a timetable
for themselves they would not keep to it,or would have to change it frequently,since they
can never predict(foresee)from one day to the next what their activities will be.
     No doubt some students take much more kindly to a regular routine than others.There
are many who shy away from a self-controlled weekly timetable,and dislike being tied
down to a fixed program of work.Many able students state that they work in cycles.When
they become interested in a topic they work on it attentively for three or four days at a time.
On other days they avoid work completely.It has to be admitted that we do not fully
understand the motivation to work.Most people over 25 years of age have become used
to a work routine,and the majority of really productive workers set aside regular hours for
the more important areas of their work.The "tough-minded" school of workers doesn't fully
accept the idea that good work can only be done naturally,under the influence of inspiration.
     Those who believe that they need only work and study as the fit takes them have a mistaken
belief either in their own talent or in the value of "freedom".Freedom from control and discipline
(纪律)leads to unhappiness rather than to "self-expression" or "personality development".Our
society insists on regular habits,timekeeping and punctuality,and whether we like it or not,if we
mean to make our way in society,we have to meet its demands.
1.The most widespread problem in applying oneself to study is _________.
A.changing from one subject to another
B.the failure to keep to a set timetable of work
C.the unwillingness to follow a systematic plan
D.working on a subject only when one feels like it
2.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Many students are not interested in using a self-controlled timetable.
B.Many students don't like being told to study to a fixed timetable.
C.Most people over 25 years of age don't work to set timetable.
D.Tough-minded people agree that good work is done naturally.
3.The underlined part "as the fit takes them" in Paragraph 4 means ________.
A.when they have the energy
B.when they are in the mood
C.when they feel fit
D.when they find conditions suitable
4.A suitable title for the passage might be _________.
A.Attitudes to Study
B.A Study Plan
C.The Difficulties of Studying
D.Study and Self-discipline

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