
4.        his lesson,he didn't notice his mother coming in. (concentrate)


4. Concentrating on/Concentrating himself on/ Concentrating his mind on concentrate表示"聚精会神,集中思想"时,是不及物动词,多和on/ upon连用。此处是现在分词短语作状语,表原因。

 Working women over 70 caught in the retirement trap at 74 ,Marie Maes is struggling to find work.

  Even though she spent four 1        working in Colorado hospitals and Seattle nursing homes,the retired licensed practical 2        lives just above the poverty line on little more than $12 a day after she pays her rent.

  She is among a nearrecord and 3        number of women working well into their 70s,thanks to smaller Social Security checks,4 careers,smaller pensions,longer life spans than men and bad 5        planning.

  "Of course I need to 6        to work," said Maes,a direct and optimistic woman. Asked whether she 7        herself poor,she replied, "I never gave it a thought,but I guess I am."

  Over the past 14 years,the number of women 8        in the United States between the ages of 70 and 74 nearly 9        from 324,000 to 618,000,according to the Labor Department.

  More elderly Seattleites are looking for work these days,10       city job fairs not necessarily because they want to,11       because they need the money.

  Single older women like Maes are particularly vulnerable (易受伤害的) .Nearly one in five of them lives in 12       ,more than three times the rate of the 13        people of the same age,according to a National Women's Law Center analysis of 2002 Social Security data. And many carry fewer resources into their 70s than men.

  The gap suggests the nation's retirement system is 14        Maes and plenty of other women. Instead of 15 the New Mexico native for decades of hard work,it left heir with no pension,an empty bank account, $824 a month from Social Security and 16        to get back to work.

  Maes' 1      7 is not uncommon. She started work later in life,18       less money and relied on her husband to prepare for their retirement.

  "We're still in that Beaver Cleaver generation," said Marge Hampton,70, chairwoman for Crone of Puget Sound,a community group for older 19      . "We looked to the man to take care of us ... Then we 20        up one day and said, ' Oh my God,what is here?'"

(   ) 1. A. years   B. months   C. weeks   D. decades

(   ) 2. A. nurse   B. doctor   C. teacher   D. professor

(   ) 3. A. decreasing   B. extending   C. spreading   D. growing

(   ) 4. A. longer   B. better   C. earlier   D. shorter

(   ) 5. A. working   B. family   C. financial   D. studying

(   ) 6. A. get back   B. come back   C. fall back   D. hold back

(   ) 7. A. made   B. implied   C. considered   D. kept

(   ) 8. A. living   B. playing   C. working   D. staying

(   ) 9. A. doubled   B. developed   C. lifted   D. improved

(   ) 10. A. taking   B. covering   C. packing   D. seeking

(   ) 11. A. but   B. and   C. so   D. then

(   ) 12. A. richness   B. poverty   C. happiness   D. sorrow

(   ) 13. A. single   B. married   C. rich   D. poor

(   ) 14. A. preventing   B. discouraging   C. failing   D. stopping

(   ) 15. A. saying   B. paying   C. prizing   D. rewarding

(   ) 16. A. pressure   B. force   C. ability   D. pleasure

(   ) 17. A. condition   B. situation   C. event   D. state

(   ) 18. A. saved   B. wasted   C. made   D. spent

(   ) 19. A. women   B. men   C. workers   D. employees

(   ) 20. A. made   B. got   C. put   D. woke

   Crying babies,buzzing mosquitoes,ringing car alarms,they're all annoying noises. But what's the worst? A recent survey lists the things we hate to hear.

However,numberone on the list was the sound of a dentist's drill. "That lust sends shivers down my spine ," said one respondent. " After a visit to the dentist,I sometimes wake up at night with that sound in my head. It's horrible," said another. " I've seen patients shaking with fear when I bring out the drill," explained a dentist. Of course,anyone who has actually been to the dentist and heard the sound will probably agree with that.

  But there's some good news,a new device developed by experts at College London,Brunei University and London South Bank University can cancel out the sound of the frightening drill. The tiny machine allows patients to listen to music on an MP3 player while the sound of the drill is eliminated. However,patients are still able to hear the dentist's voice because not all sounds are filtered out (滤除) .

  The theory behind it is fairly straightforward. Microphones are placed close to the dental drill. These pick up any sounds and transform them into digital signals. Then,electronic filters cancel out any unwanted sound waves. This can be done even if the wave's amplitude (振幅) and frequency changes. However,the great thing is that this technology also allows other noises,such as the dentist's voice to come through.

  It's easy to use,too. Patients simply plug the soundfiltering machine into their MP3 players. Then,via headphones,they can listen to music and hear the dentist's voice without being disturbed by the noise of the drill. Fantastic!

  So,next time you go to the dentist,remember to bring your MP3 player.

(   ) 5. What is the purpose of the text?

   A. To announce a recent survey.

   B. To introduce a new product.

   C. To list some annoying noises.

   D. To remind to bring your MP3.

(   ) 6. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

   A. It makes me surprised. B. It makes me delightful.

   C. It makes me wide awake. D. It makes me scared.

(   ) 7. What technology is the tiny machine based on?

   A. It can get rid of all the sounds.

   B. It can transform sound waves into digital signals.

   C. It can filter out the unwanted sounds.

   D. It can change the sound wave's amplitude and frequency.

(   ) 8. Which of the following words best describe the tiny machine?

   A. Heavy and useless. B. Simple and practical.

   C. Clear but frightening. D. Fantastic but noisy.

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