
. They really have a great time too , designing everything , drawing the blue prints , _________the angles and so on .

A. looking out   B. taking out   C. finding out   D. figuring out    



figure out 与design,draw是并列的,作状语,结构形式上也应一样。故选D。



  My father made a deal with me that he would match whatever I could come up with to buy my fir st car.From the time I wa s a saver.My allowance, back in tho se day s, wa s twenty five cent s a week.I grew up on a farm near a small town called Ventura.In tho se day s the area wa s mo stly agricultural.The climate wa s and still i s a s clo se to perfect a s you could get.I earned some of my money picking one crop or another.When I wa s about ten, a school friend' s family owned walnut orchard s(果园)and it wa s harve st time.She told me we could earn five dollar s for every bag of walnut s we picked.I certainly learned about picking walnut s that day.Not surprisingly, that wa s my fir st and la st time a s a walnut picker.

  In 1960 my grandmother pa s sed away.She left me 100 share s of AT&T.One hundred share s of stock don't seem like much today but back then tho se share s paid me$240 per year in dividend s(利息).That wa s huge for a kid my age.

  By the time I wa s seventeen.I had saved up $ 1, 300 and I knew exactly that I wanted.Ithink my father wa s somewhat suri sed when I announced I had saved up $ 1, 300 and wa s ready to buy my new car.I'll never forget the evening my father said, “Let' s go see about that car”.I wa s so excited.

  My father could have ea sily ju st given me the car but he alway s in si sted that hi s children work for what they got.Thi s wa s not a bad thing.I learned self-reliance.Self-reliance i s equal to freedom.Now that I think about it I need to be thanking my father.


Which one of the following s didn't belong to the saving of $1, 300?

[  ]


Weekly allowance.


Her earning s by picking crop s.


Share s left by grandma.


Money earned from selling share s.


The underlined part in the second paragraph probably meant ________.

[  ]


she didn't have the chance of picking walnut s


enough money had been earned for her car


the work wa s too hard for children like her


she had no time to do that again for some rea son


We can know from the pa s sage the author got her car at the age of ________.

[  ]










The purpo se of the author' s father doing like that wa s to ________.

[  ]


give the author freedom


be unwilling to buy the author a car


teach the author to learn self-reliance


give the author a big surpri se

Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn't mean they don't like you! Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m., And end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as gift. Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks. Do you want to be extra polite? Say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall. But remember---- it's not polite to ask how much things cost. In many families, the husband sits at one end of the table and the wife sits at the other end. They eat with their guests.
You'll probably start meal with soup or something small, and then you have meat of fish with vegetables, and then desert, followed by coffee. It's polite to finish everything on your plate and have more if you want it. Did you enjoy the evening? Call your host and hostess the next day, or write them a short "thank you" letter. British and American people like to say "thank you, thank you, thank you" all the time!
【小题1】You're not invited to the evening by a friend, which              .

A.means you are not welcome f or some bad manners
B.means he or she doesn't like you for some unknown reasons
C.means you should pay more visits to them and bring more gifts
D.doesn't mean he or she doesn't like you
【小题2】You should never              .
A.say you like the host's house very much
B.ask the host the price of the things in the house
C.have drinks and some snacks before the evening
D.sit beside the host or hostess when having dinner
【小题3】As a guest, you should finish everything to show              .
A.you are healthyB.you rea lly like the food
C.you like cookingD.you have a good appetite.(胃口)

Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn't mean they don't like you! Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m., And end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as gift. Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks. Do you want to be extra polite? Say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall. But remember---- it's not polite to ask how much things cost. In many families, the husband sits at one end of the table and the wife sits at the other end. They eat with their guests.

You'll probably start meal with soup or something small, and then you have meat of fish with vegetables, and then desert, followed by coffee. It's polite to finish everything on your plate and have more if you want it. Did you enjoy the evening? Call your host and hostess the next day, or write them a short "thank you" letter. British and American people like to say "thank you, thank you, thank you" all the time!

1.You're not invited to the evening by a friend, which              .

A.means you are not welcome f or some bad manners

B.means he or she doesn't like you for some unknown reasons

C.means you should pay more visits to them and bring more gifts

D.doesn't mean he or she doesn't like you

2.You should never              .

A.say you like the host's house very much

B.ask the host the price of the things in the house

C.have drinks and some snacks before the evening

D.sit beside the host or hostess when having dinner

3.As a guest, you should finish everything to show              .

A.you are healthy                         B.you rea lly like the food

C.you like cooking                        D.you have a good appetite.(胃口)


Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn't mean they don't like you! Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m., And end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as gift. Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks. Do you want to be extra polite? Say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall. But remember---- it's not polite to ask how much things cost. In many families, the husband sits at one end of the table and the wife sits at the other end. They eat with their guests.
You'll probably start meal with soup or something small, and then you have meat of fish with vegetables, and then desert, followed by coffee. It's polite to finish everything on your plate and have more if you want it. Did you enjoy the evening? Call your host and hostess the next day, or write them a short "thank you" letter. British and American people like to say "thank you, thank you, thank you" all the time!

  1. 1.

    You're not invited to the evening by a friend, which              

    1. A.
      means you are not welcome f or some bad manners
    2. B.
      means he or she doesn't like you for some unknown reasons
    3. C.
      means you should pay more visits to them and bring more gifts
    4. D.
      doesn't mean he or she doesn't like you
  2. 2.

    You should never              

    1. A.
      say you like the host's house very much
    2. B.
      ask the host the price of the things in the house
    3. C.
      have drinks and some snacks before the evening
    4. D.
      sit beside the host or hostess when having dinner
  3. 3.

    As a guest, you should finish everything to show              

    1. A.
      you are healthy
    2. B.
      you rea lly like the food
    3. C.
      you like cooking
    4. D.
      you have a good appetite.(胃口)

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