



1.What is the man's problem?

A.He is tired.

B.He is sick.

C.He is thirsty.

2.How does the woman usually go shopping?

A.Driving a car.

B.On foot.

C.On Internet.

3.How much does one glass cost?

A.160 dollars.

B.50 dollars.

C.15 dollars.

4.At what time did Mary leave?

A.Five o'clock.

B.Ten to five.

C.Ten o'clock.

5.What will the woman have to do?

A.Borrow the tape.

B.Keep the tape.

C.Return the tape.




6.Why did the woman cry?

A.Because she was homesick.

B.Because she envied the man's family.

C.Because she received some photos.

7.What is the purpose of the man's suggestion?

A.To enjoy themselves.

B.To comfort the woman.

C.To make friends with the woman.


8.What did Fred do last night?

A.He went to the police station.

B.He drove into a store and broke it up.

C.He went shopping with his girlfriend.

9.Who did he have a fight with?

A.The storekeeper.

B.The policeman.

C.His girlfriend.

10.Where is Fred's car now?

A.In the store.

B.In the street.

C.In the police station.


11.What do people usually talk about at the English corner?

A.English test.

B.Only current affairs.

C.Anything interesting.

12.What will you do if you can't understand at English corner?

A.Say it in another way.

B.Go onto another topic.

C.Try to find another person to speak to.

13.What can we know about the man?

A.He knows little about the English corner.

B.He doesn't like to talk with others.

C.He thinks his spoken English is good enough.


14.Why can't Tom and Lily meet tonight?

A.Because Lily is not at home.

B.Because Tom will not be in Cairo.

C.Because Tom will not be free.

15.What time does the plane take off?

A.At 2∶15.

B.At 2∶30.

C.At 2∶00.

16.What is the relationship between Tom and Lily?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Boss and employee.

C.Boyfriend and girlfriend.

17.Who might call the man later?





18.Which of the following choices is not true about Mrs.Bates?

A.Her car is new.It's very large, and it can go 200 kilometers per hour.

B.She has a very, very old car.It often has engine trouble.

C.She has four restaurants and two million dollars in the bank.

19.What is the main view about the speaker?

A.Rich people have expensive cars.

B.Big people have large cars and old people drive old cars.

C.Neither A or B.

20.What can we know from the passage?

A.Mrs.Bates is an artist.

B.The speaker's uncle, Joe has three dogs.

C.Mrs.Hill is 82 years old.





M:Hi.Are you here on vacation or business?

W:I’m here on vacation.I think Taiwan is beautiful.

1.What is the woman here for?

A.For an interview.

B.On business.

C.On vacation.

M:I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour.Is that all right?

W:Good.That means you will be here at 8∶30.

2.What time is it now?

A.Nine o’clock.

B.Eight o’clock.

C.Seven thirty.

W:Do you think that every language has a spoken form?

M:Certainly I do, but not every language has a written form.

3.Which form comes first, written or spoken?

A.Either the written form or the spoken one comes first.

B.The written form appears before the spoken one.

C.The spoken form comes before the written one.

M:I have seen the film Three Men and a Baby twice.I still really enjoy it.

W:That’s nothing.I’ve seen it four times.My brother has seen it five.

4.How many times has the woman seen the film Three Men and a Baby?

A.Two times.

B.Three times.

C.Four times.

M:I like these coats.How much are they?

W:40 dollars each, or two for 70 dollars.

5.How much will each one cost if you buy two coats?

A.30 dollars.

B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.




W:Hey, Karl!Why all this hurry?

M:Hi, Amber.How’s everything?

W:Really good.I’ve been really busy all day.How about you? I haven’t seen you for a while.

M:Yeah, today it has just been crazy for me too.I’ve been working like a mad man all day.

W:There just isn’t enough time.I haven’t even done a tenth of my paperwork.

M:It’s no joke, is it?I’ve still got a ton of paperwork to do, too.

W:I had a million things to do today, and only managed to finish a few.

6.What do both the man and the woman most probably do?

A.They are dustmen.

B.They are sportsmen.

C.They are office workers.

7.What do we know about today’s work?

A.Both of them have been busy with the work all day.

B.The man has been busier than the woman.

C.The man could spare a few minutes to relax.

8.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Both of them have finished their today’s work.

B.They have been so busy that they haven’t seen each other recently.

C.Both of them are joking.


M:What are you going to do tonight, Betty?

W:I’m going to eat at the new Chinese restaurant, just opposite your office.It’s not far from my house, about fifteen minutes’ walk.

M:Really? I was there last night, with some friends of mine.

W:Were there many people there?

M:Yes, a lot.

W:How was the food there?

M:It was great, really delicious.The vegetables were very fresh.But the service was not good enough, I’m afraid.

9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they’re going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

10.What is NOT mentioned about the Chinese restaurant in the talk?



C.Where it is.


M:Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

W:Arm exercises?Is that because arms are too fat or soft?

M:Actually that’s not the main reason.They say that arm exercises can make you physically healthy.

W:But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.

M:Yes, but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.


M:By adding leg exercises, so that the arms don’t do all the work.

W:And in return I’m sure that there’s a good chance of losing weight.

M:Sounds right to me.

W:So what exercises do the experts suggest?

M:They mentioned quite a few exercises, but one of the most popular ones is riding a bike.

W:Good.I will try that.

11.Why are some doctors strongly encouraging arm exercises now?

A.Because our arms are often too fat.

B.Because our arms are often too soft.

C.Because arm exercises can build our health.

12.How will your blood pressure act when you have arm exercises?

A.Slow down.


C.Keep normal.

13.What should arms exercises be done with?

A.Head exercises.

B.Neck exercises.

C.Leg exercises.


M:Miss Helen, can you tell me a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Enron.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you have heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Enron?

W:The ABC Motor Company.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For five years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could do there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your working experience.Thank you.

14.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.The ABC Motor Company.

C.The woman’s working experience.

15.How many companies has the woman worked for?




16.Why did the woman leave Enron?

A.She needed a change.

B.She had a quarrel with her boss.

C.The company closed down.

17.How many years did the woman work for the ABC Motor Company?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Seven years.


  The 28th Olympic Games were held in its birthplace Athens this year again.But do you know how we got from the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Games?Now let me tell you something.

  Although the ancient Games were held in Olympia, Greece, through 776 BC to 393 AD, it took 1503 years for the Olympics to return.The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.The man responsible for its rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who presented the idea in 1894.His original thought was to hold the first modern Games in 1900 in Paris, but delegates from 34 countries were so devoted to the idea of holding it in Athens that they made him give up his original thought and move the Games up to 1896 and have Athens serve as the first host.

18.When did the ancient Olympics stop?

A.776 BC.

B.393 AD.

C.After 1503.

19.Who first came up with the idea of the rebirth of the Olympics?

A.The Greeks.

B.A Frenchman.

C.The Olympic Committee.

20.Why did delegates from 34 countries insist on having Athens serve as the first host?

A.Because the Olympic Games were born in Greece.

B.Because Paris is farther to other countries than Athens.

C.Because the Olympic Games should return to its hometown.





1.What does the woman suggest?

A.The man should do more reading.

B.The man should read without the dictionary.

C.The man should use the dictionary while reading.

2.What does the man want to buy for his wife?

A.A coat

B.A dress.

C.A pair of shoes.

3.Why did the man fail to go to the party?

A.Because of the heavy rain.

B.Because of the heavy snow.

C.Because of the heavy traffic.

4.Where does the man want to go?

A.The Green Park near the TV Station.

B.The Green Park near the City Cinema.

C.The Green Park near the History Museum.

5.What can we know about the two speakers?

A.They went to the cinema last Saturday.

B.The woman doesn’t want to go to the cinema.

C.They haven’t been to the cinema for a long time.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At a train station.

C.At a bus stop.

7.What will the woman do first?

A.Buy a ticket for the fast train.

B.Get on the train to Shenzhen.

C.Buy a ticket for a slow train.

8.When will the woman arrive in Shenzhen?

A.10∶15 am.

B.1∶00 pm.

C.2∶15 pm.


9.What are the speakers talk about?

A.Going camping.

B.Going fishing.

C.Going swimming.

10.What does the woman think of going by bus?

A.It’s very fun.

B.It’s uncomfortable.

C.It’s a waste of time.

11.Why do they decide to live in a hotel at last?

A.Because the woman doesn’t want to camp.

B.Because the hotels around the lake are cheap.

C.Because the man wants to have a good sleep at night.


12.What did the woman buy in the store last week?

A.A bag.

B.A bike.

C.A pair of glasses.

13.How long is the store open on Sunday?

A.10 hours.

B.11 hours.

C.9 hours.

14.What will the woman do on Friday?

A.Go to the store.

B.Go to visit her uncle.

C.Make an appointment with the man.


15.What’s the man’s problem?

A.He is not interested in English.

B.He isn’t good at spoken English.

C.He failed in his last English exam.

16.Which book does the man choose?

A.The easy one with exercises.

B.The easy one with good examples.

C.The difficult one with good examples.

17.How long can the man keep the book?

A.For one week.

B.For two weeks.

C.For three weeks.


18.Why did people want to go California at first?

A.Because of the warm weather.

B.Because they wanted to settle there.

C.Because they wanted to find gold there.

19.When did California become a state of America?

A.In the year 1848.

B.In the year 1850.

C.In the year 1849.

20.What’s the disadvantage of California?







1.Where did the woman see the rock singer?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a concert.

C.In a restaurant.

2.What is the woman doing?

A.Writing her report.

B.Looking after the kids.

C.Preparing dinner.

3.What was broken?

A.A phone.

B.A lamp.

C.A plate.

4.How did the man get the cat?

A.He bought it.

B.His aunt gave it to him.

C.The woman gave it to him.

5.What does the man suggest doing after walking?

A.Taking a rest.

B.Doing shopping.

C.Having dinner.




6.What is the man’s advantage for the job according to himself?

A.He has some experience.

B.He is good at making friends.

C.He majored in communicating.

7.What is the man’s biggest weakness according to himself?

A.He is a little bit slow.

B.He is a little bit careless.

C.He likes working very much.


8.How old probably is the man?




9.Why does the woman come here?

A.To look for her new office.

B.To meet her client.

C.To meet her old neighbour.

10.Where is the new office complex?

A.Next to a baker’s.

B.Behind a baker’s.

C.Next to a flower shop.


11.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Old friends.

B.Host and guest.

C.Boss and secretary.

12.Why does the man feel nervous?

A.He will give the most important talk at the conference.

B.He has no time to look at the conference materials.

C.His English is not so fluent now.

13.What do we know about the woman?

A.Her English is a bit better than the man’s.

B.She knows the technical terms but doesn’t understand all of them.

C.She feels excited about the talk that she will give at the conference.


14.What are the speakers talking about?




15.Why does the woman think it stressful to go to the dentist?

A.It is out of control.

B.It is embarrassing.

C.It hurts

16.What does the man think is the most stressful?

A.Being late.

B.Having an exam.

C.Moving to a new place.

17.What does the woman think of having an interview?





18.What is an important reason for changing of women’s career choices?

A.Social need.

B.The media’s influence.

C.The change of women’s attitudes.

19.What can we learn from the survey of Scottish school-leavers?

A.Many men are doing housekeeping.

B.Most of men are doing traditional men’s jobs.

C.Most of women are doing traditional women’s jobs.

20.Why are women more and more needed in the work force?

A.There’re fewer and fewer children leaving school.

B.People have changed their attitudes completely.

C.Women are more and more independent.




1.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Mother and son.

C.Doctor and patient.

2.What’s the man?

A.A shop assistant.

B.A tailor(裁缝).

C.A salesman.

3.What time is it now?




4.What kind of news does the woman want to read?




5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man couldn’t find a park.

B.It’s hard to find a place to park the car.

C.The woman apologized for her carelessness.




6.What does the woman do in the group?

A.Play the violin.

B.Play the piano.

C.Sing for the group.

7.Who is Miss Janet Pearson?

A.The director of the group.

B.The singer of the group.

C.The leader of the group.

8.How often will the group meet?

A.Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Every other week.


9.Where is the woman going?

A.To her office.

B.To her school.

C.To the airport.

10.What is the woman worried about?

A.Her being late for school.

B.Her missing the plane.

C.Her not being able to catch her train.

11.When does the driver think they will get there?

A.At about 9∶50.

B.At about 10∶15.

C.At about 9∶45.


12.What is the woman going to do?

A.Attend a party.

B.Go to the railway station.

C.Take a holiday by the seaside.

13.How long will the trip take the woman?

A.Five or six hours.

B.Nine hours thirty minutes.

C.Ten hours.

14.What will the weather be like at the seaside at night?





15.When will the man go on holiday?

A.In spring.

B.In summer.

C.In winter.

16.Where is the man going?

A.To Switzerland.

B.To Italy.

C.To Austria.

17.When will the man most probably come back?

A.On June 1.

B.On June 10.

C.On June 21.

听第10 段材料,回答第18至20题。

18.When was the report published?

A.Last year.

B.In 1995.

C.6 months ago.

19.How much time is needed to exercise a week to stay healthy?

A.20 minutes.

B.40 minutes.

C.One hour.

20.What is the major factor that leads to many health problems?

A.Eating too much.

B.Sleeping too much.

C.Taking too little exercise.




1.When will Susan arrive?

A.At 4∶30.

B.At 4∶45.

C.At 5∶20.

2.Why can’t the woman go to see the film today?

A.Because she has another plan.

B.Because she doesn’t like the film.

C.Because she is not feeling well.

3.How much is the jacket?

A.600 US dollars.

B.100 Hong Kong dollars.

C.600 Hong Kong dollars.

4.What does the man have for this meal?

A.Soup, noodles and iced coffee.

B.Sandwich, noodles and hot coffee.

C.Soup, noodles and hot coffee.

5.Who is Mr.Smith?

A.The girl’s father.

B.A friend of the girl’s father’s.

C.The girl’s brother.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a post office.

B.At a baker’s shop.

C.At a restaurant.

7.When was the parcel posted?

A.Two days ago.

B.Two weeks ago.

C.Two months ago.

8.What do we know about the man?

A.He lives at 128, Devon Street.

B.He is very angry about the service.

C.He loves his mother very much.


9.What do we know about No.6 Station Road?

A.It has the man’s lucky number.

B.It has four bedrooms.

C.It has a garage.

10.What is good about No.4 Candy Street?

A.It is in a quieter place.

B.It has bigger rooms.

C.It is closer to shops.

11.Which one have they decided on?

A.The one with a big garden.

B.The one next to the station.

C.The one closer to town.


12.What is the man planning to do with his friends?

A.Watch a football game.

B.Go for a drive and have a picnic.

C.Have dinner and see a movie.

13.Why does the woman hesitate to go with them?

A.Because she has to study for an exam.

B.Because she has to attend a party.

C.Because she doesn’t have enough money.

14.When does the woman want to be back?

A.By 10∶30 p. m.

B.By 11∶30 p. m.

C.By 6∶00 p. m.


15.Why didn’t the man want to go dancing?

A.Because he thought it was dull.

B.Because he didn’t like dancing.

C.Because he was very tired.

16.What did the man suggest?

A.Walking on the bridge.

B.Inviting friends to watch the bridge.

C.Inviting some friends to play bridge.

17.When will Janet come around?

A.At about 8 a. m.

B.At about 4 p. m.

C.At about 8 p. m.


18.Who is speaking?

A.The programmer.

B.The singer.

C.The radio host.

19.When are tickets available to the winning people?

A.Before Saturday night.

B.Before Thursday morning.

C.Before Wednesday morning.

20.Through which phone number can people find the speaker?




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