
完形填空(共20小题, 每小题1分, 满分20分)

Bethany Hamilton, born on February 8, 1990, learned to surf at 7 and began her career as a surfer when she entered her first competition at age 11. ____ age 13, she was an excellent surfer and well-respected in the ____ world. Her lifelong ____ of becoming a professional surfer was ____ on October 31, 2003, as she was ____ by a 14-foot tiger shark while surfing off Kauai’s North Shore. She lost her left arm ____ that did not destroy her ____. And it just made her stronger.

“I know I have ____ important to say. Something that people need to hear—but sometimes they get ____ caught up in the story part, that they miss the meaning,” says Bethany Hamilton.

Bethany has chosen to use her ____ to become an inspiration and help others to overcome adversity(厄运), no matter how ____. She says, “People I don’t even know ____ me. I guess they ____ me as a symbol of courage and inspiration. One thing hasn’t changed—and that’s how I feel when I’m ____ a wave. It’s like, here I am. I’m ____ here. It’s still me and my board—in God's ocean!”

Bethany was presented with a special courage ____at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards and Best Comeback Awards in 2004 ESPY(卓越体育表现奖). Bethany ____ to compete in the most challenging waves in the world and amaze everyone by achieving the ____. She dominated(支配) the 2005 National Scholastic Surfing Association Nationals Championships, taking first ____ in the Explorer Women’s division.

Her story continues to be told, with Bethany continuingly ____ to be the best at whatever God calls her to do.

1.A. For B. Till C. By D. To

2.A. sports B. sailing C. swimming D. surfing

3.A. dream B. task C. hope D. interest

4.A. damaged B. ruined C. interrupted D. destroyed

5.A. killed B. attacked C. shocked D. bitten

6.A. for B. and C. but D. so

7.A. life B. courage C. ambition D. profession

8.A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

9.A. very B. too C. so D. quite

10.A. experience B. accident C. suffering D. misfortune

11.A. large B. much C. great D. serious

12.A. come up with B. live up to C. put up with D. come up to

13.A. look B. think C. refer D. see

14.A. surfing B. riding C. speeding D. sliding

15.A. even B. still C. also D. already

16.A. present B. reward C. prize D. award

17.A. continues B. begins C. hopes D. tries

18.A. unusual B. unfortunate C. unimaginable D. unique

19.A. lead B. place C. step D. action

20.A. struggling B. determining C. supposing D. winning























试题分析:文章中讲述的这个故事是关于Bethany Hamilton用自己的勇气和信心战胜了失去手臂的痛苦,并希望通过自己的故事鼓励人们克服一切困难

1.C考查介词辨析A. For为了;B. Till直到;C. By到。。为止;D. To 对于;句意:到了13岁,她已经在冲浪方面是个优秀的冲浪选手了。根据when she entered her first competition at age 11可知选C项。

2.2】D考查名词辨析 A. sports运动;B. sailing航行;C. swimming 游泳;D. surfing冲浪;句意:到了13岁,她已经在冲浪方面是个优秀的冲浪选手了。根据下方提到Her lifelong __23__ of becoming a professional surfer可知选D项。

3.3】A 考查名词辨析A. dream梦想;B. task 任务;C. hope希望;D. interest兴趣;句意:成为专业冲浪选手一直是她的梦想,可是这个梦在2003年11月碎了。成为专业冲浪选手是他的梦想,故选A项。

4.4】C考查动词辨析 A. damaged破坏;B. ruined毁坏;C. interrupted打断;D. destroyed破坏;句意:成为专业冲浪选手一直是她的梦想,可是这个梦在2003年11月碎了。根据下方提到被鲨鱼咬到,故选C项。

5.5】B考查动词辨析 A. killed杀死;B. attacked袭击;C. shocked 震惊;D. bitten咬;句意:因为她被鲨鱼给咬了。根据语境可知被鲨鱼给咬了,故选B项。

6.6】C考查连词辨析A. for为了;B. and并且;C. but 但是; D. so因此;句意:她失去了左臂,但并没有破坏她勇气。两个句子是转折关系,故选C项。

7.7】B考查名词辨析A. life生活;B. courage勇气;C. ambition抱负;D. profession职业;句意:她失去了左臂,但并没有破坏她勇气。根据下文提到And it just made her stronger可知选B项。

8.8】A考查不定代词辨析A. something一些;B. everything一切;C. nothing什么也没有;D. anything任何;我知道我有重要的事要说。根据下方提到Something that people need to hear可知选A项。

9.9】C考查副词辨析 A. very非常;B. too 也;C. so因此;D. quite很;句意:但有时候他们不被这个故事所吸引,而理解错我的意思。So …that如此 以致于,故选C项。

10.0】A 考查名词辨析A. experience经历;B. accident 事故;C. suffering冲浪;D. misfortune灾难;句意:她选择用他的经历来帮助更多的人来克服厄运,不管有多大的困难。根据上文提到用她的经历,故选A项。

11.1】C考查形容词辨析A. large大的; B. much 大量的; C. great好的;D. serious严重的;句意:她选择用他的经历来帮助更多的人来克服厄运,不管有多大的困难。

12.2】D考查动词短语辨析A. come up with提出;B. live up to不辜负;C. put up with 忍受;D. come up to达到接近;句意:我不认识的人会来接近我。根据下方提到I guess they __33__ me as a symbol of courage and inspiration.可知选D项。

13.3】D考查动词辨析A. look 看;B. think认为;C. refer提到; D. see看到;句意:我猜他们把我看作是勇气的象征。See sb as ,,把。。看作,故选D项。

14.4】 B考查动词辨析A. surfing冲浪;B. riding骑;C. speeding加速;D. sliding滑行;句意:这就是当我乘着浪时的感觉没有变。

15.5】B考查副词辨析A. even甚至;B. still仍然;C. also也;D. already已经;句意:我仍然在这,依然是我自己。根据下方提到It’s still me and my board故选B 项。

16.6】D考查名词辨析A. present 礼物;B. reward赏金;C. prize奖赏;D. award奖品;句意:她获得2004年青少年卓越体育表现奖。

17.7】A考查动词辨析 A. continues继续;B. begins开始;C. hopes希望;D. tries尝试;句意:Bethany继续比赛,通过取得的难以想象的成绩令大家吃惊。根据下方提到She dominated(支配) the 2005 National Scholastic Surfing Association Nationals Championships,可知她继续努力,故选A项。

18.8】C考查形容词辨析 A. unusual 不寻常的;B. unfortunate不幸的;C. unimaginable难以想象的;D. unique独一无二的;句意:Bethany继续比赛,通过取得的难以想象的成绩令大家吃惊。

19.9】B考查名词辨析 A. lead导致;B. place 地方,位置。;C. step步子;D. action行动;句意:在世界女子比赛中取得第一位置。Take first place 取得第一,故选B项。

20.20】A考查动词辨析A. struggling努力;B. determining决定;C. supposing猜测;D. winning赢得;句意:她的故事继续在讲述,也不断努力地做到最好。with Bethany continuingly struggling 继续努力,考查with的复合结构,故选A项。




A. New teachers’ opinions of involving parents

B. An argument over an assignment

C. A conflict between assumption and reality

D. Difficulties in sharing goals

E. The best way to score high

F. Proper ways of parental involvement

1. _______ An Iowa high school counselor gets a call from a parent protesting the “C” her child received on an assignment. “The parent argued every point in the essay,” recalls the counselor, who soon realized why the mother was so disappointed about the grade. “It became apparent that she’d written it. ”

2._______ In a survey, 90% of new teachers agreed that involving parents in their children’s education is a priority at their school, but only 25% described their experience working with parents as “very satisfying”. When asked to choose the biggest challenge they face, 31% of them quoted involving parents and communicating with them as their top choice. 73% of new teachers said too many parents treat schools and teachers as enemies.

3._______ At a time when competition is rising and resources are limited, when battles over testing force schools to adjust their priorities, when cell phones and e-mail speed up the information flow and all kinds of private ghosts and public quarrels slip into the parent-teacher conference, it’s harder for both sides to step back and breathe deeply and look at the goals they share.

4._______ Everyone says the parent-teacher conference should be pleasant, civilized, a kind of dialogue where parents and teachers build partnership. But what most teachers feel, and certainly what all parents feel, is anxiety and panic.

5._______ When a teacher asks parents to be partners, he or she doesn’t necessarily mean Mom or Dad should be camping in the classroom. Research shows that though students benefit modestly from having parents involved at school, what happens at home matters much more. According to research based on the National Education Longitudinal Study, a sample of nearly 25,000 eighth graders, among four main areas of parental involvement (home discussion, home supervision, school communication, and school participation), home discussion was the most strongly related.



A. When you arrive at your destination just as a great song ends on the radio

B. Finally remembering a word that’s been on the tip of your tongue for so long

C. When you’re watching one of your favorite movies and you realize you don’t remember how it ends

D. The moment at a concert after the lights go out and before the band comes on stage

E. Catching somebody singing in their car and sharing a laugh with them

F. Remembering what movie that guy is from


You go early, grab a drink, you buy a T-shirt, you find your seat or you edge up to the stage, you listen to the opening act, you people watch, you talk to your friends, you guess what songs they might play, and then the moment finally arrives: The background music fades (逐渐变弱) down, all the lights suddenly go out, and there’s total blackness.

You feel a massive wave of expectation sweep across the crowd, people stand up, raise their arms and scream, and everyone clamors for that first view of the band walking on stage.



There’s really nothing like pulling up in the driveway and shutting off the engine just as that final drum beats or that sad guitar solo (独奏) slowly fades into perfect silence. If you time it just right, you’ll miss the start of the commercials, and you’ll be rewarded with the song replaying itself in your head all day.



You know the feeling.

Your favorite characters are introduced, the story kicks off, a couple plot twists and turns seem a bit unfamiliar, and it suddenly dawns on you: You can’t remember who the killer is, who dies, or if the cats ever get married. You can’t remember the story at all, and you’re loving every minute of it.

So you dim the lights, settle yourself under the blankets, and stay glued to the screen.

Because it’s like, hey, guaranteed blockbuster.



Exactly in the middle of the movie’s big scene it always happens.

Everything gets tense for the courtroom finale or championship football game, and then all of a sudden the lawyer or opposing coach turns out to be that guy from some other movie and you just can’t stop thinking about where he’s from.

Wait, was he the prison guard in The Silent Lamb? The lawyer from Miracle on 34th Street? Or, no, no, no, I got it. He’s the knife guy from Once Upon a Time in Mexico.



It’s late, quiet, and you’re stuck at a red light.

And there’s just something worth smiling about when you observe that passionate display of pure private pleasure only a few feet away. Suddenly you’re the producer in the booth watching your struggling artist hit the high notes in their tight sound room on wheels. Yes, they’ve tried for years to get clean and make it off the streets, but now you’re finally smelling a hit …

So maybe you dance along for a few beats, catch the same on your radio, or lock eyes with them for a second and share a warm and heartfelt laugh. Maybe you feel a tiny stir in your heart as you connect with a total stranger for a few seconds. And maybe it makes you a tiny bit happier and maybe you smile a tiny bit more.



The day I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiety. I was trying to do some __ for an important oral exam in the local library, but people kept me. I was getting annoyed and of course, I was not able to . Suddenly I beard someone singing loudly behind me. I and glared at the person who was singing. It was a tall girl about the same age as me.

She looked like a sensitive and friendly girl, which didn’t matter. If anything, it made me even angrier. “How could she be so selfish?” I thought .

I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered coldly, “Thanks to your , I’ve been unable to study. You’re so !”

I left the library in a hurry, leaving my most important textbook . When I got home two hours later, I found that textbook gone. I was so that I almost cried. Just then, the phone rang. A gentle voice the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane. After __ that I was, she said she had noticed I’d left my book in tile library and as my was in it, she’d asked a librarian to get my phone number. She said she didn’t live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it.

I sighed with and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. Of course, you’ve who Jenny was. She was just the gift I had shouted at for singing in the library. When I recognized her in the store, I was filled with and apologized for my rude behavior. I felt so , but Jenny just laughed, saying She was glad to see I’d also left my __ in the library! I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her to my apartment for a cup of tea.

Ever since then we’ve been best friends and we’re getting along well. To be honest, I trust her more than anyone else. I often think how I am. If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to my shortcomings, I would have experienced such true friendship.

1.A. researchB. revisionC. workD. experiment

2.A. watching B. askingC. warningD. disturbing

3.A. speakB. improveC. concentrateD. follow

4.A. turned around B. turned downC. turned offD. turned over

5.A. sadlyB. hopelesslyC. angrilyD. crazily

6.A. practiceB. noiseC. attitudeD. existence

7.A. selfishB. activeC. sensitiveD. stupid

8.A. outB. aroundC. asideD. behind

9.A. nervousB. carelessC. upsetD. forgetful

10.A. introduced B. consideredC. tookD. remembered

11.A. decidingB. confirmingC. realizingD. thinking

12.A. addressB. classC. writingD. name

13.A. comfortB. reliefC. confidenceD. satisfaction

14.A. recognized B. foundC. guessedD. heard

15.A. courageB. energyC. doubtD. shame

16.A. worriedB. sorryC. terribleD. excited

17.A. glareB. expressionC. virtueD. friendship

18.A. considerate B. pleasedC. luckyD. grateful

19.A. overcome B. shareC. hideD. forgive

20.A. everB. neverC. seldomD. still


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