
假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你得知故宫正在招聘暑期义务英文讲解员, 请你给相关部门负责人写一封申请信,内容包括:

1. 介绍你的基本信息;

2. 说明你的优势(例如:相关能力,性格特点等);

3. 表示你希望被录用。



Dear Sir or Madam,




Li Hua



International Students Club (ISC) is a friendship club organized by the American Student Union (ASU) for all international students. Visit the ISC table on the Tempe Main Campus (坦佩主校区) from 9:30am to 12:30pm Monday — Thursday to get information, practice speaking English, meet new friends and sign up for ISC activities.

Our goal is to help all international students during their time here in the USA through practical help, social activities, trips, conversational English classes and Bible studies.

International Graduates & Scholars

A free dinner is held weekly on Friday nights at the Peterson home at 6:30pm. Transportation is provided from the ASU Bookstore at 6:10pm on Friday nights for free. Every year in June we have special activities — summer camps. Want to make new friends or practice your English? Join us! For more information on activities for graduates and scholars, contact Nancy Peterson at 480-540-1518 or nancyp 310@cox.net.

International Undergraduates

If you’re an international undergraduate hoping to meet new friends, join us at the Rita House on Friday nights, 7:00pm for a free meal, fellowship (联谊会) and Bible discussion. On Friday nights we offer free transportation from the ASU Bookstore at 6:45pm. Join our Facebook page at “ISC Undergraduates” for more specific information or you can contact Charles Boyle at 480-686-0561 or charles.boyle@asu.edu.

African Students

All African students are invited to join us in our monthly activities designed for them to encourage one another and some club members also participate in the activities. This month we’re meeting on April 18th at 4:00pm. Some of our club leaders will join them for student interaction and cultural exchange. For more information, contact Emmanuel Chijindu (from Nigeria) at 480-248-5121 or echijindu@isionline.org.

ISC Leaders & Staff

If you want to become our club member, contact one of our student leaders or campus staff members.

Caroline Tao

wtao6@asu.edu | 480-326-5135

Nigel Pinto


Nancy Peterson

Charles Boyle (staff)

Emmanuel Chijindu (staff)

1.What can we learn about ISC?

A. The ISC table can be visited at weekends.

B. It mainly offers help to American students.

C. It is related to the American Student Union.

D. It’s a club focusing on academic research.

2.What can both international graduates and undergraduates get from the club?

A. A free meal at the Rita House.

B. Friday night free transportation.

C. Special activities in June.

D. Bible studies.

3.Which is NOT true about activities for African students?

A. They are held every month.

B. African students are not the only participants.

C. Their purpose is to encourage each other.

D. They are held at 4:00pm each time.

Aqeela Asifi, who fled to Pakistan as a young woman, has spent her life teaching other Afghan refugees.

For her efforts, Ms. Asifi, who is 49, has won the 2015 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award. She also gets $100,000 to help pay for her education projects. The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award honors extraordinary service to people who have been forced from their homes. Eleanor Roosevelt, Graca Machel and Luciano Pavarotti are some of the other winners of the award.

Asifi faced many problems in Afghanistan before she fled to Pakistan. Resources were limited and education for women was discouraged. However, in Pakistan, the 49-year-old was able to bring change to her conservative Afghan community. She persuaded parents to send their daughters to school in a tent at the Kot Chandana refugee village. The village was in the Punjab Province of Pakistan.

Since then, Ms. Asifi has guided more than a thousand refugee girls through their primary education. “When I began my mission to educate Afghan girls, I could not have imagined that one day it will win me this award. I cannot express my happiness,” she told VOA.

Ms. Asifi was a teacher in Kabul when she fled with her family in 1992. “In Afghanistan I was teaching both boys and girls,” she told VOA. “When I left Afghanistan and ended up in this refugee village with my family, I was saddened to find out there were no facilities here, particularly for women and girls.” They made their home in the distant refugee community in Kot Chandana. There she began teaching a small number of students in her tent. She made teaching materials by hand.

Her tent school has led to the opening of several permanent schools in the village. These schools teach more than one thousand children. Support from the UNHCR, local government, and non-governmental organizations helped make these new schools possible.

Ms. Asifi is a mother of six children. She has worked hard to pay for their education. She spends almost all her income to pay her son’s tuition to study engineering at Kabul University.

But seeking higher education for her four daughters is difficult. There is not enough money or secondary schools for girls in the village.

The Afghan teacher hopes more and more children will receive an education in Afghanistan. She hopes her home country becomes better known for higher levels of education, instead of war. “I want my goal to be introduced in parts of Afghanistan where conservative traditions and customs still prevent parents from sending their daughters to outdoor schools,” she said.

1.According to the passage, Asifi was able to win the 2015 UNHCR Nansen Refugee award mainly because________.

A. she suffered a lot more than other refugees who fled to Pakistan

B. she was the kindest person all over the world

C. she witnessed the cruelest event when she was in Afghanistan

D. she made great contributions to refugees despite leaving her homeland

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Asifi’s experiences?

A. Before she fled to Afghanistan, she had been a teacher in Pakistan.

B. Asifi succeeded in changing attitudes of Afghan refugees toward girl education.

C. Asifi determined to win the award when she began to educate Afghan girls.

D. All the materials needed for teaching were borrowed.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Resources were unlimited and education for women was encouraged before Asifi fled to Pakistan.

B. Eleanor Roosevelt, Graca Machel and Luciano Pavarotti all fled to other countries from Afghanistan.

C. Asifi’s daughters can enjoy equal opportunities like their brothers to receive higher education at university.

D. Asifi still treats her own country with great affection though living as a refugee in another country.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.



Ever since I was old enough to dream, I have imagined myself soaring with the eagles. My love of flying has shaped the way I live and the person I have become. Two years ago, that passion rocketed to new heights when I had the opportunity to visit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in

Arizona. For a whole week I lived in a college dorm, roomed with a total stranger and---best of

all---I flew!

My group took part in activities ranging from learning about the history of aviation (航空) to

flying in state-of-the-art pilot training simulators (模拟装置). At least once a day, I devoted myself

to learning one of the world’s best training aircrafts, the Cessna 182. Not only did I receive thorough

ground instruction, but I also got to fly. In total, I flew five hours to receive my private pilot’s license.

In that one joyous and oh-so-short week, my passion for aviation grew even stronger. Now, whenever I see a plane flying overhead, I feel a sense of pride thinking I’ve done that.

During my time in and above the Arizona desert, I learned not only about the mechanics and

techniques of aviation, but also about myself and how I see the world. As I floated in that seemingly

endless sea of air, I became aware of the variety and complexity of the humanity below. On the

ribbons of roadways, each tiny car carried people with hopes and dreams. I wondered if any of those

people had ever wished to fly like an eagle. Then I realized that each must have his or her own

dreams and ambitions. That’s what makes us unique. We try to respond to something special inside

us. I also realized that I was especially fortunate to be making my own dream come true.

Everywhere I go, I hear, “Do what makes you happy and you will be happy.” It sounds like

standard advice, but I’ve really thought about it and taken it to heart. I couldn’t care less about how

much money I make or what benefits I receive. I know that I am already in hot pursuit(追逐) of my

dreams. And, even if they change, even if they finally don’t involve aviation, I’ll always aim to fly

with the eagles.

1.Two years ago, the author ___________.

A. was admitted to a university

B. stayed in a university for one week

C. saw the launch of the rocket

D. made good friends with an astronaut

2.Paragraph 2 is mainly about _________.

A. which aircraft the author got to fly

B. how the author learned to fly

C. what the author learned about simulators

D. why the author got a pilot’s license

3.According to the author, ________ makes people unique.

A. flying like an eagle

B. trying something special

C. having their own dreams

D. learning unusual techniques

4.From the last paragraph, we can learn that the author _________.

A. cares a lot about money and benefits

B. brings happiness to others

C. pursues his aims whatever happens

D. offers advice wherever he goes


New research shows that kids from low-income families may be falling behind their peers because an important part of their brains is underdeveloped.

Researchers from MIT’ s McGovern Institute for Brain Research compared the brains of 12-and 13-year-olds from rich families with the brains of their peers from lower-income families. They found that one particular area of the brain—the neocortex(新皮质),which plays a key role in memory and learning ability—is thinner in children from lower-income households.

This is a crucial part of the brain for young students, who are often tested based on their ability to recall large chunks of information. Children who had a thinner neocortex performed poorly on standardized tests,researchers found.More than 90% of high-income students scored above average on a statewide math and English/Language Arts standardized test,compared with less than 60% of low-income students.Differences in cortical(脑皮层) thickness could account for almost half of the income-achievement gap in this sample,researchers wrote.

“Just as you would expect, there’ s a real cost not living in a supportive environment. We can see it not only in test scores,in educational attainment,but within the brains of these children,”says psychological scientist John Gabrieli,a professor of brain and cognitive sciences at MIT and one of the study’s authors.

Since a 2011 study published by Stanford University professor Sean Reardon found that the gap between standardized test scores of high-income and low-income students has grown by about 40% since the 1960s,there’ s been a lot of research aimed at finding links between income and achievement, rather than race alone. The MIT study found low-income children were equally likely to have a thinner neocortex,no matter their races.

Gabrieli and his co-authors can’ t say exactly why poor children’ s brains develop differently because there are too many possibilities to count.Their findings do,however,underline the importance of early intervention(干预) to ensure that low-income kids get the tools they need to succeed.

1.What’ s the function of the first paragraph?

A. To list some findings.

B. To give some advice.

C. To do some comparisons.

D. To show the main idea of the text.

2.What does the underlined word “crucial” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Special. B. Important.

C. Separate. D. Unknown.

3.What John Gabrieli says in Paragraph 4 mainly shows the importance of    .

A. cognitive ability

B. educational attainment

C. having developed brains

D. living in supportive surroundings

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Wealthy parents do better in raising children.

B.Differences exist between poor children and rich ones.

C.Poor children study harder due to their financial conditions.

D.Poor children have thinner neocortex than their wealthy peers.

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