
When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,”Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault.” or “I know I’m late,but it’s not my fault;the car broke down.” It is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. This is the winner’s key to success.

Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. Or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for help when in need. For another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a different person, or don’t rely on the person. You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.

This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don’t have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is.” Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones for success.

According to the passage, winners        .

A. deal with problems rather than blame others  B. meet with fewer difficulties in their lives

C. have responsible and able colleagues        D. blame themselves rather that others

The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to        .

A. avoid                B. accept               C. improve                 D. consider

When your colleague brings about a problem, you should         .

A. blame him for his lack of responsibility     B. find a better way to handle the problem

C. tell him to find the cause of the problem     D. ask a more able colleague for help

When problems occur, winners take them as         

A. excuses for their failures                 B. barriers to greater power

C. challenges to their colleagues             D. chances for self-development

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A Winner’s Problem.                 B. A Winner’s Secret.

C. A Winner’s Opportunity.                        D. A Winner’s Achievement.








Pop singer Peng Tan has tasted the joys of being at the top of the world. He has also  36  life's lows too. This  37  him that having a  38  picture of oneself is the key to  39_ .

"I grew   40  at the peak of my career, and I began to lose faith when things turned  41_   me," he said."

"Then I realized that dreams will  42  only if I put myself in the  43  place."

Peng, 29, will  44  at the Beijing Pop Festival at Chaoyang Park in Beijing held on September 8 to 9. He has  45   his first album Teen Spirit after he went solo from the rock band Dada. As the name  _46  the album is about his reflection on his youth.

"The _47  years is a special restless period in life, with lots of confusion, sensations, with wise and ridiculous ideas colliding," said Peng.

When younger, he first  48  of being a painter, until one day the  49  singing of Cui Jian lit up his passion, for rock music. In 1996, he became the  50  singer in the band Dada, which he set up with his   51  from junior school.

Soon, they topped the music charts and  52  most of the "'Best Newcomer of the Year" awards. However, the good days didn't last. The band  53 . Peng became depressed and began  54  his own ability. He then went to the Beijing Pop Festival last year and saw his favorite foreign band, Super Grass. This changed everything. After that, he was back on track and found his confidence.

"When you  55  to your position well in life, opportunities will come to you naturally.” he said.

A. shared          B. completed         C. escaped           D. experienced

A. has scared    B. has taught         C. has held             D. has warned

A. realistic        B. real                 C. true                 D. authentic

A. something   B. everything                   C. nothing             D. anything

A. frightened    B. excited            C. delighted         D. overconfident

A. against      B. to                  C. down              D. over

A. come out      B. come up             C. come true          D. come across

A. fight        B. left                 C. suit              D. wrong

A. stop         B. perform            C. work             D. stay

A. created       B. written              C. made             D. composed

A. tells         B. reads                    C. suggests            D. goes

A. teenage      B. youth               C. mid-aged            D. old

A. considered   B. dreamed            C. suggested           D. tried

A. gentle       B. cold              C. depressed            D. explosive

A. lead         B. pop              C. proper             D. first

A. workers        B. strangers          C. classmates          D. colleagues

A. bagged       B. accepted           C. beat               D. finished

A. broke into    B. broke in          C. broke up            D. broke down

A. improving    B. doubting           C. wondering           D. considering

A. reach         B. have               C. adapt              D. contribute

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