
For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting. How do we best take   1   of these new opportunities?

Your interest in the subject is the essential driver of success. You can’t learn what you do not want to learn. Emotion is an important part of the learning   2   . If you are even moderately interested in a subject, give yourself  a chance. The key is to get started. If you can create some pleasurable   3  , you may find that the subject grows on you.

Don’t expect to understand things, much less remember them, the first time you study them. Trust that things will get clearer   4   your brain comes to grips with new information. It is like a cross-word puzzle. As you start to put the pieces together, or string the words together, the full picture becomes clearer. The brain learns all the time, but    5    its own schedule. Learning does not take place according to a schedule laid down by a curriculum or teacher. Some things are easier to learn than others. Some things just take    6   to click in. Keep at it, and you will gradually find that things that seem difficult at first , will become easy with time.

Your brain is struggling to form patterns to    7    new input from your learning activities. Sometimes, no matter how long you focus on one subject, your brain is not going to pick it up. If you are stuck, move   8   . Then cover the same general information from a different source, a different book, or a podcast, or an online lecture or a video. Try to become a  grazing learner, roaming the countryside,     9   a feedlot learner, just standing there in one spot. The broader your base, the easier it is to learn. Just as the “rich get richer”, the more you know,     10   you can learn.

Take full advantage of the Internet, iTunes, and     11   mobile devices, not to mention good old-fashioned books and magazines. Learn during “dead time”. Listen in your car, on the train, or   12   jogging. Have your learning with you while waiting in the doctor’s office, or listen while checking out at the supermarket. Anytime is     13  time. Remember, you are learning through exposure, not by nailing things down. It is more like moisture accumulation in a    14   , rather than building a brick wall.

The more varied your learning content, and the more varied the ways in which you learn, the       15 the puzzle will become. Different learning activities suit different people, at different times of the day. Vary your activities in order to keep your interest level   16    . Even if listening and reading work best for you, treat yourself to the odd video lecture, or get-together with other learners. This will renew your batteries.

The “loneliness of the distance learner” is a thing of the   17  . Join a learning community on the web, where members share their knowledge and experience. Search for the communities that suit your interests and learning style. You will find encouragement, advice and stimulus from fellow learners,        18    from tutors, teachers and coaches. In these communities, you can measure your progress against your own goals, or compare your experience     19    that of other learners. You can even teach and help others, which is a great way to learn.

Never has it been easier nor more exciting to be a learner. Let constant learning be a major part of your life-style. The   20        will be constant, personally, socially, and professionally.

(   ) 1. A. advantage    B. place                C. possession         D. example

(   ) 2. A. progress      B. process             C. pressure            D. proposal

(   ) 3. A. roads          B. streets              C. routines            D. building

(   ) 4. A. with           B. if                     C. unless               D. as

(   ) 5. A. on              B. to                    C. with                 D. for

(   ) 6. A. shorter               B. sooner              C. longer              D. lower

(   ) 7. A. take with     B. com with          C. go with            D. cope with

(   ) 8. A. down          B. on                    C. away                D. off

(   ) 9. A. more than   B. less than           C. rather than               D. other than

(   ) 10. A. less           B. quicker             C. lower                      D. more

(   ) 11. A. same         B. similar             C. familiar            D. various

(   ) 12. A. while               B. before              C. after                 D. if

(   ) 13. A. playing     B. learning            C. talking             D. speaking

(   ) 14. A. cloud               B. sky                  C. earth                D. sea

(   ) 15. A. cleaner      B. clearer              C. harder              D. lower

(   ) 16. A. down               B. up                    C. in                    D. out

(   ) 17. A. present      B. day                  C. past                  D. night

(   ) 18. A. as long as B. as far as            C. as well as          D. as soon as

(   ) 19. A. without     B. with                 C. to                    D. beyond

(   ) 20. A. awards      B. words               C. remarks            D. rewards




1. A 我们该如何利用这些新的机会,其中的利用,也就是take advantage of :利用,take place:发生,take possession of:占领,take an example of:拿当例子,明显不合适。

2. B 情绪是学习过程中的一项重要部分,其中的过程就是process,而不是进展:progress,压力:pressure和提议:proposal。

3. C 如果你能创造一些能带来乐趣的具体做法,你就会发现就会有进展,其中的具体做法就是routines,而不是大路:roads街道:streets和建筑物:building。

4. D 随着你的大脑渐渐的掌握了这些信息,事情自然变得清晰,其中的随着,就是连词as,而不是介词with:随着,又不是如果:if和否则:unless。

5. A 大脑一直都在学习,但是是按自己的节奏:on one’s schedule,最具有迷惑性的是with,但是它表示随着……,to:对于……, for:为了……,都不能和schedule搭配表示按……..之意。

6. C 前一句的意思是:一些东西比别的容易学,这一句就应该是:一些东西难学,也就是要花更长的时间去学,更长:longer,更多:shorter,时间更快:sooner和更低:lower,显得不合适。

7. D 你的大脑一直尽力形成某种方式来应对来自你学来的新输入的东西,其中的应对就是cope with,而不是和…….一起来:com with,和…….一起走:go with,把……带走:take with

8. B 如果你有困难,请继续向前。继续就是on,而不是向下:down,远去:away和离去:off。

9. C 尽力成为多角度的学习者,而不是单一的学习者。而不是就是:rather than,少于:less than,多于:more than除了:other than,都不合适。

10. D 知道的越多,学得就越多。这儿是the more……,the more…….句型,用more表示多,而不是越少:less,越快:quicker,和越低:lower。

11. D 各种各样的移动设施。各种各样也就是:various,而不是相同:same,相似:similar,熟悉:familiar。

12. A 边散步边听,while:一边……一边…..,而不是在……之前:before,在…..之后:after,和如果:if。

13. B 如何时间都是学习时间:learning,而不是玩的时间:playing,谈话的时间:talking和说话的时间speaking:。

14. A 这就像云中的水汽积累,而不像砌砖墙。云就是:cloud,而不是天空:sky,地球:earth和大海:sea。

15. B 你学习的方式越多,难题就越清晰,也就是clearer,而不是越干净:cleaner,越难:harder,和越低:lower。

16. B 为了保持你高昂的兴趣,要是你的学习行为多样化,keep up:使……高涨,keep dwon:使……..降低,keep in保持……..在里面,keep out把……..挡在外面。

17. C 远程学习的孤独那是过去的事,是过去:past,而不是现在:present,白天:day和夜晚:night。

18. C 也可以从辅导员、教师和教练那儿找到鼓励、建议和动力。也:as well as,而只要:as long as,就而论:as far as,尽快:as soon as,都不合适。

19. B 或者和别的学习者对比彼此的经验,和……就是with,而不是没有:without,对于:to,超出:beyond。

20. D 这样一来带来的回报,无论是个性,社交还是职业上,将是长期的。回报就是rewards,而不是奖品:awards,单词:words和言语:remarks。


As prices and building costs keep rising, the do-it-yourself (DIY) trend (趋势) in the U.S. continues to grow.

   “We needed furniture (家具) for our living room,” says John Ross, “And we just didn't have enough money to buy it. So we decide to try making a few tables and chairs.” John got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week course for $280 at a night school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.

    Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420. “I was deeply upset about it. Now I've finished a car repair course, I should be able to fix the car by myself.”

    John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it -yourselfer”, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don't have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.

1.We can learn from the text that many newly married people _______.

A. find it hard to pay for what they need

B. have to learn to make their own furniture

C. take DIY courses run by the government

D. seldom go to a department store to buy things

2.John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to _______.

A. run a DIY shop   

B. make it repair things

C. save time and money  

D. improve the quality of life

3.When the writer says that Jim has a full-time at home, he means Jim _______.

A. makes shoes in his home

B. does extra work at night

C. does his own car and home repairs

D. keeps house and looks after his children

4.Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourselfer when _______.

A. his car repairs cost too much

B. the car repair class was not helpful

C. he could not possibly do two jobs

D. he had to raise the children all by himself

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A. The Joy of DIY.                       

B. You Can Do It too!

C. Welcome to Our DIY course!            

D. Ross and Hatfield: Believe in DIY.

Kataria is the founder of the worldwide laughter movement. The celebration of world Laughter Day is a positive activity for world peace and is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. The first “World Laughter Day” gathering took place in Mumbai, India, on 11th January 1998. 12,000 members from India and international Laughter Clubs attended it. Now there are over 5,000 Laughter Clubs worldwide on all 5 continents.

“HAPPY-DEMIC” was the first World Laughter Day gathering outside India. It took place on 9th January 2000. In Copenhagen, Denmark , more than 10,000 people gathered at Town Hall Square. The event went into Guinness Book of World records. “World Laughter Day” is now organized on the first Sunday of May every year. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh together.

Today, many people fear widespread international terrorism. The world has never faced so much unrest before. People are at war within themselves. Laughter is a universal language, which has the ability to unite humanity without religion. Laughter can build a common connection between various religions and create a new world order. The idea may sound over-ambitious (野心太大的), and maybe it is. But maybe it is not. It is our deep belief that laughter and only laughter can unite the world, building up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship.

Studies also say that laughter helps your body do the following: lower blood pressure; lighten depression; reduce stress; work out the heart, especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercise. So in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire body—because it’s good for you.

1.The purpose of celebrating World Laughter Day is        .

A.to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter

B.to build a common connection between various religions

C.to reduce stress and lighten depression

D.to lower blood pressure

2.The first World Laughter Day gathering outside India took place _      _.

A.on llth January 1998

B.on the first Sunday of May

C.on 9th January 1996

D.on 9th January 2000

3.The author's attitude towards laughter movement is      .





4.The passage is mainly about _______.                           

A.World Laughter Day and its significance(重要意义)

B.the worldwide laughter movement

C.a universal language



There was a wonder-filled little girl who was hurt so badly that when she entered adult life, she thought she was so bad that others just couldn’t be nice to her.

But she had a lot of curiosity, which kept her going. She sought many wise people to help her understand why she was so bad that her mother hurt her and why she was unable to be better so that men wouldn’t hurt her.

She was on a journey that she thought was to help her be “better”. She carried a big bag with her everywhere she went. Inside it were all the hurts she had experienced. Because she was so eager to please those who offered their wisdom, she willingly agreed with what they said about forgiving. But she held that bag of hurts tightly.

After 50 years of carrying that bag around and showing it to all she met as if it were proof that she was a good person, she decided to open it up and just see what happened.

When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper. At one time they had words on them, detailing the hurts. But time had faded (使褪色) the words and all that was left was some useless paper. She had been struggling to carry this bag that held nothing but the image of something that once was.

She saw the absurdity of carrying that bag around. It made her laugh. By letting go of the paper and having pity for those that hurt her, this little girl was able to become a woman with beautiful hair. The woman looked in the mirror and said, “I am lovable.”

Although it took many years, she was finally open to bringing love and respect into her life.

1.When she grew up, the little girl wondered         .

A.where she should go

B.why she couldn’t be loved

C.how she could be a sweet girl

D.why she was hurt so deeply

2.What advice did girl get from wise people?

A.To please those who hurt her.

B.To keep carrying the bag of hurts.

C.To record the hurts she suffered.

D.To forgive those who hurt her.

3.The woman laughed in the end because           .

A.she had beautiful hair

B.she became lovable

C.she realized her silliness

D.she became a wise woman

4.According to the passage, which of the following can be used to describe the woman?





5.What lesson can we learn from the story?

A.You will walk fast without carrying a load.

B.You will get peace after forgiving others.

C.You will become young if you forget your hurts.

D.You will be loved after changing your image.




Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Once  36  , such opportunities are like valuable diamonds hidden in the sand.

Several years ago, I spoke at a school about how we were surrounded by “__37  ” if we could only recognize them. A man stopped by to see me, and I  38   him as somebody who had suffered through a(n)  39  divorce (离婚) and was examining what was most important to him. He took a small  40  out of his pocket. Here is what he said to me that day.

“I  41  on this stone when I was leaving church last Sunday. You had spoken about  42  opportunities—diamonds. I put the stone in my  43  to remind me to look for those diamonds that I need. I have been trying to sell my  44  . On Monday morning, a man who seemed interested in  45  some of my stock (股票) stopped by. I thought, ‘Here’s my diamond—don’t let it  46  !’ I sold the entire stock to him by noon. Now my next diamond is to find a new 47  !”

Not long afterward, he did find a new and better job. From then on, he  48  to keep his stone with him all the time as a   49  to look for “diamonds” as he digs through the  50  of life.

Richard DeVos is right when he  51  . “This is an exciting world. It is filled with opportunities.  52  moments wait around every corner.” Those moments are diamonds that,   53  left unrecognized, will be forever lost.

Are you looking for “diamonds” every day? If not, you may  54  pass them by! Perhaps there is a diamond of opportunity hidden in the difficulty you’re  55  now.

36.A.given                           B.discovered                      C.sent                         D.made

37.A.opportunities           B.dangers                           C.diamonds               D.chances

38.A.considered                B.treated                                      C.remembered                  D.saw

39.A.painful                        B.stupid                               C.normal                    D.original

40.A.ball                              B.stone                                C.paper                      D.flower

41.A.stepped                     B.depended                        C.fought                     D.based

42.A.stealing                      B.accepting                        C.recognizing            D.realizing

43.A.purse                          B.pocket                              C.bag                          D.house

44.A.stone                          B.position                            C.career                     D.business

45.A.selling                         B.buying                              C.hunting                            D.casting

46.A.go off                          B.give in                               C.stay up                  D.watch out

47.A.buyer              B.job                 C.stock          D.rock

48.A.hoped             B.decided              C.refused         D.hated

49.A.scene                          B.prize                                 C.reminder                D.power

50.A.difficulties                 B.hopes                               C.characters             D.cases

51.A.takes over                 B.leaves out                             C.points out              D.calls for

52.A.Actural                       B.Great                                C.Dangerous             D.Necessary

53.A.unless                         B.though                             C.for                            D.if

54.A.happily                       B.easily                                C.luckily                      D.dangerously

55.A.expressing                B.satisfying                         C.breaking                 D.experiencing


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