
【题目】: 根据句子的意思和所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。(每小题1分,共10分)

【1】Make a list of the things that c________ energy in your home, school, or any other places you can think of.

【2】It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural___(现象)

【3】The problem begins when we add huge q________ of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

【4】There are those who are o________ to this view that greenhouse effect will lead to a catastrophe.

【5】I was a_________ as a volcanologist working for the HVO twenty years ago.

【6】Having collected and _______ (评估) the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava will flow.

【7】The e_________ of the volcano is really exciting to watch.

【8】I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their _________(潜在的) to cause great damage.

【9】I am very _________ (外向的) and have learned to adapt to my disability.

【10】Her _______(雄心壮志) is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympics Games.














【1】consume 考查动词。根据空后的energy,以及所提供首字母判断单词为consume。句意为:列一个清单,说明你能想到的在家、学校和其他任何一个地方消耗能量的物体。

【2】phenomenon 考查名词。根据所给中文确定单词为phenomenon,再根据前面的冠词a,判断为单数。

【3】quantities 考查名词。根据所给首字母以及短语搭配和句意确定单词为quantity,再根据前面没有冠词,确定为短语:huge quantities of,意为:大量的。句意为:当我们向大气中排放大量的二氧化碳时,问题产生了。

【4】opposed 考查动词。根据下文的to this view,以及句意,判断单词为opposed,构成短语:be opposed to,意为:反对。句意为:有些人不赞同这样的观点,温室效应将会导致灾难。

【5】appointed 考查动词。根据所给首字母以及句意判断单词为appointed,构成短语:be appointed as,意为:被任命为。句意为:两年前我被任命为火山学家为HVO工作。

【6】evaluated 考查动词。根据所给中文,确定单词为evaluate,再根据上文的collected,填evaluated。句意为:在收集以及评估了信息后,我帮助其他科学家预测熔岩将流向哪儿。

【7】eruption 考查名词。根据下文的volcano可知,与火山相关,根据首字母确定单词为eruption。句意为:火山喷发是很壮观的情景。

【8】potential 考查名词。根据所给中文确定单词为potential,句意为:我为它们的美以及它们那种造成危害的潜能感到惊叹。

【9】outgoing 考查形容词。根据所给中文确定单词为outgoing。句意为:我很外向,很快学会了适应自己的残疾。

【10】ambition 考查名词。根据所给中文确定单词为ambition,句意为:她的目标就是成为下一届残奥会国家队的一员。


【题目】If we are to help students develop reading skills in a foreign language, it is important to understand what is involved in the reading process itself. If we have a clear idea of how “good readers” read, either in their own or a foreign language, this will enable us to decide whether particular reading techniques are likely to help learners or not.

In considering the reading process, it is important to distinguish between two quite separate activities: reading for meaning (or “silent reading”) and reading aloud. Reading for meaning is the activity we normally engage in when we read books, newspapers, road signs, etc.; it is what you are doing as you read this text. It involves looking at sentences and understanding the message they convey, in other words “making sense” of a written text. It doesn’t normally involve saying the words we read, not even silently inside our heads; there are important reasons for this, which are outlined below.

Reading aloud is a completely different activity; its purpose is not just to understand a text but to convey the information to someone else. It is not an activity we engage in very often outside the classroom; common examples are reading out parts of a newspaper article to a friend, or reading a notice to other people who can’t see it. Obviously, reading aloud involves looking at a text, understanding it and also saying it. Because our attention is divided between reading and speaking, it is a much more difficult activity than reading silently; we often stumble and make mistakes when reading aloud in our own language, and reading aloud in a foreign language is even more difficult.

When we read for meaning, we do not need to read every letter or every word, nor even every word in each sentence. This is because, provided the text makes sense, we can guess much of what it says as we read it.

【1】The passage is mainly about ____________.

A. reading skills B. silent reading

C. reading processes D. reading aloud

【2】The underlined word “stumble” in Paragraph 3 means ____________.

A. step over something and fall

B. repeat something or pause for too long

C. walk with heavy movements

D. speak in a fluent and confident way

【3】 We can infer from the passage that the author will continue to ____________.

A. discuss in detail how to read aloud

B. introduce some more reading activities

C. tell how good readers read in their own language

D. explain why we needn’t say the words when reading for meaning

【4】 We can conclude that ____________.

A. reading silently is easier than reading aloud

B. to understand a sentence, you have to read all the words in it

C. silent reading involves looking at a text and saying the words silently to yourself

D. there’s no difference between reading in one’s own language and in a foreign one

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