
16.News of the world was gone,shut down after ______ in the biggest newspaper scandal ever to hit Britain.(  )
A.catchingB.caughtC.being caughtD.having caught

分析 陷入英国历史上最大的报纸丑闻后倒闭了,世界新闻报再也不存在了.

解答 答案:C句子after是介词,后面要用动名词;be caught in被卷入,陷入,常用的搭配短语.故选C.

点评 动名词相当于名词,具备名词的特征.在句中可以作主语,宾语,表语,定语等.动名词和现在分词的构成方式一样,但用法不同.现在分词具备动词的特征,有时态和语态的变化,学习时要注意区分和掌握.

4.An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son.
Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched on the tree near their window.
The father asked his son,''What is this?''
The son replied,''It is a crow.''
After a few minutes,the father asked his son the 2nd time,''What is this?''
The son said,''Father,I have just now told you'It's a crow'.''
After a little while,the old father again asked his son the 3rd time,''What is this?''
''It's a crow,a crow,a crow.''said the son loudly.
A little after,the father again asked his son the 4th time,''What is this?''
This time the son shouted at his father,''Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again?'IT IS A CROW'.Are you not able to understand this?''
A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary,which he had kept since his son was born.On opening a page,he asked his son to read that page.When the son read it,the following words were written in the diary:
''Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa,when a crow was sitting on the window.My son asked me 23 times what it was,and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow.I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times.I did not at all feel annoyed; I rather felt affection for my innocent child.''

27.In what tone did the son say to his Father''It's a crow,a crow,a crow.''?C
28.Why did the Father ask his son the same question again and again?B
A.Because he couldn't understand what his son said.
B.Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be.
C.Because he wanted to make his son angry.
D.Because he was too old to remember anything.
29.How old was the old man when his son asked him 23times''What is this''?D
A.80years old.
B.45years old.
C.35years old.
D.38years old.
30.Where is the article most probably taken from?D
A.Travel journal                           
B.a collection of poetry
D.a short story collection.
5.In the business of day-to-day life,we often forget to stop and be grateful for the present moment.(36)D  It has many mental and physical benefits.If you want to work on being more grateful,try shifting your focus throughout the day.Work on practicing mindfulness,which can help you appreciate the present moment.You should also find a balance,allowing yourself to feel grateful.
(37)A  Mindfulness is also about paying attention to your breath.Breathing is a vital bodily function that we often do not notice throughout the day.Start making a conscious effort to focus on your own breathing.
Breathing is a natural process that follows a certain rhythm.Therefore,when our minds wander and stressful thoughts occur,focusing on the breath can help us stay calm.(38)G.
Find a comfortable place to sit.(39)F   Think of three or four phrases that sum up your core desires.For example,you might come up with something like,"May I be happy in my pursuits.May I have good health.may I be calm and patient throughout the day."
Say this prayer for yourself.(40)B   Direct it towards someone you are thankful for in your life.For example,"May my mother be happy in her pursuits.May my mother have good health,etc."

A.Focus on the breath.
B.Then,direct it outwards.
C.As a result,we feel regretful later
D.However,being grateful is important
E.Find a number of things that can motivate you
F.Close your eyes and imagine your wish for your life
G.It can also allow us to return to the present moment and appreciate it.
6.SCS Global Services(SCS)has evaluated a new methodology for measuring the carbon sequestration(封存) ability of soil under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS),a leading greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting system.The methodology,developed by The Earth Partners,will allow land managers who sequester GHGs in grasslands and farmlands to produce carbon credits for sale in the voluntary market.
Managers of grasslands and farmlands can increase carbon sequestration in soil by practices such as changing grazing(放牧)practices and operating treatments designed to improve the variety and productivity of plant groups.The Earth Partners is presently piloting this methodology with farmers across seven million acres of the Palouse River and Columbia Plateau regions in the Pacific Northwest.
"The VCS program has achieved an important milestone in now combining grassland and rangeland carbon offset projects,"said Dr.Robert J.Hrubes,Executive Vice President of SCS."SCS looks forward to approving and verifying agricultural carbon offset projects that use this very powerful new methodology."
The VM0021 Soil Carbon Quantification Methodology is based on decades of soil carbon research and testing conducted by top soil scientists.The methodology was developed by The Earth Partners and verified by Environmental Services,Inc.as well as SCS Global Services.It is the first soil carbon methodology to be approved for use under the VCS.
"This widely tested methodology is the first to specially deal with soils in a market,"said Steven I.Apfelbaum,Chairman of Applied Ecological Services,Inc.and Director of Science with The Earth Partners.According to Apfelbaum,soils represent the second largest living sink of carbon on the planet.

29.The new methodology is assessed according toB.
A.The Earth Partners            
B.the Verified Carbon Standard
C.Environmental Services,Inc.
D.Applied Ecological Services,Inc.
30.Carbon sequestration in soil can be strengthened byB.
A.selling carbon credits in the voluntary market
B.changing grazing practices and operating treatments
C.reducing the variety and productivity of plant groups
D.decreasing farmlands in the Pacific Northwest
31.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.The VCS program proves to be successful in carbon offset projects.
B.Many soil Carbon Methodologies have already been approved for use.
C.The new methodology has been tested in many fields including soil.
D.Soils seem to be the largest living sink of carbon on the planet.

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