Every foreign student who has been accepted to study in this country must have a legal document called a visa from the
If you are requesting a visa for the first time, you may have to appear at the American Embassy in your country to talk to an official. Each student should communicate with the Embassy to find out if such an interview is needed and when it can take place.
It is important to apply for the visa early. State Department officials say national security is the most important issue in deciding if a person will be permitted to enter the
Embassies can not issue a visa more than ninety days before the start of the educational program in the
Foreign students accepted at an American school will receive a document called a Certificate of Eligibility. The State Department says each student must enter the country using the certificate provided by the school he or she will be attending. It is a violation of the law to enter the country on one school’s certificate but attend another school.
You are permitted to stay in the
68. According to the passage, a visa is ______.
A. something that permits a foreign citizen to travel to the
B. a legal document issued by the
C. a legal document issued by a country to permit a foreigner to travel to the country and request to enter
D. something you get from www.educationusa.gov.
69. To get a visa to the
A. none of the students have to talk to American officials
B. all foreign students don’t have to have an interview with an official in the American embassy in your country
C. a foreign student can appear at the American embassy
D. all students have to prove they are able to afford the education fee
70. If you are applying for a
A. you may get your visa 30 days in advance
B. you may get your visa any time you like
C. you can’t get your visa unless you have something to do with terrorists
D. can be given the visa 90 days ahead of time
71. The passage _____.
A. seems to suggest that it is rather difficult to study in the
B. does not contain all the information needed on how to get to the
C. tells us your American school can drive you out of the country
D. shows with a student visa, one can enter any