
 We all know the importance of curiosity,and here are some tips on how to develop it.

  Keep an open mind. This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. Be open to learning,unlearning,and relearning things.1.     Therefore,you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.

  2.     Most people just accept the world as it is.

This way,they will certainly lose the “holy curiosity”. Try to dig deeper beneath the surface of what is around you. A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions. What,why,when,who,where,and how are the questions curious people always ask.

  Don’t label anything as boring. Whenever you label something as boring,you close one more door of possibilities. Curious people are unlikely to consider things boring.3.     Even if they don’t yet have time to explore them,they will leave the door open to be visited another  time.

  Take learning as something fun. If you see learning as a burden,there’s no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. However,if you think of learning as something fun,you will naturally want to dig deeper.4.    

  Read diverse materials. It will introduce you to the possibilities and excitement of other worlds which may attract I your interest in exploring further. One easy way to do this is through reading diverse materials.5.        It’ll feed your mind with the excitement of a new world.

   A. Never take things as granted.

   B. Don’t spend too much time on just one world.

   C. Try to pick a book or magazine on a new subject.

   D. Some things you know and believe might be wrong.

   E. It doesn’t matter that you don’t agree to others’ opinions.

   F. Instead,they always see these things as a door to an exciting new world.

   G. So look at life through the glasses of fun and enjoy the learning process.


1. D根据下文提到"Therefore,you should be prepared to ac?cept this possibility and change your mind.”可知因此你要准备接受这种可能性,改变你的想法,故选   D.

2. A根据下文提到"Most people just accept the world as it is. This way,they will certainly lose the ' holy curiosity'.”许多人接受这个世界现在的样子,这样,他们会失去好奇心,故选A.

3. F根据上文提到"Curious people are unlikely to consider things boring."可知好奇的人不可能把事情认为是无聊的,故选F。

4. G根据上文提到"However,if you think of learning as some?thing fun,you will naturally want to dig deeper."可知然而如果你把学习看成是乐趣,你自然就想去挖掘它,故选G。

5. C根据1:文提到"One easy way to do this is through reading diverse materials."可知选C. 即试着挑选新科目的书或杂志,与下文"It'll feed your mind with the excitement of a new world."联系紧密,故选C项。


 When I was 11,I threw a glance into Dad’s lunch box and made the unexpected discovery that my mother still showed her love towards my father. The evidence,a napkin resting on top of the sandwiches packed in wax paper,was certain “Love you!” she had written on the napkin. “Meat loaf for supper!”

  Mum penned all kinds of messages to Dad on those paper napkins,and he saved a whole pile of them. What embarrassed me as a kid has become a precious memory of my parents.

  It also started my own brand of lunch box notes. When my kids were young,I’d glue little drawings on their lunches. Lots of sketches (素描) of our dog,Max,along with smiling flowers. When they were teenagers,I’d copy words of wisdom from great people,Einstein,for example,or Bruce Springsteen. Then,my kids grew up making their own handwritten notes. And my husband writes me love notes on recycled paper,because he’s all about being green.

  Friends who know about my lunch box notes eagerly share stories of their own family traditions. So many focus on food. Maura’s mum always drew hearts on the shells of hard-boiled eggs. Melinda wrote messages on her kids’ bananas.

  We’re into the third generation of lunch box notes in our home. Whenever my 3-year-old grandson,Clayton,spends the night,he knows his lunch is going to have a napkin note from Grandma in the morning. Last week,I drew a picture of me,waving widely and shouting his name. He took one look at it and screamed, “Where’s Grandpa?” I added a man in a clean shirt. “You forgot his tie”’ he said. 1 quickly drew a line of stripes (条纹) down the front of the shirt. Clayton smiled. “Grandpa ,” he whispered,running his fingers across the napkin. “It’s you!”

(   ) 1. When the author first saw Dad’s lunch box notes,

she felt        .

   A. moved

   B. nervous

   C. proud

   D. awkward

(   ) 2. What did the author put in the lunch boxes when her kids were in their teens?

   A. Words of love.

   B. Pictures of flowers.

   C. Famous words of wisdom.

   D. Drawings of their favourite animals.

(   ) 3. It can be inferred that        .

   A. the author’s husband is an environmentalist

   B. the author’s children dislike making lunch box notes

   C. the author’s grandson likes drawing pictures on napkins

   D. the author’s friends all had their brand of lunch box notes

(   ) 4. What’s the best title for the text?

   A. Old generation’s way of expressing love

   B. Different brands of lunch box notes

   C. Some interesting family traditions

   D. Lunches packed with love

  I received a call today asking if I would be willing to bring food to a family in need. The mother was having a major operation and would be lying down for several weeks. Of course,I responded with an immediate “Yes”. As I planned the meal in my head,I reflected on how many times over the years I had been asked to prepare food. I have done so countless times with a very open heart.

  But the truly amazing thing is that I have received double over the course of my life. When my mother passed away,our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks. A woman from the church of our community stopped by each evening with some food. The gift of food was her small way of trying to ease our pain.

  Later in my life,when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy with twins,women of the church again stepped in to help. They arranged babysitting for my two-year-old daughter,and brought lovely dinners to our house. Even when I was put in the hospital,my husband would bring cooked meals to my hospital room. How we relied on these dinners to feed my tired husband and young daughter!

  Food is all about comfort. It feeds our bodies,but it can also feed our souls. When you hear people talking about their favourite holidays,it usually includes their feelings connected with sharing food. I know that I will have many more opportunities in my lifetime to prepare food for others. It is truly a gift I want to prepare and deliver to someone in need.

(   ) 5. The author has given lots of food to others because    

   A. she is poor at cooking

   B. she is a church member

   C. she is friendly to others

   D. she has received others’ food

(   ) 6. We can learn from the first paragraph that the author    .

   A. had to stay in bed for several weeks

   B. knew the family in need very well

   C. was glad to be able to lend a hand

   D. was tired of preparing food

(   ) 7. Which of the following is TRUE about the author?

   A. Her mother died when she was in hospital.

   B. She didn’t get enough food during her pregnancy.

   C. She received food as well as comfort in her hard times.

   D. She thinks offering food is the best way to show love.

(   ) 8. According to the passage,which of the following conclusions can we get?

   A. A good beginning makes a good ending.

   B. One good turn deserves another.

   C. Actions speak louder than words.

   D. Every man has his faults

 In a class this past December,after I wrote some directions on the board for students about their final examination,one young woman quickly took a picture of the board using her smart phone. When I looked in her direction,she apologized :“Sorry. Was it wrong to take a picture?”

  “I can’t read my own handwriting,” the young woman explained. “It’s best if I take a picture of your writing so I can understand the notes. ”

  That remark started a class-wide conversation about taking a picture instead of taking notes. For those in the phototaking camp,motivations extended beyond their inability to comprehend their own handwriting. Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to store material. They might lose paper,they reasoned,but they wouldn’t lose their phones. Some took photos because they wanted to record exactly the manner in which I had noted information on the board. Others told me that during class they liked to be able to listen to the discussion attentively.

  Yet the use of cameras as note takers,though it may be convenient,does raise significant questions for the classroom. Is a picture an effective replacement for the process of note-taking?

  Instructors encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than merely recording necessary information—it helps prepare the way for understanding. Encouraging students to take notes may be an old-fashioned instructional method,but a method having a long history doesn’t mean it’s out of date. Writing things down engages a student’s brain in listening,visual,and kinesthetic (动觉的) learning—a view supported by a longstanding research. The act of writing down information enables a person to begin committing it to memory,and to process and combine it,establishing the building blocks of learning new concepts.

Taking a picture does indeed record the information,but it deletes some of the necessary mental engagement that taking notes employs. So can the two be equally effective?

  I’m not sure how to measure the effectiveness of either method. For now,I allow students to take notes however they see fit—handwritten or photographed—because I figure that some notes,no matter the method of note-taking,are better than none.

(   ) 1. The woman apologized in the class because she    

   A. took a picture of the board

   B. missed the teacher’s directions

   C. had the bad handwriting

   D. disturbed other students’ learning

(   ) 2. Students refuse to take notes by hand because    

   A. they are unable to take notes

   B. they are more likely to lose notes

   C. they are interested in using their phones

   D. they have a good memory of teachers’ instructions

(   ) 3. According to the passage,taking notes by hand    

   A. requires students to think independently

   B. is unsuitable for students to learn new ideas

   C. helps students actively participate in learning

   D. proves to be an old and useless learning method

(   ) 4. What’s the author’s opinion towards taking notes by phone?

   A. Supportive.

   B. Neutral.

   C. Doubtful.

   D. Disapproving.

B An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to the global economic crisis awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.

Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January,according to UCAS,the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up.

Professor John Beath,the president of the society,and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University,said his first-year lectures—which are open to students from all departments— were drawing crowds of 400,rather than the usual 250.

“There are a large number of students who are not economics majors,who would like to learn something about it. One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasn’t traditionally done. ” He added.

University applications rose by 7 % last year. But there were rises above average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump,with people’s renewed interest in careers in the public sector,which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.

A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters,and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on,although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.

Zack Hocking,the head of Child Trust Funds,said, “It’s possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that’s financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty. ”

(   ) 5. Professor John Beath’s lectures are.

   A. given in a traditional way

   B. open to both students and their parents

   C. connected with the present situation

   D. warmly received by economists

(   ) 6. Incomes in the public sector are more attractive because of their.

   A. greater stability   B. higher pay

   C. fewer applications   D. better reputation

(   ) 7. According to Zack Hocking,the global economic crisis might make the youngsters.

   A. have access to better equipment

   B. wiser in money management

   C. confident about their future careers

   D. get jobs in Child Trust Funds

(   ) 8. What’s the main idea of the text?

   A. Universities have received more applications.

   B. College students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty.

   C. Economics is attracting an increasing number of students.

    D. Parents are concerned with children’s subject selection.

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