

VI. 短文填空(10%)

              Your chance to be a millionaire

    How’s your ability to manage wealth? If you are given 1

million yuan, do you have any i______on how to invest (投资)     1. ________

it to _________(挣) more money?                            2. ________

       In   3   (真实的)life we probably won’t have the chance.   3. _________

   But a board game o______us an opportunity to test our financial      4. _________

   abilities while still having some f_____(乐趣). You may have already  5. _________

   played Monopoly(地产大亨), _____ is set in the US and has been a   6. ________

   popular game there for many years. Now there is Monopoly Beijing Version.

   Using a map of the city, you compete to gain w______through         7. ________

   economic______ (活动) such as the buying, renting and trading of     8. __________

   properties(财产). So how would you invest your money?

   Will you buy Zhongguancun, China’s “Silicon Valley”(硅谷) or do you

   prefer a  c______place? The winner of course is the one           9. ________

   who earns the _________ money.                             10. ________

1. idea       2. earn       3. real       4. offers      5. fun

6. which     7. wealth     8. activities    9. cheaper   10. most

                                              Firecrackers greet return of Chinese astronauts
     China's second manned spacecraft returned on October 17 after orbiting the earth for five days. Astronauts
Fei Junlong, 40, and Nie Haisheng, 41, were flown to Beijing where they were given a hero's welcome after
their Shenzhou VI space capsule touched down in their remote steppes of the northern Chinese region of Inner
     The two men were in good health after orbiting the earth 76 times covering 3.25 million kilometers. State
media hailed the mission as a technological breakthrough and this proved to the world China's power.
     Soon after the craft landed at 4:33 am (20:33 GMT), barely l km (half a mile) from its target, jubilant
residents in Fei's and Nie's hometowns set off firecrackers and performed traditional dragon and lion dances,
beating gongs and drums.
     "The motherland is so great!" the official Xinhua news agency quoted Fei's father as saying. Fei's mother
wept on learning of his safe return.
     State television gave live broadcast of the astronauts coming out of the spacecraft, unaided, and waving
to the recovery team, cameramen and photographers.
     Tang Xianming, director of the Manned Space Engineering Officer, told a news conference that China
would aim for a spacewalk by 2007 and consider putting a woman in space in the near future.
Firecrackers greet return of 1.____

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