
 Mabel is very weak, so the doctor advised that not only _____ more food, but she should also take more exercise.

  A. should she have     B. she should have         C. she has                    D. has she


Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK but what kind of programmes do British people like to watch? Well, the most-watched TV programmes every week are very popular dramas that are usually on at least four times every week. They are dramas based in one neighbourhood that try to describe ordinary life in the UK --- we call these dramas ‘soap operas’ or ‘soaps’.

       In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the day. Back in those days, it was traditional for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children. Most of these daytime dramas were aimed at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home, probably doing the washing. Companies selling washing powder would advertise their products at times when these dramas were on, and sometimes those companies would even sponsor (赞助) the drama. Hence the word ‘soap’.

       So what about the word opera? Well, that’s because these dramas are often an exaggeration (夸大) of real life. They are supposed to represent ordinary life but to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events like murders, divorces, affairs (风流韵事) etc. all happen probably much more regularly than they would in a normal neighbourhood.

       Most soap operas these days are shown in the evening. Each show will have several different storylines happening at once that continue over several shows. The same cast members will appear in every show too.

       There are lots of different soaps on in the UK on different channels but there are three main popular ones. ‘Coronation Street’ has been on since 1960. It is set in a suburb of Manchester and it’s supposed to represent working class life in the north of England. Then there’s ‘Eastenders’ which started in 1985, set in the East End of London and ‘Emmerdale’, which is set on a farm in Yorkshire, in the north of England.


56. The text is mainly about ______.

       A. some popular soap operas

       B. how people spend their spare time in the UK

       C. why soap opera is so called

       D. how companies sell soaps

57. Which opera should you watch if you want to learn about people’s life in London?

       A. Coronation Street.                                 B. Eastenders.

       C. Emmerdale.                                          D. None of the above.

58. The underlined part “cast members” in paragraph 4 probably means ______.

       A. actors and actresses                              B. people who sell washing powder

       C. characters in Coronation Street               D. opera producers

59. We may infer from the second paragraph that ______.

       A. companies often sold washing powder from door to door

       B. soap operas were produced only for women

       C. men didn’t like watching TV

       D. today more women go to work

60.   Which of the following stories takes place in Manchester?

       A. Coronation Street.     B. Eastenders         C. Emerdale           D. None of the above.


We all enjoy the beautiful show of colors as leaves change each autumn. But did you ever wonder how and why this happens? To answer the question, first you have to understand what leaves are and what they do.

Leaves are nature’s food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. And they take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose (葡萄糖). Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for energy and as a building block for growing.

The way plants turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar is called photosynthesis (光合作用). That means, “putting together with light”.

A chemical called chlorophyll (叶绿素) helps photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color. As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how trees “know” to begin getting ready for winter.

During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. Trees rest during this time and live off the food they stored during the summer. They begin to shut down their food-making factories.

The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. As the bright green fades away, we begin to see yellow and orange leaves. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along. We just can’t see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll.

The bright reds and yellows we see in leaves are made mostly in autumn. In some trees, like maples, glucose is caught in the leaves after photosynthesis stops. Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn turn this glucose into a red color. The brown color of trees like oaks (橡树) is made from waste left in the leaves.

It is the mixture of all these things that makes the beautiful colors we enjoy during autumn.


36. Which of the following about chlorophyll is NOT true?

A. Without it photosynthesis couldn’t happen.

B. It is the reason why leaves have their green color.

C. It turns the leaves red during autumn.

D. It is a chemical that’s important for trees’ food making.

37. From the text we can see that photosynthesis _____.

A. can produce glucose, which can provide energy for trees’ growth

B. can happen whenever there is light and water

C. is the process of putting sunlight together with chlorophyll

D. doesn’t stop during the trees’ lifetime even in winter

38. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A. To explain the process of trees’ photosynthesis.

B. To encourage readers to protect the environment.

C. To analyze the reasons why leaves change colors.

D. To help readers understand what leaves and trees are.

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