One day I told Mr Wang,our math teacher,was ill.                                                 61.________
I was worried about him and went to see him after the school.                               62.________
When I enter his room,he struggled up to welcome                                               63.________
me.I let him lay down again.Mr Wang looked pale.                                               64.________
I asked about his trouble.He said he was having                                                    65.________
a bad cold.Then he had a bad cough.After take some                                             66.________
medicine he was getting better.He asked me that we                                              67.________
liked the teacher who took place.When he heard                                                   68.________
everything was all right,I could see he was pleasing.                                             69.________
Finally I asked him don¡¯t to worry about the work                                                70.________
and have a good rest.

61. toldÇ°¼Ówas    62.È¥µôthe    63. enter¡úentered    64. lay¡úlie     65.¡Ì
66. take¡útaking    67. that¡úif£¨whether£©   68. placeÇ°¼Óhis 69. pleasing¡úpleased     70. don¡¯t¡únot



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¡¡¡¡After I finished the school this year, I began ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡1.__________

¡¡¡¡to look for work. Now several month later, I still¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡2.__________

¡¡¡¡hadn¡®t found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday¡¡3.__________

¡¡¡¡morning I received a phone call from a man calling him  4._________

¡¡¡¡Mr Smith. He said to me on the phone, "I hear that you do 5.__________

¡¡¡¡very well in your studies. I may have a job for you." ¡¡ 6.__________

¡¡¡¡I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped¡¡¡¡7._________

¡¡¡¡that I will go through the job-hunting talk today and he ¡¡8.___________

¡¡¡¡would take me on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised, ¡¡9.___________

what he said disappointing. He only needed a model.¡¡¡¡10.___________



    ´ËÌâÒªÇó¸ÄÕýËù¸ø¶ÌÎÄÖеĴíÎ󡣶ԱêÓÐÌâºÅµÄÿһÐÐ×ö³öÅжϣºÈçÎÞ´íÎó£¬ÔÚ¸ÃÐÐÓұߺáÏßÉÏ»­Ò»¸ö¹´£¨ ¡Ì £©£»ÈçÓдíÎó£¨Ã¿ÐÐÖ»ÓÐÒ»¸ö´íÎ󣩣¬Ôò°´ÏÂÁÐÇé¿ö¸ÄÕý£º


    ´ËÐÐȱһ¸ö´Ê£ºÔÚȱ´Ê´¦¼ÓÒ»¸ö©×Ö·ûºÅ£¨   £©£¬ÔÚ¸ÃÐÐÓұߵĺáÏßÉÏд³ö¸Ã¼ÓµÄ´Ê¡£


Born to be the basketball player, Kobe Bryant                                                               81. __________

showed his shooting talent in an early age. He has always                                        82. __________

occupied with proving his skills on the court and improving                              83. __________

himself. Having enjoyed a successfully high school basketball                                   84. __________

career, Kobe went straight into the NBA after graduated. So                                   85. __________

far, Kobe has led the Lakers to four NBA championships.                                           86. __________

Thus, he is never content with his past achievements. He                                         87. __________

is famous for getting his teammates stay up late practising.                                             88. __________

When he learned a new move, he asks his teammates to practise                         89. __________

it with him after it is perfect. ¡°When you win, you have to                                         90. __________

constantly look for ways to get better.¡± Kobe said.


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
