
 _______ he steps on the stage, he will sing the song which made him famous two years ago.

A. Many times                                  B. In no time

C. Every time                          D. All the time

解析:选C。考查时间状语从句。every time意为“每当”,引导时间状语从句,其余选项都不能引导从句。


It must have been around nine o’clock when I drove back home from work because it was already dark. As I came near to the gates I turned off the head lights of the car so as to prevent the beam from swinging (摆动) through the window and waking Jack, who shared the house with me. But I needn’t have done so. I noticed that his light was still on, so he was awake anyway—unless he had fallen asleep while reading. I put the car away and went up the steps.
Then I opened the door quietly and went to Jack’s room. He was in bed awake, but he didn’t even turn towards me.
“What’s up, Jack﹖” I asked.
“For God’s sake, don’t make a noise,” he said.
The way he spoke reminded me of someone in pain who is afraid to talk in case he does himself serious injury.
“Take your shoes off, Neville,” Jack said.
I thought that he must be ill and that I had better give way to him to keep him happy. “There is a snake here,” he explained. “It’s asleep between the sheets. I was lying on my back reading when I saw it.I knew that moving was out of the question. I could not have moved even I’d wanted to.” I realized that he was serious. “I was depending on you to call a doctor as soon as you came home,” Jack went on. “It has not bitten me yet but I dare not do anything to upset it. It might wake up. I’m sick of this,” he said.“I took it for granted that you would have come home an hour ago.”
There was no time to argue or apologize for being late.I looked at him as encouraging as I could and went to telephone the doctor.
【小题1】When he got home, Neville found that _____.

A.Jack had fallen asleep while readingB.Jack had been reading for some time
C.Jack’s light was not turned offD.Jack was ready to answer the doctor
【小题2】The underlined phrase in Paragraph 6 means _____.
A.impossibleB.no problemC.no doubtD.without difficulty
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage﹖
A.Neville and Jack lived in the same house.
B.Neville thought that Jack had fallen ill.
C.Neville really believed that Jack was not making a joke.
D.Neville refused to argue or to make an apology for being late.
【小题4】The reason why Neville thought that Jack must be ill is that Jack ____.
A.asked Neville to take off his shoes
B.made a gesture to show the presence of the snake
C.was afraid to upset the snake sleeping between the sheets
D.behaved strangely as if he were badly hurt
【小题5】According to the passage, Neville should have been home at ____.
A.7 p.m.B.8 p.m.C.9 p.m.D.6 p.m.

When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was badly crippled (跛脚), and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare, I would be ashamed of the unwanted attention. If ever noticed or bothered, he never let on.
It was difficult to walk together—and because of that, we didn’t say much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace. I will try to follow you.”
Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. He went to work sick, and even in bad weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. It was a matter of pride for him.
When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help... Such times my sister or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y., on a child’s sleigh to the subway entrance. Once there, he would try to grasp handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice free. In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
When I think of it now, I am surprised at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to suffer from shame and disability. And I am also surprised at how he did it—without bitterness or complaint.
He never talked about himself as an object of pity, not did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. What he looked for in others was a “good heart”, and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him.
Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still don’t know exactly what a “good heart” is. But I know the times I don’t have one myself.
He has been away for many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was, how unworthy I was, how I regretted it. I think of him when I complain about my troubles, when I am envious of another’s good fortune, when I don’t have a “good heart”.
【小题1】How did the man treat his father when he was young?

A.He helped his father happily.B.He never helped his father.
C.He helped his father, but not very happily.D.He only helped his father take a walk after supper.
【小题2】As a disabled man, his father____.
A.didn’t work very hardB.didn’t go to work from time to time
C.hated those who had good fortuneD.was happy and satisfied, and never lost hope
【小题3】What does the underlined word “reluctance” mean in the article? It means ____.
【小题4】How did the father get to work usually?
A.By subway. B.By bus. C.By wheelchair. D.By bike

I believe in leaving work at five o’clock. In a nation with such a strict work ethic(道德规范) , this is considered strange. Working only 40 hours a week? I just don’t know many people who punch out (打卡下班) at five o’clock anymore.

My father tried to teach me the importance of hard work, long hours and devotion to a career. But then there are the things he taught me unintentionally, like when he arrived home from work for the last time and crawled up the stairs.

My father, a self-employed sales trainer, was that sick, that tired. His body was wracked with liver cancer, and he suffered the effects of a diabetic ulcer(糖尿病). Despite all this, he insisted on traveling a long way to give a lecture. He probably earned a lot of money that day, but he paid the price. He returned to the hospital soon afterwards and was dead within three months, aged just 58.

It’s been 10 years since I saw my father come home that night and since then, I’ve thought a lot about work. I’ve decided something: I will never crawl up the stairs exhausted. As much as I love my job as a newspaper reporter, I will never work myself into the ground, physically or emotionally. Not taking my work home didn’t come easily to me at first. After all, I am my father’s daughter. In college, I was the girl who sat on the library steps each morning, waiting for the doors to open. I even dreamt about schoolwork.

My dad once told me he was unable to just gaze at a sunset; he had to be doing something as he looked at it—writing, reading, playing chess. You could say he was a success: He was a published author, an accomplished musician, fluent in many languages. That’s an impressive list, but the thing is I want to gaze at sunsets. I don’t want to meet a deadline during them or be writing a column at the same time, or glance at them over the top of a book.

This raises the question: If I leave work at five o’ clock to watch the sunset, what are the consequences? Do I risk not reaching the top of my profession? Maybe, because honestly, knocking off after eight hours probably won’t earn me the best promotion. But hey, leaving work at five o’ clock means I eat dinner with my family. I get to hop on my bike and cycle through the streets of my hometown when there is no traffic.

And I get to take in a lot of sunsets. That’s got to be worth something.

1.Which of the following about the author’s father is true?

A. He set a good example to his daughter.

B. He tried to force his values on his daughter.

C. He gained much pleasure from his work.

D. He achieved great success at the expense of his health.

2.What does the author mean by saying “Not taking my work home did not come easily at first” in Paragraph 4?

A. There was so much work to do.    

B. All her colleagues took work home.

C. She was educated to be a workaholic.

D. She wanted a promotion in her work.

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward promotion?

A. She doesn’t care about it at all.

B. She is eager to get promoted

C. She thinks it’s for the ambitious people

D. Getting promoted at all costs is not worthwhile

4. This text is developed________.

A. by giving examples                         B. by making comparisons

C. by describing process                       D. by order of time

5. What does the writer intend to tell us?

A. To praise his father’s diligence

B. To ask us to take time off work to enjoy life

C. To complain about the strict work ethic

D. To stress the importance of hard work


According to Andrew, it never would have happened if he had not had a flat tire on Highway 10 last night at about 7:30. He was on his way to attend a three-day sales meeting when he had the flat. tyre. Unfortunately, he did not have a spare, so he pushed the car off the road, locked it up, and managed to thumb a ride back to Pine Grove. It was after eleven o'clock when he finally got home, and it was then that his real problems started.

When Andrew left home at about 5:30, he had told his wife not to expect him back until Thursday or Friday. Knowing that his wife was nervous about staying in the house alone at night, Andrew took the precaution of checking all the windows in the house to be sure they were locked, so that he could report to his wife that the house was secure. He convinced his wife that the house was burglar-proof, and that she would be perfectly safe, providing she bolted (闩上)the front door as soon as he drove away.

Andrew's only thought as he made his way in the dark to his front door was how surprised his wife was going to be to see him, since he was not supposed to be back until Thursday or Friday. He had forgotten about the bolt on the front door. When he turned his key in the lock and the door wouldn't budge, he remembered the bolt. And he remembered that he had carefully locked all of the windows.

Although Andrew didn't know it at the time, a next-door neighbor had seen him approaching the house and had watched him go up the steps to the front door. In the dark, it was impossible for the neighbor to recognize Andrew, and, besides, the neighbor knew that Andrew had gone out-of-town for a three-day meeting. As a matter of fact, Andrew had asked the neighbor to keep an eye on the house while he was gone.

Finding that he couldn't get in, Andrew began pounding(砰砰地敲) on the front door to get his wife to open the door. According to Andrew, however, his wife is a very sound sleeper, and he knew it was going to be hard to wake her up. In the meantime, because of all the noise he had been making, the neighbor was convinced that somebody was trying to break into the house; so she called the police.

When we talked to Andrew at the country jail this morning, he said that he still didn't understand how the police managed to circle the house without his seeing them. He stated that he had decided the only way to get in was to break one of the dining room windows, and that he was about, to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it when two of the officers grabbed him from behind.

Andrew could not make the officers believe that he lived there; so they took him off to jail. Apparently, he did succeed in convincing them that they ought to wake up the woman in the house to check his story. But there was no answer when they knocked at the door. He tried to explain to them that his wife was a very sound sleeper, but they concluded there was nobody in the house.

1.As Andrew had a flat tyre on the way, he           .

    A.had to take another car to attend the meeting

    B.rode on a bike to attend the meating

    C.asked for a lift to go back home

    D.borrowed a car to go back home

2.When Andrew was approaching the house         .

    A.he was sure he would pleasently surprise his wife

    B.he was deep in thought

    C.he was sure that his neighbor would help him

    D.he was worried about how to wake his wife up

3.The  underlined word “budge” in Paragraph 3 probably means            .

    A.move slightly B.lock tightly   C.knock lightly  D.close tightly

4.Why did the police officers take Andrew off to jail?

    A.It was too late for them to contact Andrew’s wife.

    B.Andrew did not explain clearly why he broke into the house.

    C.They thought it unnecessary to check Andrew’s story.

    D.they concluded that Andrew’s story was a complete invention.


It must have been around nine o'clock when I drove back home from work because it was already dark. As I came near to the gates I turned off the head lights of the car so as to prevent the beam from swinging (摆动) through the window and waking Jack, who shared the house with me. But I needn't have done so. I noticed that his light was still on, so he was awake anyway—unless he had fallen asleep while reading. I put the car away and went up the steps.

Then I opened the door quietly and went to Jack's room. He was in bed awake, but he didn't even turn towards me.

“What's up, Jack﹖” I asked.

“For God's sake, don't make a noise,” he said.

The way he spoke reminded me of someone in pain who is afraid to talk in case he does himself serious injury.

“Take your shoes off, Neville,” Jack said.

I thought that he must be ill and that I had better give way to him to keep him happy. “There is a snake here,” he explained. “It's asleep between the sheets. I was lying on my back reading when I saw it.I knew that moving was out of the question. I could not have moved even I'd wanted to.” I realized that he was serious. “I was depending on you to call a doctor as soon as you came home,” Jack went on. “It has not bitten me yet but I dare not do anything to upset it. It might wake up. I'm sick of this,” he said.“I took it for granted that you would have come home an hour ago.”

There was no time to argue or apologize for being late.I looked at him as encouraging as I could and went to telephone the doctor.

1.When he got home, Neville found that _____.

    A.Jack had fallen asleep while reading     B.Jack had been reading for some time

    C.Jack's light was not turned off          D.Jack was ready to answer the doctor

2.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 6 means _____.

    A.impossible     B.no problem       C.no doubt     D.without difficulty

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage﹖

    A.Neville and Jack lived in the same house.

    B.Neville thought that Jack had fallen ill.

    C.Neville really believed that Jack was not making a joke.

    D.Neville refused to argue or to make an apology for being late.

4.The reason why Neville thought that Jack must be ill is that Jack ____.

    A.asked Neville to take off his shoes

    B.made a gesture to show the presence of the snake

    C.was afraid to upset the snake sleeping between the sheets

    D.behaved strangely as if he were badly hurt

5.According to the passage, Neville should have been home at ____.

    A.7 p.m.     B.8 p.m.     C.9 p.m.    D.6 p.m.


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