
【题目】My uncle's house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice __________ expensive.

A. as

B. so

C. too

D. very


【解析】句意:我叔叔在闹市区的房子比我们(不在闹市)的房子要小得多,但是它的价格却是我们的房子价格的两倍。考生要从句子结构和意思上看出本句所省略了的部分内容,因此使用了表达倍数的倍数+ as. . . as. . . 结构。


【题目】As China faced up to a battle against bird flu, the government announced a range of control measures it believed would bring the disease under control.
This bird flu more than 16 people across Asia and was made certain in China in late January, 2004. No cases had been found in the mainland but at least 13 of the countrys 31 provinces, autonomous regions(自治区) and municipalities had the disease in poultry(家禽).

It a difficult task for China to prevent and control the disease, the government is confident in the fight, said a Vice-Minister of Agriculture. He gave details of a range of measures designed to the disease spreading. Poultry within 3km of infected farms was to be killed and those within 5km vaccinated(接种疫苗). , there would be constant monitoring(监控) and daily on the disease across the country, and production of bird flu vaccines.

Among the 11 Asian countries and regions by bird flu in animals, only Viet Nam and Thailand had reported human cases. The people infected were reported to have the disease from poultry.

While the World Health Organization said there was proof of human transmission(传播) of bird flu, it admitted that two sisters who died of bird flu in Viet Nam have caught it from their brother.

The big was that the disease could combine with a human flu virus(病毒) to create a deadly disease that would kill millions of people across the . Many Asian farmers live closely with their animals and sell chickens on the market. This greatly increases the of human being infected with bird flu.

An official from WHO said Asian countries affected by bird flu should introduce a more way of raising and selling chickens. They have to completely their lifestyle and attitude towards animals.

1 A. hurt B. hit C. struck D. killed

2 A. animal B. bird C. human D. poultry

3 A. shown B. reported C. struck D. said

4 A. remains B. leaves C. stays D. continues

5 A. but B. and C. while D. so

6 A. fight B. control C. keep D. stop

7 A. However B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. Instead

8 A. controls B. treatments C. reports D. vaccines

9 A. started B. improved C. increased D. attempted

10 A. affected B. destroyed C. connected D. introduced

11 A. held B. covered C. carried D. caught

12 A. some B. much C. no D. more

13 A. should B. might C. must D. need

14 A. accident B. problem C. task D. flu

15 A. new B. strange C. serious D. bad

16 A. country B. area C. mainland D. globe

17 A. killed B. many C. dead D. live

18 A. speed B. possibility C. introduction D. experience

19 A. healthy B. useful C. simple D. gentle

20 A. stop B. change C. form D. keep

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