
On a stormy day last August, Tim heard some shouting.Looking out to the sea carefully, he saw a couple of kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.

Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, rowed out a boat to search a football.Once they’d rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water.The pair panicked and tried to row back to shore.But they were no match for it and the boat was out of control.

Tim knew it would soon be swallowed by the waves.

“Everything went quiet in my head,” Tim recalls(回忆).“I’m trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line.”

Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water.Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress.“At one point, I considered turning back,” he says.“I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.” After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to yell to the boys, “Take down the umbrella! Let’s aim for the pier(码头),” Jack said.Tim turned the boat toward it.Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink.“Can you guys swim?” he cried.“A little bit,” the boys said.

Once they were in the water, Tim decided it would be safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier.Christian and Jack were wearing life jackets and floated on their backs.Tim swam toward land as water washed over the boys’ faces.

“Are we almost there?” they asked again and again.“Yes,” Tim told them each time.

After 30 minutes, they reached the pier.

1.Why was the boat far into open water?

A.The boys rowed too fast.

B.The big current carried it.

C.The wind blew it.

C.The boys tried to get attention..

2.Why did the two boys go to the sea?

A.To go boat rowing

B.To get back their football.

C.To swim in the open water

D.To test the umbrella as a sail.

3.What does “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The beach

B.The water

C.The boat

D.The wind

4.Why did Tim raise his head regularly?

A.To take in enough fresh air

B.To consider turning back or not.

C.To check his distance from the boys.

D.To ask the boys to take down the umbrella.

5.How can the two boys finally reach the pier?

A.They were dragged to the pier by Tim.

B.They swam to the pier all by themselves.

C.They were washed to the pier by the waves.

D.They were carried to the pier by Tim on his back.



An old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and 4-year-old grandson. The old man’s hands , his eyesight was not clear, and his unsteady(不稳定的). The family were every night at the dinner table. But the elderly grandfather’s shaky hands and sight made this rather difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, would often spill(洒落)onto the tablecloth. “We must do some-thing about grandfather,” said the husband.

So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There , grandfather ate in the corner while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table. grandfather had already broken a dish or two , his food was served in a bowl. Sometimes, when the family grandfather, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone. , the only words the couple had for him were sharp when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The 4-year-old boy watched all this .

One evening before supper, the father his son playing with wood scraps(小块)on the floor. He asked the child sweetly :“What are you making?” Just as , the boy answered: “Oh, I am making a little for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up.”The 4-year-old boy smiled and went back to on it.

The words the parents so much that they were . Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. no word was spoken , both knew what they had to do. That evening, the husband took grandfather’s hand and led him back to the family table.

1.A.wounded B.moved C.trembled D.dragged

2.A.step B.feet C.speech D.body

3.A.away B.together C.asleep D.apart

4.A.losing B.failing C.disappearing D.rising

5.A.food B.pan C.milk D.dinner

6.A.alone B.casually C.steadily D.bitterly

7.A.After B.Since C.While D.When

8.A.small B.safe C.big D.wooden

9.A.glanced at B.stared at C.looked through D.looked after

10.A.However B.Otherwise C.Still D.Rather

11.A.comments B.quarrels C.warnings D.remark

12.A.in silence B.in advance C.in danger D.in charge

13.A.researched B.noticed C.searched D.explored

14.A.firmly B.suddenly C.cruelly D.sweetly

15.A.bowl B.cup C.spoon D.pan

16.A.worship B.work C.whisper D.weave

17.A.impressed B.touched C.confused D.struck

18.A.speechless B.homeless C.fearless D.hopeless

19.A.Once B.Whether C.Though D.Unless

20.A.gently B.happily C.fluently D.fortunately


How to Make Friends

Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes (促进) good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leave us without a friend. 1. . But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

● Associate with (与……交往) others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

● Start a conversation.

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. 2. You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.


Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together. Hanging out (闲逛) will always be a pleasant experience.

● Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. 4. . The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

● Enjoy your friendship.

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. 5. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Do things together.

B. Be cheerful.

C. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

D. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

E. Do not wait to be spoken to.

F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G. Try not to find fault with your friends.

A new study of 8,000 young people in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows that although love can make adults live healthily and happily, it is a bad thing for young people. Puppy love (早恋) may bring stress for young people and can lead to depression. The study shows that girls become more depressed than boys, and younger girls are the worst of all.

The possible reason for the connection between love and higher risk of depression for girls is “loss of self”. According to the study, even though boys would say “lose themselves in a romantic relationship”, this “loss of self” is much more likely to lead to depression when it happens to girls. Young girls who have romantic relationships usually like hiding their feelings and opinions. They won’t tell that to their parents.

Dr Marian Kaufman, an expert on young people problems, says 15% to 20% young people will have depression during their growing. Trying romance often causes the depression. She advises kids not to jump into romance too early. During growing up, it is important for young people to build strong friendships and a strong sense of self. She also suggests the parents should encourage their kids to keep close to their friends, attend more interesting school activities and spend enough time with family.

Parents should watch for signs of depression -- eating or mood changes -- and if they see signs from their daughters or sons, they need to give help. The good news is that the connection between romance and depression seems to become weak with age. Love will always make us feel young, but only maturity (成熟) gives us a chance to avoid its bad side effects.

1. Which of the following is more likely to have depression?

A. Young people who have a strong sense of selfishness.

B. Young girls who always hide their feelings and opinions.

C. Young boys whose parents watch for their behavior.

D. Careless parents whose children are deep in love.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The older a woman is,the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance.

B. Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly.

C. Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents.

D. Parents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression.

3. What’s the author’s attitude towards puppy love?

A. Confused B. Disinterested

C. Scared D. Disapproving

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Puppy love may bring young people depression.

B. Parents should forbid their children’s love.

C. Romance is a two ? edged sword for adults.

D. Romance is good for young people.

Mrs Young was eighty. Her husband died when she was fifty – three and he left her an old car he had had for six years. She learned to drive and loved very much. She liked driving very fast, and was proud of the fact that she had never been caught for a driving offence(违章).

Then one day she nearly lost her record(纪录). A police car followed her, and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without stopping and she was taken before a judge. The man looked at her and said that she was too old to drive a car, and the reason why she had not stopped at the red light was most probably that her eyes had become weak with old age, so that she had simply not seen it.

When the judge had finished what he was saying, Mrs Young opened her handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she chose a needle(针) with a very small eye(针眼), and threaded it at her first try.

When she had finished it, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now it’s your turn. I suppose you drive a car, and that your eyesight is good.”

The judge took the needle and tried to thread it. After trying six times, he had still not done it. At last he had to set the old woman free and her record remained unbroken.

1.Mrs Young’s car was years old.

A. 16 B. 33 C. 40 D. 53

2.As , she was taken before the judge.

A. Mrs Young’s car was too old

B. Mrs Young hadn’t made way for the police car

C. Mrs Young was rude to the policemen

D. Mrs Young hadn’t stopped at the red light

3.Mrs Young threaded before the judge in order to .

A. prove that her eyesight was still good

B. get the man into trouble

C. do some sewing

D. wait for the man’s judgement

4.The judge set Mrs free because .

A. she was very old B. she could thread

C. he thought her sight good D. he admired her

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