
     If you cough occasionally, you may just be suffering from a common cold.    1   if you have a
rising fever with your    2   , or you have difficulty in breathing, you had better    3   a doctor or call
the emergency hotline (64629100 or 64629112) as soon as possible,    4   these could be symptoms
(症状) of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
     If you want to    5    extra precautions(预防) and buy a filter mask, go to your local drug store.
Your Chinese friends may    6    you to take Banlangen, a traditional Chinese medicine widely    7   
in China to activate the immune(免疫的) system, or fumigate vinegar in your house to    8    viruses
(病毒) in the    9   , but "these measures are of no use in    10   the disease", said Dr. Qi Xiaoqiu,
Director General of the Department of Diseases Control, Ministry of Health.
      If you have    11   returned from Hong Kong or areas    12   SARS has been active, go to your
doctor and    13   him or her of your recent trip. If you develop symptoms   14   your trip, stop traveling
until fully    15   . If you pass 12 days symptom-free after coming back from these areas, you    16  
set your mind at ease(无忧无虑).
     The following are some preventive measures you can take    17   by experts from the Chinese
Center for Diseases Control and Prevention:
●Wash hands with running water after sneezing, coughing or clearing your nose;
●Use a clean towel or tissue after washing hands;
●Do not share towels with    18   ;
●Keep a healthy diet, add or    19   clothes according to changes of the weather and exercise regularly
and get plenty of sleep;
Relieve stress and do not smoke so as to    20   your body's resistance to diseases;
●Reduce visits to crowded places with poor ventilation.
(     )1. A. Then        
(     )2. A. cough        
(     )3. A. watch        
(     )4. A. for          
(     )5. A. have        
(     )6. A. advise      
(     )7. A. using        
(     )8. A. give        
(     )9. A. water        
(     )10. A. protecting  
(     )11. A. still      
(     )12. A. that        
(     )13. A. ask        
(     )14. A. during      
(     )15. A. recover    
(     )16. A. should      
(     )17. A. given      
(     )18. A. another    
(     )19. A. put on      
(     )20. A. set up      
B. And        
B. cold      
B. notice    
B. of        
B. get        
B. suggest    
B. used      
B. damage    
B. air        
B. defending  
B. yet        
B. which      
B. speak      
B. at        
B. recovers  
B. can        
B. giving    
B. other      
B. reduce    
B. go up      
C. But      
C. headache  
C. see      
C. with      
C. bring    
C. hope      
C. buying    
C. kill      
C. land      
C. preventing
C. just      
C. when      
C. inform    
C. in        
C. recovering
C. shall    
C. to give  
C. others    
C. wear      
C. put up    
D. So                  
D. stomach            
D. look at            
D. because            
D. take                
D. allow              
D. bought              
D. attract            
D. earth              
D. winning            
D. only                
D. where              
D. say                
D. while              
D. recovered          
D. must                
D. gave                
D. one                
D. increase            
D. build up          
1-5 CACDD  6-10ABCBC  11-15 CDCAD 16-20 BACBD
     IF and WHEN often had lunch together. Their conversation always   1   on the things they hoped to
achieve and they loved to talk about them.
     This particular Saturday when they met for lunch, WHEN   2   IF wasn't in a great mood (心情). After
they sat at the usual table   3   for them, WHEN asked IF, "You don't seem your usual   4   self?" IF replied,
"Yesterday I saw a course I wanted to take. If only I   5   the time."
     WHEN knew exactly how IF felt and said, "I too saw a   6   and I' m going to register when I get   7   
money." WHEN then questioned IF, "What about the new job you were going to apply for?" IF answered,
"I would have applied, but my   8   broke down. I couldn't type my resume (简历)."
     "Don't worry. I've been thinking about looking for another job also,   9   I'll wait and when the weather
gets  10  I will look then. I hate this awful weather."
     The man sitting nearby heard them talking about when this and if that. When he couldn't  11  it anymore,
he went to them and said, "I think I know  12  you could solve your problems."
     IF smiled and thought that even if he knew the  13  they faced, there was no way he could help!  14 , IF
asked the man for advice. The man said, "Your conversation reminds me of an old  15 : IF and WHEN were
planted, and nothing  16 ."
     IF and WHEN both looked surprised and began to feel  17  of living their life for the "ifs" and "whens".
Finally they came to a(n)  18 : next time they met, there would be no"ifs" or "whens"; they would  19  talk
about what they had  20 !
(     )1. A. agreed    
(     )2. A. sensed    
(     )3. A. cleaned   
(     )4. A. sensitive 
(     )5. A. had       
(     )6. A. notice    
(     )7. A. lucky     
(     )8. A. computer  
(     )9. A. or        
(     )10. A. drier    
(     )11. A. take     
(     )12. A. when     
(     )13. A. changes  
(     )14. A. Anxiously
(     )15. A. saying   
(     )16. A. rose     
(     )17. A. tired    
(     )18. A. ambition 
(     )19. A. even     
(     )10. A. discussed
B. centered    
B. insisted     
B. made        
B. honest      
B. spent        
B. job         
B. pocket       
B. fridge       
B. but          
B. colder      
B. decline    
B. where       
B. expenses    
B. Curiously   
B. story        
B. grew        
B. proud      
B. conclusion  
B. only         
B. promised 
C. relied       
C. declared      
C. ordered        
C. cheerful       
C. seized         
C. course      
C. enough          
C. camera        
C. for             
C. wilder        
C. support     
C. why           
C. challenges    
C. Surprisingly  
C. habit          
C. removed       
C. ashamed       
C. description  
C. still          
C. arranged   
D. took            
D. guessed          
D. reserved          
D. clumsy            
D. valued             
D. chance        
D. paper                
D. recorder           
D. so                  
D. nicer             
D. watch          
D. how                
D. possibilities     
D. Stubbornly       
D. fiction            
D. remained          
D. aware               
D. agreement        
D. thus              
D. accomplished 
     If you are learning English because you're going to travelin England and wish to be   1   there,don't try
to speak English perfectly,    2    if you do so,no one will understand you. In London ninety-nine in every
hundred people speak     3    English. You may say that   4    they don't speak English well themselves,
they can    5   understand it when it is well spoken. They   6     when the speaker is English. But when the
speaker is a   7   , the better he speaks, the   8     it is to understand him.
    No foreigner can    9    stress the syllables and make the tone   10   and fallin the question and  11 
exactly as a   12     does.  13  the first thing you have to do is to speak with a strong   14    accent, and
speak broken English,that is,English without any  15  . Then every English person you  16   will at once
know you are a foreigner, and try to understand you and be ready to    17    you. He will not   18   you to
be polite and use grammatical phrases. He will be  19   by his cleverness in making out your  20   and
being able to tell what you want to know.
(     )1. A. settled    
(     )2. A. because    
(     )3. A. American  
(     )4. A. because    
(     )5. A. hardly    
(     )6. A. say        
(     )7. A. foreigner  
(     )8. A. better    
(     )9. A. never      
(     )10. A. right    
(     )11. A. request  
(     )12. A. native    
(     )13. A. While    
(     )14. A. London    
(     )15. A. grammar  
(     )16. A. know      
(     )17. A. welcome  
(     )18. A. expect    
(     )19. A. strict    
(     )20. A. way      
B. heard      
B. unless      
B. bad        
B. since      
B. really      
B. can        
B. native      
B. easier      
B. even        
B. exact      
B. answer      
B. foreigner  
B. Although    
B. British    
B. mistake    
B. see        
B. help        
B. scold      
B. surprised  
B. meaning    
C. understood
C. whatever  
C. standard  
C. when      
C. at least  
C. think      
C. Londoner  
C. harder    
C. ever      
C. raise      
C. sentence  
C. child      
C. Because    
C: foreign    
C. idiom      
C. ask for    
C. teach      
C. show      
C. pleased    
C. mistake    
D. known        
D. for          
D. no          
D. even if      
D. at most      
D. hope        
D. traveler    
D. clearer      
D. only        
D. rise        
D. phrase      
D. reporter    
D. Therefore    
D. country      
D. word        
D. speak with  
D. praise      
D. think        
D. praised      
D. country      
     If you are human, you can't help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong. You must also _1_as if your life is completely out of control at times. It is during those "down times" that words of encouragement from family, friends, co-workers or  2_strangers can boost(增强)your spirits. It is also during those _3_that negative words can be devastating (毁灭性的) and sink you deeper and deeper into depression.
     For example, consider this story about a group of _4_who were traveling through the woods when _5_of them fell into a deep pit (坑). All of the other frogs gathered around the _6_.When they saw how _7_the pit was, they told the two _8_frogs they would never get out.
    The two frogs didn't obey what other frogs said and tried to _9_ out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them not to jump, _10_  it was in vain. Finally, one of the frogs followed what the other frogs were saying and simply _11  . He fell down and _12 . The other frog continued to jump as _13_as he could. Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to _14_ the pain. The more they _15_, the harder he jumped and finally he _16_to safety.
     When he  _17  , the other frogs asked him why he continued to jump when they were all _18_ him to simply quit. The frog _19_to them that he was a little bit deaf. He thought they were _20_  him all the time.
(     )1. A. think        
(     )2. A. so            
(     )3. A. processes    
(     )4. A. frogs        
(     )5. A. two          
(     )6. A. hole          
(     )7. A. muddy        
(     )8. A. uncomfortable
(     )9. A. run          
(     )10. A. so          
(     )11. A. gave out    
(     )12. A. died        
(     )13. A. fast        
(     )14. A. help        
(     )15. A. cried        
(     )16. A. get it      
(     )17. A. turned out  
(     )18. A. taking to    
(     )19. A. explained    
(     )20. A. encouraging  
B. experience
B. just      
B. times      
B. mice      
B. three      
B. pit        
B. wide      
B. unpleasant
B. walk      
B. as long as
B. gave up    
B. wounded    
B. hard      
B. ban        
B. spoke      
B. forget it  
B. kept out  
B. shouting at
B. announced  
B. helping    
C. seem        
C. even        
C. courses    
C. dogs        
C. water      
C. deep        
C. unhappy    
C. climb      
C. because    
C. gave away  
C. destroyed  
C. easily      
C. forbid      
C. shouted    
C. use it      
C. got out    
C. throwing at
C. introduced  
C. pulling    
D. feel        
D. ever        
D. practices    
D. cats        
D. few          
D. well        
D. long        
D. unfortunate  
D. jump        
D. although    
D. gave off    
D. damaged      
D. swiftly      
D. stop        
D. read        
D. made it      
D. held out    
D. speaking to  
D. told        
D dragging      
     If failure is like a day without the sunshine, I'll still smile at it, as clouds may be dancing in the sky. Success
does not   1   every person, just like the sun doesn't shine every day.
     Do you give up your plan to go hiking   2   because the weather isn't as good as you had hoped? No, of
course not. I would rather go on trying no matter what I   3   and enjoy on the way to my destination (目的地). 
       4  , failure is like a naughty boy who plays with us on the way to our goals. Not only does he want to   5   
us, but he wants to help us become braver. The more we   6  , the braver we'll be.
     If failure is the   7   without the moon, I'll still smile at it, as stars may twinkle on us still.   8  , we all like the
moon, but should we ignore the stars? There is always something more important than   9  . In other words, we
shouldn't only  10  on whether we succeed or fail. In fact, we learn a lot from failure. It is really helpful. The
more we learn from failure, the  11  we'll be.
     If failure is a bird without  12 , I'll still smile at it. Flying isn't the only thing a bird can do. If we can't be  13  
by the wide blue sky, why don't we  14  adapting ourselves to the forest through our beautiful singing? Failure
  15  us that we should believe in ourselves. We may fail in one area, but we may  16  in another. Maybe we'll
find that we have a talent for something we never knew about before. Who  17 ?
     Life is like a box of chocolates, and you  18  know what you're going to get. Just keep on trying. The process
of trying is much more valuable than the  19 .
     Smile at  20  and smile at life.
(     )1. A. meet     
(     )2. A. even      
(     )3. A. suffer    
(     )4. A. Generally 
(     )5. A. beat    
(     )6. A. laugh    
(     )7. A. day     
(     )8. A. In fact  
(     )9. A. aim      
(     )10. A. live      
(     )11. A. nicer    
(     )12. A. legs     
(     )13. A. received  
(     )14. A. try      
(     )15. A. suggests  
(     )16. A. forget   
(     )17. A. sees      
(     )18. A. never     
(     )19. A. methods  
(     )20. A. defeat    
B. know     
B. still    
B. hate      
B. Unluckily 
B. change    
B. cry      
B. night    
B. Of course    
B. joy      
B. focus    
B. healthier 
B. feet      
B. accepted  
B. begin    
B. insists  
B. start    
B. knows    
B. already  
B. success  
B. sorrow     
C. favour    
C. too      
C. dislike  
C. Actually 
C. test      
C. play      
C. sky      
C. In deed  
C. success  
C. depend     
C. wiser    
C. teeth    
C. noticed  
C. appreciate    
C. reminds  
C. stand    
C. believes  
C. usually  
C. victories 
C. failure  
D. see       
D. just      
D. fear      
D. Naturally               
D. frighten  
D. smile     
D. place     
D. In turn   
D. work      
D. base      
D. younger   
D. wings     
D. covered   
D. enjoy     
D. orders    
D. achieve   
D. does      
D. always    
D. results   
D. loss      

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