
My uncle _____ to see me. He’ll be here soon.

A.comes            B.is coming          C.had come         D.came





试题分析:句意:我的叔叔很快就来看我,他很快就来这里。从He’ll be here soon可以看出他的叔叔将要来。这里表示位置移动的词可以用进行式表将来,故选B。


点评:本题难度适中。这里用进行时表将来的动词有arrive,leave,go, come,start等表示按计划安排要发生的事件,表将来的现在进行时有时含有“决心”的意思,多用在否定结构中。

即学即练:I know you _____ next Sunday.

A. arrives          B. are arriving          C. had arrived    D. arrived






Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors. When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese 36 at my face, but I pushed them 37 . My mom believed I would learn 38 I was ready. But the  39  never came.

On a Chinese New Year’s Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese, but all I could do was  40  at him, confused, scratching my head. “Still can’t speak Chinese?” He  41  me, “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown.”

“Hey, this is America, not China. I’ll get some  42  with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for   43  .

“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,” she said, handing over a $20 bill. I  44  the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish  45  surrounded in a sea of customers. “I’d like to buy some fresh fish,” I shouted to the fishman. But he  46  my English words and turned to serve the next customer. The laugh of the people behind increased  47  their impatience. With every 48  , the breath of the dragons(龙)on my back grew stronger---my blood boiling---  49  me to cry out, “Xian Sheng Yu, please.” “ Very Xian Sheng,” I repeated. The crowd erupted into laughter. My face turned  50  and I ran back home  51  ,expect for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cry? They’re Chinese. I’m Chinese. I should feel right at  52  Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.

Sometimes , I laugh at my fish      53   , but , in the end .the joke is on    54  . Every laugh is a culture     55   ; every laugh is my heritage (传统)fading away.

A. custom      B. games    C .characters .            D. language

A. ahead       B. around    C. along                 D. aside

A. when        B. before    C. unless                 D. until

A. success       B. study     C. time                  D. attempt

A. aim         B. joke      C. nod                  D. stare

A. cared about          B. laughed at       C. argued with      D. asked after

A. right now          B. from now        C. at times         D. in time

A. decision            B. permission        C. information      D. preparation

A. repeated            B. reviewed          C. spelled         D. kept

A. farm              B. stand             C. pond            D. market

A. guessed           B. forgot             C. doubted         D. ignored

A. by               B. as                 C. with             D. from

A. second            B. effort             C. desire            D. movement

A. forcing            B. allowing             C. persuading        D. leading

A. bright            B. blank              C. pale             D. red

A. open-mouthed     B. tongue-tied    C. empty-handed     D. broken-hearted

A. service           B. home              C. risk             D. root

A. trade             B. deed               C. challenge       D. incident

A. it                B. us           C. me                D. them

A. thrown           B. lost            C. divided           D. reflected

My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become another man, downhearted. Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare, but out of fear: if his only son, my uncle, had to go to war, it would be cousin fighting against cousin.
One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his draft notice. My grandparents were very upset. But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted.
The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers, without any training but all in uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. Although no one noticed, I’m sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son. The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station. There was a dead silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted, “The war is over!” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up in two lines, walked down the steps, and with the band playing, marched down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn’t last a tiny bit longer.
【小题1】What the grandfather was most worried about was           .

A.the spread of the world warB.the safety of his two cousins
C.a drop in his living standardsD.his relatives killing each other
【小题2】 The underlined phrase “draft notice” means “        “
A.order for army service B.train ticket for Europe
C.letter of rejection D.note of warning
【小题3】What did the “service pins” (in Para.2) stand for in the eyes of the little girls?
【小题4】Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story?

In life, people come across many experiences, which they remember throughout their lives. I had a similar experience, too.
I was very excited. It was the day of my last paper of the final examination. My mind was full of thoughts of how I would spend my vacation. I was especially excited of the invitation that my uncle had given me to stay with him for a few days in Cambridge.
I was prepared for the subject, physics. My friends and I were on the ground doing the last minute revisions and also discussing the questions that were supposed to come in the paper. Suddenly the bell rang and we got into our classrooms. The teacher came and quickly handed out the answer paper and the question paper. The paper was of two hours and some of the expected questions came. I finished it almost forty-five minutes earlier. But since it was a rule not to collect the answer paper before the allotted(规定的)time. the teacher was not collecting and I had to sit till the time was over. I checked my paper twice and corrected some of the mistakes in it. I started thinking about the place my friends and I had planned to go after the paper.
Though I was thinking for a long time, the time seemed to be endless. So I thought of drawing something on the question paper and turned it overleaf. I was shocked to see that the page which I had supposed to be blank had four more questions on it which carried 20 marks and would take at least half an hour to complete. I had a quick glance at my watch. There were only 10 minutes left. I was so nervous that I was hardly in a state to write anything. They were the sub-questions(小题)of the last question. Suddenly our physics teacher came in and told all of us that in the last question, out of 6 sub-questions only 2 had to be solved. I felt very much relieved.
Thereafter I never made such mistakes again. But I realized that my anxiousness and excitement could have cost me to lose 20 marks and decided never to make such a mistake again.
【小题1】Which of the following statements is true?

A.The writer didn’t work hard at physics.
B.The writer lost 20 marks for the last question.
C.The writer made some mistakes during the exam.
D.The questions on the paper were difficult for the writer.
【小题2】The underlined word “relieved” means ________.
A.more nervousB.less afraidC.more surprisedD.less worried
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that _____________.
A.the writer did 2 sub-questions of the last question
B.the writer turned overleaf to do the sub-questions
C.the writer spent 45 minutes finishing the paper
D.the writer got full marks in the physics exam
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that we should _____________.
A.learn some exam skills
B.concentrate on what we are doing
C.try our best to do well in the exam
D.be careful not to make mistakes in the exam

此题要求改正所给句子中的错误,对每一行做出判断,如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾( √ );如有错误(每句只有一处错误),请按下列情况改正,并把答案按要求写在答题卡上:
此句多一个词,把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉; 然后在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;
此句缺一个词, 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ), 然后在句子后面的横线上写出该加的词;
此句错一个词, 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该行句子后面的横线上写出改正后的词.
My aunt got married my uncle ten years ago. In the following                  81. _________            
seven years, she never got pregnant, which worried about my                         82. _________            
grandparents, of course. She went to see many doctor and got                      83. _________            
pregnant at last. But unfortunate, she gave birth to a girl instead                            84. _________             
of a boy. My grandparents were greatly disappointing. They                           85. _________           
insisted that she get pregnant again. However, she gave birth to                             86. _________            
a girl again. I ask her if she would have another try and she                87. _________          
said no. I know why she said that. She will never give up if she doesn’t          88. _________             
have a boy. He knows my grandparents will never stop asking                        89. _________             
her to try to have a grandson. But is that really so important to have a boy?    90. _________             

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