
American doctors have been trying to figure out the secrets behind Asians being healthier than Americans since the early 90s - The Japan has the lowest mortality rates in the world and Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years, since around 2000 B.C. only meant that there's more to Asian health philosophy. In Asian medicine, there's an acknowledgment of the whole-body theory of medicine, instead of isolationism that's prevalent in many American doctor's offices.
The main reason behind a better health lies in the difference between Asian and American culture. Diet, exercise, and a holistic approach to medicine all contribute to Asians living longer and healthier than their American counterparts. In addition, the result of the Asian lifestyle has led to a stronger overall immune system and better detoxification(解毒) efficiency.
The more preferred drink in the American lifestyle is soda, beer or coffee. However, in Asian culture, the preferred drink is water or herbal tea. Consumption of water serves to immediately strengthen one's body detoxification program, since water dilutes toxins and helps flush the body. Americans savor red meat and pork, while most Asians prefer chicken, rice and fish. Also, the foods in Asia are mostly organic and lack the hormonal toxins that American food carries. Overall the Asian diet leads to less food-introduced toxins into the body, and allows the body to spend its energy on its immune system rather than toxin control. Also, the fish that Asians consume have very strong immunological effects, providing more antioxidants than the red meat preferred in America.
The average American family has more than one car. In Asia, on average there's 1 car per 4 families. In Asian cultures, people use bicycles more than four-wheeled transportation. The Asian lifestyle also involves more labor and physical work, such as agricultural labor and gardening. The American lifestyle praises white-collar jobs which lead to Americans sitting in front of computer screens for hours on end. Exercise helps detoxification in two ways: it speeds up metabolism, and induces sweat.
Medicine in Asia centers mostly on natural ingredients that have healing properties. Asian medicine also addresses the mind-body connection and the importance of mental balance. There are more traditional medicine doctors per person in Asia than in America. American medicine costs more and is symptom-focused, often ignoring the overall cause of the symptoms. In America, the prescriptions that are chemically derived are dangerous toxins that stress the body's detoxification system. Using Asian medicine means using only natural ingredients, which the body can easily detoxify while getting the same health benefit.
It is not very difficult to adopt the Asian lifestyle and improve your body's detoxification and immune system. You can change your lifestyle today by eating and drinking organic, exercising rigorously at least three times a week, and using organic health alternative therapies over dangerous prescription medicines.  
Emma Deangela is the author of detox and fasting site at eDetoxify.com. Combining both Asian and Western philosophy, Emma Deangela has helped many people by giving them health consultation to make their lives better and healthier through natural health philosophy. Visit eDetoxify.com to discover the health philosophy that leads many people to a healthy life.
【小题1】According to the first paragraph, which theory is more popular among American doctors?

A.whole-body theoryB.isolationism
C.Combined Theory of East and WestD.Not clearly mentioned.
【小题2】 The differences between Asian and American culture are not discussed in _____
【小题3】“contribute to” in the second paragraph means _____.
A.leads toB.pay money toC.agree onD.result from
【小题4】 From the third and fourth paragraphs, the writer thinks Asians live longer than Americans because ______.
A.Asians don’t eat beef or mutton
B.Asians are good at catching fish
C.Asian lifestyle involves physical work more
D.Asians are not fond of office work
【小题5】 The writer’s advice is put forward in the ____ paragraph.
A.lastB.last but oneC.firstD.missing
【小题6】The passage is overall a(n)______.
A.advertisement to a websiteB.lecture to college students
C.magazine introductionD.newspaper front-page

【小题1】细节题。从文章In Asian medicine, there's an acknowledgment of the whole-body theory of medicine, instead of isolationism that's prevalent in many American doctor's offices.
【小题2】细节题。从文章Diet, exercise, and a holistic approach to medicine all contribute to Asians living longer and healthier than their American counterparts. 可知,只有事故没有在文章中被讨论到,故选D
【小题3】推断题。从文章Diet, exercise, and a holistic approach to medicine all contribute to Asians living longer and healthier than their American counterparts. 可知饮食、锻炼、药物都有助于帮助亚洲人比美国人活的更长时间,故选A
【小题4】推断题。从文章The Asian lifestyle also involves more labor and physical work, such as agricultural labor and gardening. 可知,亚洲人的生活方式中有很多的体力劳动,故选C
【小题5】推断题。从文章You can change your lifestyle today by eating and drinking organic, exercising rigorously at least three times a week, and using organic health alternative therapies over dangerous prescription medicines. 可知,作者在倒数第二自然段提出了自己的建议,故选B
【小题6】推断题。从最后一段,特别是Visit eDetoxify.com to discover the health philosophy that leads many people to a healthy life.可知,文章整个是在为一个网站来打广告,让人们去访问那个网站,故选A


A very important world problem-in fact, I am inclined(倾向) to say it is the most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time-is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.

It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. It works out to be about 1.6 percent per annual net increase. In terms of numbers this means something like forty to fifty-five million additional people every year. Canada has a population of twenty million-rather less than six month's climb in world population. There are ten million people in Australia. So, it takes the world less than three months to add to itself a population. Let us take our own crowded country-England and Wales: forty-five to fifty million people-just about a year's supply.

By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to the earth about 120,000 extra people-just about the population of the city of York.

Here I am not talking about birth rate. This is net increase. To give you some idea of birth rate, look at the seconds hand of your watch. Every second three babies are born somewhere in the world. Another baby! You cannot speak quickly enough to keep pace with the birth rate.

This enormous increase of population will create immense problems. By 2020 unless something desperate happens, there will be as many as seven billion people on the surface of the earth! So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime.

1. According to the author, ________ is the most important in the world at the present time.

A. the quality of the increasing population

B. the actual population of the world

C. the rapidly increasing pressure of population

D. farming land is reducing at great speed

2. From the passage we know that the author is a(n) ________.

A. Canadian      B. Australian

C. American      D. Englishman

3. It takes ________ for the world to have a population of Australia.

A. about three months

B. about six months

C. one year

D. more than four months

4. According to the passage ________ babies are born on the earth per hour.

A. 180         B. 3 million

C. 120,000      D. 10,800

5. The author mentions the different populations of several countries in order to ________.

A. show how small those countries are

B. show how thickly those countries are populated

C. emphasize the low increase of the world population

D. emphasize the high rate of increase of world population

________【小题1】These days Ada and her classmates are arguing about whether a woman can play an important role in the political area as Hillary, they are searching for any useful information about women and politics.
________【小题2】Albert shows great interest in Asian history. These days he is busy collecting information about how people in Asia fought against colonists(殖民者)in the 1930s.He thinks the people from that time were very great.
________【小题3】Elva realizes that it is difficult to combine music and performance perfectly so she wants to watch more films and plays that are full of music.
________【小题4】Ivy is something of a dreamer. She is always hoping that one day she will come across a boy in an unexpected situation. In her opinion, films like that are the most romantic.
________【小题5】Tim majors in science. He likes watching films that can not only let him know more about the modern great scientists but also can give him some courage.

Mahatma Gandhi became the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest(非暴力抗争). This film describes his life and times and how he managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means.
It is a film directed by Ronald F. Maxwell which presents a lifelike picture of the Gettysburg War, the turning point of the Civil War. The famous speech The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln is related to this war.
C.Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday, a 1953 romantic comedy, introduced American audiences to Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn. Princess Anne signs up for a very popular tour of all the European capitals. When she arrives in Rome, unexpectedly she falls in love with Joe Bradley, an American reporter working for the Rome Daily American,
D.The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music is a 1956 film directed by Robert wise. It’s one of the most beloved movie musicals of all-time. THE SOUND OF MUSIC had all the makings of a successful film -- beautiful songs, the brilliant performance, and most importantly, an interesting story with sympathetic heroes and broad family appeal.
E.A Beautiful Mind
This is a 2001 American film about John Forbes Nash. The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University,as he develops his "original idea" that will revolutionize the world of mathematics. Early in the movie,Nash begins developing mental illness and brings a heavy burden upon his wife and friends.However, he learns to live with his disease and finally wins the Nobel Prize.
Eva(Evita)Peron,started out life as a poor girl who went on to become an actress and then the wife of the president of Argentina,Juan Peron.The film is a story of love and politics.Evita’s huge political influence and constant charity(慈善)work earned her love from people all over the country. She is described-as the most beloved woman in Argentina.

United States and Canada are multicultural countries with many national, religious and cultural differences, where people attach great importance to individualism—the uniqueness among people. Teachers value the qualities that make each student special and different. You can see such values through their educational systems. For example, students needn’t memorize lots of information. Instead, they work independently and find answers on their own. There are discussions for children to show their own ideas and opinions.

By contrast, people have the same language, history, and culture in most Asian societies. As a result, Asia’s educational system reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan, and Korea learn to work together and help one another in assignments. And the teaching methods are often very formal and serious. In class, teachers give lectures while students listen and take notes. Discussion is replaced by reciting rules of information that have been memorized.

These two systems both have advantages and disadvantages. One advantage in Japan is that there is much more math and science than American students learn by the end of high school. In addition, students study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The difficult system also prepares students for a society that place emphasis on discipline(纪律) and self-control. However, while memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many students admit forgetting much of the information that they have memorized after exams.

On the other hand, the educational system in North American has an advantage that students learn to think for themselves, which prepares them for a society that values creativity. The disadvantage is that when they graduate from high school, they haven’t recited as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have.

1.People in multicultural countries such as the US or Canada lay more stress on __________.

A.team work         B.self-control        C.discipline          D.individualism

2.What is the advantage of the educational system in North America?

A.There is not much discussion.

B.Learning to think for themselves

C.Learning much less math and science

D.They haven’t memorized basic rules and facts.

3.Which words is most suitable to describe the author's attitude in writing this  passage?

A.Supportive        B.Opposite          C.Objective(客观)  D.Subjective(主观)

4.The main idea of this passage is___________.

A.cultural differences in countries such as the United States or Canada

B.comparisons of educational system between North America and Asia

C.there are more advantages of Asian education system of than that of North American

D.there are more disadvantages of Asian education system than that of North American


United States and Canada are multicultural countries with many national, religious and cultural differences, where people attach great importance to individualism—the uniqueness among people. Teachers value the qualities that make each student special and different. You can see such values through their educational systems. For example, students needn’t memorize lots of information. Instead, they work independently and find answers on their own. There are discussions for children to show their own ideas and opinions.

By contrast, people have the same language, history, and culture in most Asian societies. As a result, Asia’s educational system reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan, and Korea learn to work together and help one another in assignments. And the teaching methods are often very formal and serious. In class, teachers give lectures while students listen and take notes. Discussion is replaced by reciting rules of information that have been memorized.

These two systems both have advantages and disadvantages. One advantage in Japan is that there is much more math and science than American students learn by the end of high school. In addition, students study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The difficult system also prepares students for a society that place emphasis on discipline and self-control. However, while memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many students admit forgetting much of the information that they have memorized after exams.

On the other hand, the educational system in North American has an advantage that students learn to think for themselves, which prepares them for a society that values creativity. The disadvantage is that when they graduate from high school, they haven’t recited as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have.

1.People in multicultural countries such as the US or Canada lay more stress on __________.

   A. team work     B. self-control     C. discipline       D. individualism

2.What is the advantage of the educational system in North America?

   A. There is not much discussion.

   B. Learning to think for themselves

   C. Learning much less math and science  

   D. They haven’t memorized basic rules and facts.

3.Which words is most suitable to describe the author's attitude in writing this passage?

   A. Supportive        B. Opposite         C. Objective        D. Subjective

4.The main idea of this passage is___________.

A. cultural differences in countries such as the United States or Canada

B. comparisons of educational system between North America and Asia

C. there are more advantages of Asian education system of than that of North American

D. there are more disadvantages of Asian education system than that of North American



________1.These days Ada and her classmates are arguing about whether a woman can play an important role in the political area as Hillary, they are searching for any useful information about women and politics.

________2.Albert shows great interest in Asian history. These days he is busy collecting information about how people in Asia fought against colonists(殖民者)in the 1930s.He thinks the people from that time were very great.

________3.Elva realizes that it is difficult to combine music and performance perfectly so she wants to watch more films and plays that are full of music.

________4.Ivy is something of a dreamer. She is always hoping that one day she will come across a boy in an unexpected situation. In her opinion, films like that are the most romantic.

________5.Tim majors in science. He likes watching films that can not only let him know more about the modern great scientists but also can give him some courage.


Mahatma Gandhi became the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest(非暴力抗争). This film describes his life and times and how he managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means.


It is a film directed by Ronald F. Maxwell which presents a lifelike picture of the Gettysburg War, the turning point of the Civil War. The famous speech The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln is related to this war.

C.Roman Holiday

Roman Holiday, a 1953 romantic comedy, introduced American audiences to Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn. Princess Anne signs up for a very popular tour of all the European capitals. When she arrives in Rome, unexpectedly she falls in love with Joe Bradley, an American reporter working for the Rome Daily American,

D.The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music is a 1956 film directed by Robert wise. It’s one of the most beloved movie musicals of all-time. THE SOUND OF MUSIC had all the makings of a successful film -- beautiful songs, the brilliant performance, and most importantly, an interesting story with sympathetic heroes and broad family appeal.

E.A Beautiful Mind

This is a 2001 American film about John Forbes Nash. The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University,as he develops his "original idea" that will revolutionize the world of mathematics. Early in the movie,Nash begins developing mental illness and brings a heavy burden upon his wife and friends.However, he learns to live with his disease and finally wins the Nobel Prize.


Eva(Evita)Peron,started out life as a poor girl who went on to become an actress and then the wife of the president of Argentina,Juan Peron.The film is a story of love and politics.Evita’s huge political influence and constant charity(慈善)work earned her love from people all over the country. She is described-as the most beloved woman in Argentina.


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