
I am so worried about global warming. We need stop cutting down all of the trees so that they can absorb the carbon dioxide. I think the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书) to stop pollution is a great idea ,and I hope our country will decide to follow it, too.

                                                             — Eli S.,10,Texa

People should do all they can to help stop pollution, even if it is something as little as recycling your soda can. Every little thing helps. Maybe schools can put recycling bins in classrooms. Students can bring in all of their cans and bottles and see how many the school can collect.

                                                  — Lindsey A.,11, Massachusett

The United States should take action to help stop pollution. Since we are one of the richest countries, we should at least spend a little money to help.

                                                  — Aaron z,11,Massachusett

It is not good that the United States is not following the Kyoto Protocol. The U.S. is one of the most pollution emitting (污染物排放)countries in the world. Even if the rest of the world agrees to follow those rules, without the U. S. and its big businesses agreeing, global warming will still be a big problem.

                                                         —Augustine S.,11,Ohio

The world needs to learn more about global warming problems. If we do not do something soon then some of Earth’s coolest animals will become extinct. People should use solar power instead of things that pollute the atmosphere!

                                                    — Jillian J.,10,Pennsylvania

Global warming is very dangerous, and it must be prevented. Even if people think that it cannot be stopped ,we should  at least try. Stopping global warming is more important than keeping our businesses going. What about the penguins(企鹅)and the polar bears? We can’t just let them become extinct.

                                                        —Samantha R.,11,Illinois

72.Why does Lindsey suggest schools put recycling bins in classrooms?

      A.To keep the classroom clean         B. To help protect wild animals.

      C.To help protect our earth.           D. To collect waste in classroom.

73.Augustine worries that global warming problems will be difficult to solve because       .

       A.many people think that global warming cannot be stopped

      B.more and more trees are being cut down

      C.American government spends little money stopping pollution

      D.the U.S. refuses to follow the Kyoto Protocol

74.Jillian and Samantha believe that      .

      A.solar power is earth-friendly energy  

       B.global warming threatens animals’ survival

       C.America is the richest country in the world

       D.the penguins and the polar bears are dying out

75.What do the six children mainly talk about?

       A.Environmental problems.           B.The Kyoto Protocol.

       C.Animal protection.                    D.The climate change.






As a foreigner , I often hear the Chinese calling me laowai ” . If I could not speak Chinese or if I had no understanding of Asian customs , I might be angry when I am called a “ laowai ” . But having lived in the Philippines and China’s Taiwan Province teaching English for several years , I have come to China with a different view from most other foreign teachers here . In such situations , I just answer back in standard Chinese : “ Ni zenmo zhidao wo shi waiguoren ?( How do you know I’m a foreigner ? )” When I hear people shout out “ hello ” in a more impolite way and then laugh , I reply in Chinese with “ Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao .(Your English is better than mine .)”
Speaking Chinese is a way of living an easier life in China . As an English teacher at Hubei University in Wuhan , I was once invited by a student to spend the weekend with his family . Because I can speak Chinese quite freely , I was able to talk with my student’s entire family . From my personal experience , I knew that the Chinese have a “ gift ”for making foreigners in China feel right at home . That fun-filled weekend I spent with my student’s family in Caidian , a small suburb of Wuhan , just showed that my idea was right .
It was an experience I will never forget .
Americans have a saying : If you can’t beat them , then join them .The secret to feeling at home with the Chinese people isn’t to try to make them change over to Western ways . The secret is to become one of them . Just go with the flow , or don’t take things too seriously . In this way you will surely feel at home in China .
If you no longer emphasize (强调) our differences from the Chinese , you will be more willing to concentrate on what “ big noses ” and “ small noses ” have in common .
68. The reply “Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao ” shows _______ .
A. the author likes to talk with the Chinese    
B. the author isn’t angry
C. the author really think so        
D. the author likes to speak Chinese
69. Which of the following is NOT true ?
A. The author has known Chinese customs fairly well .
B. The author can speak Chinese very well .
C. The author doesn’t mind being called a “ laowai ” .
D. The author is difficult to get along with .
70. Shouting out “ hello ” to a strange foreigner is usually considered ______ by foreigners .
A. friendly                      B. curious       
C. rude                         D. brave
71. The phrase “ go with the flow ” here means _______ .
A. feel at home                     
B. when in Rome , do as the Romans do
C. flow with the river                
D. take things easy

As a foreigner , I often hear the Chinese calling me laowai ” . If I could not speak Chinese or if I had no understanding of Asian customs , I might be angry when I am called a “ laowai ” . But having lived in the Philippines and China’s Taiwan Province teaching English for several years , I have come to China with a different view from most other foreign teachers here . In such situations , I just answer back in standard Chinese : “ Ni zenmo zhidao wo shi waiguoren ?( How do you know I’m a foreigner ? )” When I hear people shout out “ hello ” in a more impolite way and then laugh , I reply in Chinese with “ Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao .(Your English is better than mine .)”

Speaking Chinese is a way of living an easier life in China . As an English teacher at Hubei University in Wuhan , I was once invited by a student to spend the weekend with his family . Because I can speak Chinese quite freely , I was able to talk with my student’s entire family . From my personal experience , I knew that the Chinese have a “ gift ”for making foreigners in China feel right at home . That fun-filled weekend I spent with my student’s family in Caidian , a small suburb of Wuhan , just showed that my idea was right .

It was an experience I will never forget .

Americans have a saying : If you can’t beat them , then join them .The secret to feeling at home with the Chinese people isn’t to try to make them change over to Western ways . The secret is to become one of them . Just go with the flow , or don’t take things too seriously . In this way you will surely feel at home in China .

If you no longer emphasize (强调) our differences from the Chinese , you will be more willing to concentrate on what “ big noses ” and “ small noses ” have in common .

68. The reply “Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao ” shows _______ .

A. the author likes to talk with the Chinese    

B. the author isn’t angry

C. the author really think so        

D. the author likes to speak Chinese

69. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. The author has known Chinese customs fairly well .

B. The author can speak Chinese very well .

C. The author doesn’t mind being called a “ laowai ” .

D. The author is difficult to get along with .

70. Shouting out “ hello ” to a strange foreigner is usually considered ______ by foreigners .

A. friendly                      B. curious       

C. rude                         D. brave

71. The phrase “ go with the flow ” here means _______ .

A. feel at home                     

B. when in Rome , do as the Romans do

C. flow with the river                

D. take things easy


 As a foreigner , I often hear the Chinese calling me laowai ” . If I could not speak Chinese or if I had no understanding of Asian customs , I might be angry when I am called a “ laowai ” . But having lived in the Philippines and China’s Taiwan Province teaching English for several years , I have come to China with a different view from most other foreign teachers here . In such situations , I just answer back in standard Chinese : “ Ni zenmo zhidao wo shi waiguoren ?( How do you know I’m a foreigner ? )” When I hear people shout out “ hello ” in a more impolite way and then laugh , I reply in Chinese with “ Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao .(Your English is better than mine .)”

  Speaking Chinese is a way of living an easier life in China . As an English teacher at Hubei University in Wuhan , I was once invited by a student to spend the weekend with his family . Because I can speak Chinese quite freely , I was able to talk with my student’s entire family . From my personal experience , I knew that the Chinese have a “ gift ”for making foreigners in China feel right at home . That fun-filled weekend I spent with my student’s family in Caidian , a small suburb of Wuhan , just showed that my idea was right .

  It was an experience I will never forget .

  Americans have a saying : If you can’t beat them , then join them .The secret to feeling at home with the Chinese people isn’t to try to make them change over to Western ways . The secret is to become one of them . Just go with the flow , or don’t take things too seriously . In this way you will surely feel at home in China .

  If you no longer emphasize (强调) our differences from the Chinese , you will be more willing to concentrate on what “ big noses ” and “ small noses ” have in common .

68. The reply “Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao ” shows _______ .

A. the author likes to talk with the Chinese    

B. the author isn’t angry

C. the author really think so        

D. the author likes to speak Chinese

69. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. The author has known Chinese customs fairly well .

B. The author can speak Chinese very well .

C. The author doesn’t mind being called a “ laowai ” .

D. The author is difficult to get along with .

70. Shouting out “ hello ” to a strange foreigner is usually considered ______ by foreigners .

A. friendly                      B. curious       

C. rude                         D. brave

71. The phrase “ go with the flow ” here means _______ .

A. feel at home                     

B. when in Rome , do as the Romans do

C. flow with the river                

D. take things easy

As a foreigner , I often hear the Chinese calling me laowai ” . If I could not speak Chinese or if I had no understanding of Asian customs , I might be angry when I am called a “ laowai ” . But having lived in the Philippines and China’s Taiwan Province teaching English for several years , I have come to China with a different view from most other foreign teachers here . In such situations , I just answer back in standard Chinese : “ Ni zenmo zhidao wo shi waiguoren ?( How do you know I’m a foreigner ? )” When I hear people shout out “ hello ” in a more impolite way and then laugh , I reply in Chinese with “ Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao .(Your English is better than mine .)”
Speaking Chinese is a way of living an easier life in China . As an English teacher at Hubei University in Wuhan , I was once invited by a student to spend the weekend with his family . Because I can speak Chinese quite freely , I was able to talk with my student’s entire family . From my personal experience , I knew that the Chinese have a “ gift ”for making foreigners in China feel right at home . That fun-filled weekend I spent with my student’s family in Caidian , a small suburb of Wuhan , just showed that my idea was right .
It was an experience I will never forget .
Americans have a saying : If you can’t beat them , then join them .The secret to feeling at home with the Chinese people isn’t to try to make them change over to Western ways . The secret is to become one of them . Just go with the flow , or don’t take things too seriously . In this way you will surely feel at home in China .
If you no longer emphasize (强调) our differences from the Chinese , you will be more willing to concentrate on what “ big noses ” and “ small noses ” have in common .

  1. 1.

    The reply “Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao ” shows _______ .

    1. A.
      the author likes to talk with the Chinese    
    2. B.
      the author isn’t angry
    3. C.
      the author really think so        
    4. D.
      the author likes to speak Chinese
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is NOT true ?

    1. A.
      The author has known Chinese customs fairly well .
    2. B.
      The author can speak Chinese very well .
    3. C.
      The author doesn’t mind being called a “ laowai ” .
    4. D.
      The author is difficult to get along with .
  3. 3.

    Shouting out “ hello ” to a strange foreigner is usually considered ______ by foreigners .

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    The phrase “ go with the flow ” here means _______ .

    1. A.
      feel at home                     
    2. B.
      when in Rome , do as the Romans do
    3. C.
      flow with the river                
    4. D.
      take things easy
     As a foreigner, I often hear the Chinese calling me "laowai". If I could not speak Chinese or if I had no
understanding of Asian customs, I might be angry when I am called a "laowai". But having lived in the
Philippines and China's Taiwan Province teaching English for several years, I have come to China with a
different view from most other foreign teachers here. In such situations, I just answer back in standard
Chinese:"Ni zenmo zhidao wo shi waiguoren? (How do you know I'm a foreigner? )" When I hear people
shout out "hello" in a more impolite way and then laugh, I reply in Chinese with "Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao.
(Your English is better than mine.)"
     Speaking Chinese is a way of living an easier life in China. As an English teacher at Hubei University in
Wuhan, I was once invited by a student to spend the weekend with his family. Because I can speak Chinese
quite freely, I was able to talk with my student's entire family. From my personal experience, I knew that the
Chinese have a "gift" for making foreigners in China feel right at home. That fun-filled weekend I spent with
my student's family in Caidian, a small suburb of Wuhan, just showed that my idea was right.
     It was an experience I will never forget.
     Americans have a saying: If you can't beat them, then join them.The secret to feeling at home with the
Chinese people isn't to try to make them change over to Western ways. The secret is to become one of them.
Just go with the flow, or don't take things too seriously. In this way you will surely feel at home in China.
     If you no longer emphasize (强调) our differences from the Chinese, you will be more willing to
concentrate on what "big noses" and "small noses" have in common.
1. Shouting out" hello" to a strange foreigner is usually considered _____ by foreigners.
[     ]
A. friendly
B. curious
C. rude
D. brave
2. The reply "Ni de yingyu bi wo de hao" shows _____.
[     ]
A. the author likes to talk with the Chinese
B. the author isn't angry
C. the author really think so
D. the author likes to speak Chinese
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A. The author has known Chinese customs fairly well.
B. The author can speak Chinese very well.
C. The author doesn't mind being called a "laowai".
D. The author is difficult to get along with.
4. The phrase "go with the flow" here means _____.
[     ]
A. feel at home
B. when in Rome, do as the Romans do
C. flow with the river
D. take things easy

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