
-Did he say anything that ________ you especially?

-Not really.Actually I slept through his speech.

[  ]

adapt to


attach to


referred to


appealed to


adapt to“适应”;attach to“附加……之上;参加;认为……是……”;refer to“提到;涉及;参考”;appealed to“吸引”。


The homeless dog, known as Xiao Sa, has been following a team of cyclists for 24 days along 1,833 kilometers of highway from Kangding, Sichuan province, to Lhasa in Tibet.
Nobody knows where the white dog came from or how long she has been straying on highway G318. Netizens call her the "dog with determination" and the micro blog "Go Go Xiao Sa" recording her life has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks.
A picture of Xiao Sa in the arms of a young man in front of the Potala Palace on Thursday night drew more than 4,000 comments congratulating the small dog and expressing dreams of going to Lhasa.
The young man in the picture is Zhang Heng, 22, a student in Wuhan, Hubei province. As his graduation trip, he decided to face the challenge of riding to Lhasa alone. On the way he met a lonely dog. "She was lying, tired, on the street around Yajiang, Sichuan province," he said. "So we fed her, and then she followed our team.”
"We felt she might want to come along with us, so we decided to bring her along to the end." A week later, Zhang and his buddies opened a micro blog account for her. "We thought the dog was encouraging us, and wanted others to know its story," he said. They created the name Xiao Sa by combining xiao meaning "little" with the last syllable of Lhasa.
During their journey, Xiao Sa, Zhang and his team covered more than 1,700 kilometers and climbed 10 mountains higher than 4,000 meters. Xiao Sa just ran up the mountains or along dirt roads.
"Many people stopped cycling in some sections, then took the bus, but the dog made it," he said. Zhang put the dog on the back of the bike when the team was riding downhill. "The speed can reach 70 kilometers per hour, impossible for the dog to catch us."
Zhang Heng, who accompanied Xiao Sa for 20 days, called her "a buddy and a friend". "I would like to take the dog home and take care of her. She has been a stray on the road for a long time. She needs a home."
【小题1】How did the netizens feel when they read the micro blog related to the dog?

【小题2】Zhang Heng and his team opened a micro blog account for the dog just because __________.
A.the dog is very cute and friendly
B.the dog encouraged them and they wanted more people to know its story
C.it is the first dog to travel to Lhasa
D.They had nothing else to do on their journey
【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.The dog had been straying on highway G318 before it met the team of cyclists .
B.During their journey, Zhang and his team climbed 10 mountains higher than 4,000 meters .
C.The micro blog “Go Go Xiao Sa ”has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks .
D.The dog ran alone behind them when the team was riding downhill.
【小题4】Which might be the best title for the passage?
A.A Dog with DeterminationB.A Micro Blog and a Dog
C.Travel to Lhasa with a DogD.A Dog Follows a Team

The homeless dog, known as Xiao Sa, has been following a team of cyclists for 24 days along 1,833 kilometers of highway from Kangding, Sichuan province, to Lhasa in Tibet.

Nobody knows where the white dog came from or how long she has been straying on highway G318. Netizens call her the "dog with determination" and the micro blog "Go Go Xiao Sa" recording her life has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks.

A picture of Xiao Sa in the arms of a young man in front of the Potala Palace on Thursday night drew more than 4,000 comments congratulating the small dog and expressing dreams of going to Lhasa.

The young man in the picture is Zhang Heng, 22, a student in Wuhan, Hubei province. As his graduation trip, he decided to face the challenge of riding to Lhasa alone. On the way he met a lonely dog. "She was lying, tired, on the street around Yajiang, Sichuan province," he said. "So we fed her, and then she followed our team.”

"We felt she might want to come along with us, so we decided to bring her along to the end." A week later, Zhang and his buddies opened a micro blog account for her. "We thought the dog was encouraging us, and wanted others to know its story," he said. They created the name Xiao Sa by combining xiao meaning "little" with the last syllable of Lhasa.

During their journey, Xiao Sa, Zhang and his team covered more than 1,700 kilometers and climbed 10 mountains higher than 4,000 meters. Xiao Sa just ran up the mountains or along dirt roads.

"Many people stopped cycling in some sections, then took the bus, but the dog made it," he said. Zhang put the dog on the back of the bike when the team was riding downhill. "The speed can reach 70 kilometers per hour, impossible for the dog to catch us."

Zhang Heng, who accompanied Xiao Sa for 20 days, called her "a buddy and a friend". "I would like to take the dog home and take care of her. She has been a stray on the road for a long time. She needs a home."

1.How did the netizens feel when they read the micro blog related to the dog?

A.inspired          B.sympathetic        C.pitiful            D.unbelievable

2.Zhang Heng and his team opened a micro blog account for the dog just because __________.

A.the dog is very cute and friendly

B.the dog encouraged them and they wanted more people to know its story

C.it is the first dog to travel to Lhasa

D.They had nothing else to do on their journey

3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The dog had been straying on highway G318 before it met the team of cyclists .

B.During their journey, Zhang and his team climbed 10 mountains higher than 4,000 meters .

C.The micro blog “Go Go Xiao Sa ”has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks .

D.The dog ran alone behind them when the team was riding downhill.

4.Which might be the best title for the passage?

A.A Dog with Determination                 B.A Micro Blog and a Dog

C.Travel to Lhasa with a Dog                 D.A Dog Follows a Team


For millions of Chinese Internet users, the penguin is more than a flightless bird from the Antarctic. To them it is the symbol of QQ, the instant-messaging service marking its 10th anniversary.

QQ’s creator, Ma Huateng, 38, is a lover of stargazing, and describes himself as a combination of idealist and realist. “ I’m introverted. My friends believed I was too shy to find a girlfriend,” Ma said. He found a girlfriend, now his wife, through chatting online on QQ. Born in Hainan province, Ma loved watching stars and dreamed of becoming an astronomer. He moved to Shenzhen, along with his parents, in southern Guangdong province when he was in his teens. Ma was impressed by the slogan “ Time is money, efficiency is life” found all over the city. It was the most famous slogan born in Shenzhen, representing China’s reform and opening. The pioneering city provided chances for Ma to watch burgeoning reforms. He saw people carry big bags of cash to buy stocks after China launched a capital market in Shenzhen and Shanghai in the late 1980s. When he graduated from Shenzhen University in 1993, Ma designed a stock exchange software system and sold it for 50,000 yuan ($ 7,3000). He then worked as an IT engineer for five years.

It was in 1998 that Ma realized Internet would transform China and the world, and launched his own company, Shenzhen Tencent Inc. A unit of Tencent, Tencent Holdings Ltd, went public on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004. “ China’s reform and opening provided me with a chance to grow the company,” Ma said. The country had only 3 million Internet users when QQ made its debut in 1999, but now China has around 300 million Internet users, Ma said. Hu Qiheng, chairwomen of the Internet Society of China(ISC), said reform and opening not only improved people’s living standards, but also gave them a chance to explore the outside world and a chance for the Internet to boom in the country.

It was in the late 1990s that China’s major Web portals mushroomed, including Sina, Sohu, 163, Tencent and Alibaba. That boom came to sa sudden halt when the internet bubble burst in 2000. “We were under great pressure when the Internet bubble burst. Things have only recovered since 2005,” Ma said. The IT sector was among the first batch of industries in China to experience zero-tariff treatment, meaning that the nation’s Internet sector had to face challenges from international peers.

QQ, with around 450 million users, provides services such as chatting, music, games and QQ currency-an indispensable currency in china’s virtual community. “ Chinese websites have survived the competition with foreign peers over the past ten years, but it will be the next ten years that decide Chinese Internet enterprises’ fate,” Ma said. Domestic enterprises have to compete with international companies on services, innovation and core technology, he said. One of Ma’s favorite films is March of the Penguins-a French documentary directed by Luc Jacquet. He said: “Penguin is a lovely animal to me. It is a combination of love, courage and adventurism.”

1.Which of the following is true about the founder of QQ?

A.Creating an IT company of his own had always been his dream since childhood.

B.He constantly moved from place to place when he was in his teens.

C.The instant-messaging service he created brought him not only money but also a family.

D.He worked for the Shenzhen Stock Exchange after graduation.

2.China’s reform and opening led to the following results EXCEPT_________.

A.a rise in the living standards of Chinese people

B.an opportunity for IT companies to grow

C.potential industrial competition from other countries

D.a chance for people to invest in overseas stock market

3.Which of the following events did actually take place?

A.QQ suffered from a sudden decrease in  the number of users when the Internet bubble burst in 2000.

B.QQ heped China’s Internet take flight.

C.QQ was equipped with the most advanced technology in the world when it made its debut in 1999.

D.QQ went public on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the late 1980s.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Sina and Sohu will develop services like chatting, music and games in order to survive the future international competition.

B.For the sake of domestic enterprises, the tariff needs to be adjusted to a higher value.

C.Ma Huateng views penguin as a lovely animal because it processes the characteristics that he does not.

D.The 50,000 yuan Ma earned from selling the stock exchange software system might be a part of his initial investment in Tencent.

     We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. With the car full of flowers we were going home.
On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard outside a furniture shop. It was tall and narrow."Buy it," my
wife said at once. "We'll carry it home on the roof rack. I've always wanted one like that."
     What could I do? Ten minutes later I was £20 poorer; and the cupboard was tied on the roof rack. It
was six feet long and eighteen inches square, quite heavy too.
     In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police
even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.
     After a time my wife said, "There's a long line of cars behind. Why don't they overtake, I wonder?" In
fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then, with
great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One
of the officers came to me.
     "Right, sir," he said. "Do you need any more help?"
     I was a bit puzzled. "Thanks, officer," I said. "You have been very kind. I live just on the road."
     He was staring at our car, first at the flowers, then at the cupboard. "Well, well," he said, laughing. "It's
a cupboard you've got there! We thought it was something else."
     My wife began to laugh. The truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. "Yes, it's
a cupboard, but thanks again." I drove home as fast as I could.
1. In fact the husband _____ the cupboard.
A. would like very much to buy
B. badly wanted
C. was glad to have bought
D. would rather not buy
2. Other drivers thought they were _____.
A. carrying a cupboard to the church
B. sending flowers to the church
C. carrying nothing but a piece of furniture
D. going to attend a funeral at the church
3. The police will be more polite to those who are _____.
A. driving in gathering darkness
B. in great sorrow
C. driving with wild flowers in the car
D. carrying furniture
4. What did the husband think of this matter?
A. It was very strange.
B. He felt ashamed of it.
C. He took great pride in it.
D. He was puzzled at it.

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