
     Big storms. High waves. Technical failures. Loneliness. After battling hard times and danger for over
nine months, British teenager Mike Perham made history last month as the youngest person to sail solo
(单独) around the world.
     The 17yearold made the record after he cleared the Panama Canal (巴拿马运河) and then sailed
through the Caribbean and home across the Atlantic.
     Mike is only three months younger than Zac Sunderland, the 17yearold American boy who had taken
the crown as the youngest solo aroundtheworld sailor in July.
     The two youngsters met in Cape Town in South Africa as they crossed the globe in different
directions. Mike insisted they were not rival (竞争对手). "No. It's two teenagers going out there, living
their dream and having the adventure of a lifetime," he said.
   Mike may be young, but he is no stranger to sailing adventures. He picked up the hobby at age 6 when
his father took him out in a small boat on a local lake. Father and son sailed separate boats across the
Atlantic when Mike was 14, making him the youngest person to cross that ocean solo. That record gave
him the taste for this even greater challenge.
   On the recent journey, the scariest moment for Mike came when his sailboat was hit by storms in the
southern Indian Ocean.
   "We were picked up by what felt like a 60foot wave and threw down on our side at 90 degrees," he
   "It felt like I was going right over. Stuff was flying around and I just thought'Oh no'. "
   At other times, he had to dive into the Pacific and fix problems. He tied himself to the boat, jumped
into the water and went to work with a knife in 30second dives underneath (在……之下) the boat to
cut a rope away.
   Mike said he felt proud that he made his dream come true. "You've got to have confidence in yourself
that you will make it," he said.
1. What's the main idea of the passage?(No more than 15 words)
2. Which canal did Mike Perham cross? (No more than 3 words)
3. What does the underlined word "taste" in the fifth paragraph mean? (1 word)
4. What did Mike believe in? (No more than 10 words)
5. What do you think of Mike Perham? (No more than 10 words)

1. How a British teenager succeeded in sailing solo around the world as the youngest person.
2. The Panama Canal.
3. Experience.
4. Having confidence in yourself will make you successful.
5. 开放式问题.

Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was 75, he gave £12,000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s playground.
As a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, Johnson remarked that he was 75 and expected to live to be 100, and the newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at 75. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. “I have an injection(注射)in my neck each evening”, he told the newspaperman, thinking of his evening glass of whisky.
The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was 75 and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.
11.Johnson became a rich man through _____.
A.doing business     B.making whisky    C.cheating        D.buying and selling land
12.The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson ____.
A.had no children         B.was a strange man 
C.was very warm-hearted and fond of children D.wanted people to know how rich he was
13.Many people wrote to Johnson probably to find out ____.
A.what kind of whisky he drank
B.how to live alone
C.how to become wealthy
D.in which part of the neck he had an injection each day
14.When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that ____
A.he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening
B.he needed an injection in the neck
C.a daily injecting in the evening would make him sleep well
D.there was something wrong with his neck
15.From the passage we can infer that Johnson would be very ____ after he read those people’s letters.
A.miserable     B.glad           C.surprised     D.said

__ 1 ___. This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.
In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation. He decided to turn his little school into a dormitory (宿舍楼) for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. __ 2 ___  . This was the first hostel. (青年招待所) .
Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other. When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country.    ___3____  .
Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel. They may put their food together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes. Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period. __ 4 ___. For this reason, a few weeks spent “hosteling” can be just as useful a part of one’s education as classes in school.
第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D、E中选出最适合放入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places.
B. As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.
C. For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the beauties of the countryside.
D. More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.
E. This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for very low prices.
第二节 根据短文所给的信息回答问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。
5. According to the passage, why time spent in hostels can be useful or helpful to young people?



Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was 75, he gave £12,000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s playground.

As a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, Johnson remarked that he was 75 and expected to live to be 100, and the newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at 75. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. “I have an injection(注射)in my neck each evening”, he told the newspaperman, thinking of his evening glass of whisky.

The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was 75 and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.

11.Johnson became a rich man through _____.

A.doing business     B.making whisky    C.cheating        D.buying and selling land

12.The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson ____.

A.had no children         B.was a strange man 

C.was very warm-hearted and fond of children D.wanted people to know how rich he was

13.Many people wrote to Johnson probably to find out ____.

A.what kind of whisky he drank

B.how to live alone

C.how to become wealthy

D.in which part of the neck he had an injection each day

14.When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that ____

A.he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening

B.he needed an injection in the neck

C.a daily injecting in the evening would make him sleep well

D.there was something wrong with his neck

15.From the passage we can infer that Johnson would be very ____ after he read those people’s letters.

A.miserable     B.glad           C.surprised     D.said


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