
One winter evening, a storekeeper was going to close up his shop. Suddenly he saw Seth, a lazy, good-for-nothing fellow grab a pound of fresh butter and concealed it in his hat. No sooner had the storekeeper seen the act than he hit upon exactly the right revenge. He would punish the thief, and satisfy his own appetite for fun.

Seth had his hat on his head, and the butter in his hat. He was anxious to leave. However, the rightful owner of the butter offered him a cup of hot drink, took him by the shoulders and planted him in a seat close to the stove. The grocer stuffed in the stove as many sticks of wood as he could possibly fit inside.

Seth already could feel the butter settling down closer to his hair, so he jumped up, declaring that he must go. “Sit down; don’ t be in such a hurry,” replied the grocer, pushing him back into the chair again.

Streak after streak of the butter came pouring from under the poor man’s hat. The fun-loving grocer kept on stuffing wood into the stove. Then, as if surprised, he remarked, “You seem to be perspiring (排汗) as if you were warm! Let me put your hat away for you.”

“No!” exclaimed poor Seth at last, unable to stand it a moment longer. “No, I must go; let me out.”

A greasy (油腻的) waterfall of butter was now pouring down the poor man’s face and neck, soaking (浸泡) into his clothes, and trickling down his body into his boots. He was bathed in oil from head to toe.

Just as his victim darted out the door, the grocer said, “I reckon (估计) the fun I’ve had out of you is worth the money, so I shan’t charge you for that pound of butter in your hat.”

1.Why did Seth put the butter in his hat?

A. Because he just wanted to play a trick on the grocer.

B. Because he had nowhere to put the butter but in the hat.

C. Because he wanted to revenge himself on the grocer.

D. Because he didn’t want to pay for it.

2.What is not the action that the grocer took as a revenge?

A. The grocer offered Seth a cup of hot drink.

B. The grocer forced Seth to take a seat near the stove.

C. The grocer overcharged Seth for the butter.

D. The grocer offered to take off Seth’s hat.

3.What was the purpose of the grocer’s hospitality?

A. He wanted to make friends with Seth.

B. He wanted to be kind to him.

C. He wanted to take his revenge on Seth by making the butter in his hat melt.

D. He wanted to sell more of his goods.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Great fun B. The right revenge C. A fun-loving grocer D. A foolish customer

1-4 DCCB


1.D       细节理解题。根据第一段中 “good-for-nothing fellow grab a pound of fresh hutter and concealed it in his hat… He would punish the thief…” 可知Seth是小偷,他想偷商店里的黄油。

2.C       细节理解题。A正确,根据第二段中 “the rightful owner of the butter offered him a cup of hot drink”; B正确,根据第二段和第三段中 “took him hy the shoulders and planted him in a seat close to the stove.”, “pushing him back into the chair again.”; D正确,根据第四段中 “You seem to be perspiring (排汗) as if you were warm! Let me put your hat away for you”; C错误,由最后一段可知店主没有向Seth要钱。

3.C       意图判断题。店主的热情好客是为了惩罚报复小偷,使小偷帽子里的黄油融化,使之流遍(小偷的)全身。

4.B     题目判断题。本文讲述的是商店店主如何惩罚小偷的故事。因此选B —“公正的报复”比较合适。


  As a third-year high school student, I feel that students today study English merely for the purpose of getting high scores in all sorts of so-called English exams. This phenomenon misleads students like my classmates into making a great effort to deal with English exams, not the rich language itself. Needless to say, it is unfortunate.

  I started the voyage in the ocean of the English language at an early age. Being fed up with reciting each word taught in every class, I soon gained the idea that English was a bore! Luckily for me, under the vivid pen of Charlotte Bronte, the life of Jane Eyre touched me so much that I spent several sleepless nights to read the whole book. This marked the change of my attitude to-wards English from hating to loving. I began to be inspired by the wisdom of European and American literature written in English and was amazed by the beauty and richness of the language. As time went by, the more I read, the more I found English lovely. I could still remember one winter vacation when I raced into one school library to borrow my longed-for English novels. At night, when soft light spread on the pages, my expecting heart beat with the author's. I was so eager to get on with my reading that I could hardly sleep. My world had come alive! I was 16 at the time.

  Now, I am often asked why I read so many“useless”things in English and how to study English well. My response would be,“Learn English as a language, not as an exam subject.”Then, I caught sight of disappointing eyes and doubts. Indeed, that's what I concluded from my study of the English language. Honestly, to me, English is truly a magic box that can grab my soul and absorb my entire mind. It's filled with wisdom and adventures which are hard to explain and share. I believe many people would agree with me and be sorry for the present situation of high school English teaching. So I'd like to call Upon English learners and friends to save our beloved English from being misconducted.

(1) What makes the author feel unsatisfied in studying English?

[  ]

A.The writer's starting learning English too early.

B.The incorrect aim of studying English.

C.The boring English.

D.The“useless”things on English.

(2) What brought the writer interest in English again?

[  ]

A.New English words.
B.American literature.
C.English novels.
D.English exams.

(3) When do you think the writer read the English literature?

[  ]

A.At night.
B.In school.
C.In one of the school libraries.
D.In English classes.

(4) Who does the writer think are to blame for the unfortunate English study?

[  ]

A.The writer's friends.
D.English teachers.

One winter during college in New York, I took an 8: 00 a.m. history class. The professor was very __36  in class. He just looked at his lecture notes and __37__ looked up at us. I felt that I needed to get rid of my boredom, so I created a little __38__ for myself. I tried to find something from his lecture to ask a question about, forcing me to __39__ rather than letting my eyes close. The first time I raised my hand, he was surprised, but obviously pleased to have a question to answer. __40__ , his answers were always interesting. I continued to do this every day in the course and found my-self ac tually __41__ the material. The professor became a bit more __42__ and some other students also joined me in asking questions. My little game had __43__ me from being bored, __44__ it was expected to do. I learned a lot about world history in the discussions with him. The professor obviously knew his material, but had a hard time __45__ it on to his undergraduates in an interesting way. On the last day of class we gathered our books and headed for the door for the last time. The shy professor stepped directly in front of me as I reached the door. "Thank you for making this class so interesting,"
he said. I was so surprised. To me, it had been a pleasant way to pass the time; I had no idea that my asking questions had an effect on him and the others at all. That moment has stayed with me for 30 years. Each of us can have a(n) __46__ not just on our own experiences, but on those of others, and I’ll never forget the professor who taught me a lesson about the power of acts of kindness, intended __47__ not.

A.ThereforeB.OtherwiseC.In factD.On the contrary

I’ve often puzzled over something that happened to me one winter when I was eight. Over the years I had been wondering if my   31   was nothing more than a kid’s imagination.

   There was a   32   near our house. In winter it was the greatest   33   place in the world. One   34   all I wanted to do was go skating. I had been waiting for weeks   35   the water was frozen solid. Mom had one rule: “Never ice-skate alone.” But I couldn’t   36   any longer that afternoon. So I   37   my skates under my coat and ran to the pond. Several people were skating near the shore, and some kids were playing hockey. I was not really  38  .

The hockey game had attracted   39   audience, so I skated in the other direction until their cheering   40  . But another noise came soon. The ice was cracking beneath me. Freezing water   41   my body, and I sank like a rock.  My feet   42   the bottom. Just when I thought I wouldn’t last another   43  , I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Don’t worry,” someone said. I swung my   44   around. I couldn’t see anybody. But I heard the voice again,“Push your feet into the bottom and you’ll shoot straight up to the surface.” I did as I was told and   45  . I crawled to the shore and lay down,   46  . The next thing I knew was people were   47   around me, covering me with coats.

When I awoke, I was home in my own bed. Mom sat next to me,   48   my hand. “I saw nobody there. It must be an angel that came to my  49  .” I said. Mom smiled, “I just thank God you’re safe.”

    For a long time I thought I would   50   a more realistic explanation if I just thought hard, but I never did.

1.A. attention      B. behavior                C. explanation       D. reason

2.A. river              B. pond                           C. lake                              D. dam

3.A. skating            B. fishing                           C. swimming                     D. skiing

4.A. afternoon      B. morning                    C. evening                     D. night

5.A. after              B. until                              C. as                          D. if

6.A. go            B. run                  C. sit                            D. wait

7.A. found            B. threw                        C. took                        D. hid

8.A. lonely             B. single                            C. alone                       D. afraid

9.A. noisy              B. happy                     C. small                         D. young

10.A. changed        B. disappeared                 C. increased       D. stopped

11.A. filled         B. controlled              C. covered          D. loaded

12.A. hit          B. dragged                 C. set                            D. tapped

13.A. day          B. hour                          C. minute                       D. second

14.A. head      B. hand                     C. arm                         D. leg

15.A. left                  B. succeeded           C. tried             D. survived

16.A. worried       B. surprised                   C. excited             D. exhausted

17.A. lying         B. standing                       C. laughing           D. crawling

18.A. raising            B. shaking                     C. holding                     D. washing

19.A. place                   B. mind                     C. defense                      D. rescue

20.A. take up         B. make up with      C. bring up                   D. come up with





Anna lived on the side of a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses  36    Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were __37    there with no roof and no walls and all covered with __38   , her house was    39   quite all right.

     Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children ,    40    Anna took in one of the families that had lost   41    in the flood and she  42   her home with them until it was    43   for them to rebuild their houses.

    Anna's friends were   44    when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give   45   so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to   46   .

"Well," Anna   47  her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I  48   lived found herself very poor, because her husband   49    in the war and she had a lot of children,   50    I have now. The day before Christams, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for   51    this year, so I’m going to   52    only one present for all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back   53    a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our present, ’ she said to her children. The children were    54    to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up as their sister.   55    was that Christmas present.”

36.A.down below       B.just around         C.next to       D.above

37.A.rising     B.appearing      C.falling         D.standing

38.A.water                 B.trees         C.dust       D.mud

39.A.just            B.already           C.yet         D.still

40.A.so               B.but             C.for          D.since

41.A.nothing          B.everything     C.anything    D.something

42.A.made         B.found     C.shared        D.built

43.A.possible         B.necessary      C.important  D.valuable

44.A.worried          B.disappointed      C.puzzled      D.impressed

45.A.them         B.herself            C.them all     D.her

46.A.support          B.supply             C.grow      D.keep

47.A.explained to       B.asked for       C.talked withD.spoke as

48.A.actually          B.then           C.before        D.later

49.A.had killed       B.might be killed       C.had been killed  D.killed

50.A.for              B.as               C.like         D.that

51.A.you             B.us               C.Christmas D.your birthday

52.A.get             B.send          C.buy         D.make

53.A.for              B.from          C.like         D.with

54.A.sad             B.happy             C.worried      D.sorry

55.A.It                B.She             C.Such       D.I




Anna lived on the side of a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses  36    Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were __37    there with no roof and no walls and all covered with __38   , her house was    39   quite all right.

     Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children ,    40    Anna took in one of the families that had lost   41    in the flood and she  42   her home with them until it was    43   for them to rebuild their houses.

    Anna's friends were   44    when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give   45   so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to   46   .  

"Well," Anna   47  her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I  48   lived found herself very poor, because her husband   49    in the war and she had a lot of children,   50    I have now. The day before Christams, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for   51    this year, so I’m going to   52    only one present for all of us. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back   53    a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. ‘Here’s our present, ’ she said to her children. The children were    54    to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up as their sister.   55    was that Christmas present.”

36.A.down below       B.just around         C.next to       D.above

37.A.rising B.appearing  C.falling         D.standing

38.A.water         B.trees C.dust   D.mud

39.A.just    B.already       C.yet     D.still

40.A.so       B.but     C.for      D.since

41.A.nothing      B.everything C.anything    D.something

42.A.made B.found C.shared        D.built

43.A.possible     B.necessary  C.important  D.valuable

44.A.worried      B.disappointed      C.puzzled      D.impressed

45.A.them B.herself        C.them all     D.her

46.A.support      B.supply         C.grow  D.keep

47.A.explained to       B.asked for   C.talked with         D.spoke as

48.A.actually      B.then   C.before        D.later

49.A.had killed   B.might be killed   C.had been killed  D.killed

50.A.for      B.as       C.like     D.that

51.A.you     B.us       C.Christmas D.your birthday

52.A.get     B.send  C.buy     D.make

53.A.for      B.from  C.like     D.with

54.A.sad     B.happy         C.worried      D.sorry

55.A.It        B.She     C.Such   D.I


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