Surprisingly,at our last night in Florence,Italy,we ate at a Mexican restaurant. We packed our bags and the next morning we headed to Rome. Along the way,we stopped in San Gimignano and Siena. San Gimignano was a hilly town with beautiful scenery. We walked along the streets,took pictures,and headed to Siena. Wc found that Siena was the most beautiful place we had visited. Besides the beautiful scenery,the town offered many restaurants and handmade pottery (陶器) .Siena proved to be one of the best places to buy gifts for family members at home.

  We arrived in Rome late that night and started the next morning with a full-day tour of the city. Our guide was a local who knew about everything there—everything about Rome and its history. We hit all the major sites―the Coliseum,the Trevi Fountain,the Pantheon* the Vatican-.- and were attracted by all of them. The history of Italy was much more obvious in Rome compared to the other cities we had visited.

  After our long day in Rome,we headed back to the hotel and left for America at 5 : 30 the next morning. Our homecoming was both bitter and sweet―we all missed our families and friends,but Italy had become a second home. We loved everything about Italian culture and history,and truly enjoyed every minute of our trip. It was an enriching experience. Though it was an art trip,we gained much more knowledge. Our job now is to use what we learned and the photographs we took to create an art project for the spring art show.

1. What is the CORRECT order of the following places that the writer visited?        a. San Gimignano b. Siena c. Rome d. Florence 

  A. a-d-b-c   B. d-b-a-c   C. d-a-b-c   D. d-a-c-b

2. When the writer was travelling in Siena,he       .

   A. was disappointed at its scenery

   B. found there were few restaurants

   C. found it was a good place to buy gifts

   D. showed no interest in handmade pottery

3. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

   A. The guide didn't know much about Rome.

   B. Rome is a good place to learn the history of Italy.

   C. The writer didn't like some of the major sites of Rome.

   D. The writer and his friends hadn't planned to travel to Rome.

4. When the writer said his homecoming was also bitter,he meant that       .

   A. he was tired after travelling in Italy

   B. he didn't want to see his family

   C. he felt sad to leave his friends

   D. he felt sad to leave Italy

5. What was the main purpose of the writer's visit to Italy?

   A. To know about the history of a foreign country.

   B. To prepare an art project for the spring art show.

   C. To taste all kinds of Italian foods in different cities.

   D. To buy some special gifts for his family and friends.

Dear Helena,

  I was brought up to take off my hat whenever I was indoors. Nowadays,I often see young people eating at a restaurant wearing all kinds of hats. Have manners changed?

Sincerely,Gent Dear Gent,You're correct that traditionally men should remove their hats in restau?rants to show good manners. The reason was that a man's hat was designed to protect him from the dust,so it migh,be dirty. Women,on the other hand* traditionally kept their hats on when dining out. Their hats were designed to be eye-catching,and were usually connected to their hair with a hatpin (帽针) ,so taking them off would be difficult.

  These days,whether it's suitable to wear your hat in a restaurant depends on the hat- not on your sex. There are two types of hats. The first is a statement hat,chosen to draw attention to the wearer,such as a beautiful vintage cloche with a nice hatpin. The second type is a comfort hat like an old baseball cap that you wear to hide the fact that you haven't washed your hair for some days. Your comfort hat may be acceptable in a coffee house,diner,or other casual settings,but if you're going out to a more formaK正式的) dinner,you should leave it at home.

  A statement hat,on the other hand,is perfectly suitable in a restaurant. You should not remove it,just like you should not remove your shoes at a par?ty. Doing either could ruin your whole look.  

  Karen Hatfield is co-owner of Hatfield's Restaurant in Los Angeles. She actu?ally considers it a good thing if you are wearing a statement hat. "I'm glad when I see hats because it means they put some thought into their outfit,"she said.


1.Gent writes the letter mainly to ask      .

   A. why there are so many types of hats for young men nowadays

   B. what young people should do when they are eating in a restaurant

   C. whether it is suitable to wear a hat when people eat in a restaurant nowadays

   D. whether a man should take off his hat when he meets someone nowadays

2. According to the passage, what are the reasons for women NOT taking off their hats in restaurants?

a.They are very clean.

b.They are hard to take off.

c.They help attract attention.

d. They prevent other people from seeing their owners      .

   A. ab   B. be   C. cd   D. ac

3. We can know from the passage that a comfort hat         .

   A. usually refers to a beautiful vintage cloche

   B. is worn mainly to attract attention 

    C.cannot be worn in a formal setting   

    D. should be taken off in a coffee house

4. Why does Helena mention you shouldn't remove your shoes at a party?

   A. To show that hats are as important as shoes.

   B. To show it is important to wear proper clothes to a party.

   C. To show it is important to wear your shoes in a restaurant.

   D. To show you shouldn't remove your statement hat in a restaurant.

5. What is Karen Hatfield's attitude towards people wearing a hat in a restau?rant?

   A. Happy.

   B. Angry.

   C. Disappointed.

   D. Worried.

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